These survivors have the most steady hands (talking about that hatch)

Last night I'm chasing this rank 2 Tapp with the clown. I see him going for the hatch, hit him with a bottle, and he still gets the hatch with his key. Keep in mind, I'm not far behind him, just a little bit out of lunge range.

So this guy has all this adrenaline from running for his life, is drunk, essentially, and he can shove a key into a keyhole at his feet in less then a second.

I can't do that ######### with my house key after drinking, and no one's trying to kill me.

I honestly don't know what you should do at this point, but you really need to do something.

Keys get used a LOT in high ranked games every couple games lately (maybe they have them saved up from the event, I don't know) And the speed you can unlock and jump into it is just silly. Not to mention they generally counter when the killer is at their strongest (one gen left, one person dead, and a handful of lives off teamates,hopefully)

This is a situation the killer had to work for. They had to push survivors off gens they didn't want done, they had to get a kill, they had to set up others for a kill. Now theres just 3 gens, and 3 people. 10 minutes of hard work lead to this.

Oh wait they all hatched.....

I don't care about franklins demise, ect ect ect, perk or tunneling arguements. Not the point. Completely beside the point.

The point is that this mechanic is a problem for the game. I'm not saying it should be removed all together, because it's a needed mechanic especially at lower/ bad ranks of survivors, where you can't count on your team to do much more then get hooked. However, this mechanic which seems there to help in that situation, is easilly abused by good players who arguably don't need the safety net, except to depip a killer.


  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    1- The key's price is almost the same amount of bps you get for escaping through the hatch.
    2- You can see what items survivors have in the lobby, if you don't like keys then use Franklins, but don't complain about it when u already got a way to counter it.
    3- Should we remove pink moris as well? They are able to provide easy 4K to low rank killers but they are used by high rank killers as well.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @Vietfox said:
    1- The key's price is almost the same amount of bps you get for escaping through the hatch.
    2- You can see what items survivors have in the lobby, if you don't like keys then use Franklins, but don't complain about it when u already got a way to counter it.
    3- Should we remove pink moris as well? They are able to provide easy 4K to low rank killers but they are used by high rank killers as well.

    1: More of my point. Survivors arent even getting points for it, so it's kinda a troll item.

    2: I don't have franklins. I don't own leatherface. Your telling me to spend 6 rl dollars for a bad mechanic fix. Also you're telling me to use a perk for something people 6 second change to. Which means i have to always use that perk, if I hjad it. A perk that's only useful in one situation.

    3:A pink Mori requires the killer to hunt you down, down you, get you to a hook, and then catch you again.
    The key requires you to push a button next to a hatch that you could have hid in a bush all game long to get.

    4: I said perks and ######### were completely beyond the point. The mechanic itself is heavilly flawed, and I was pointing out another way it was. Your arguements here did nothing except reinforce my own opinion.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    1- The key's price is almost the same amount of bps you get for escaping through the hatch.
    2- You can see what items survivors have in the lobby, if you don't like keys then use Franklins, but don't complain about it when u already got a way to counter it.
    3- Should we remove pink moris as well? They are able to provide easy 4K to low rank killers but they are used by high rank killers as well.

    1: More of my point. Survivors arent even getting points for it, so it's kinda a troll item.

    2: I don't have franklins. I don't own leatherface. Your telling me to spend 6 rl dollars for a bad mechanic fix. Also you're telling me to use a perk for something people 6 second change to. Which means i have to always use that perk, if I hjad it. A perk that's only useful in one situation.

    3:A pink Mori requires the killer to hunt you down, down you, get you to a hook, and then catch you again.
    The key requires you to push a button next to a hatch that you could have hid in a bush all game long to get.

    4: I said perks and ######### were completely beyond the point. The mechanic itself is heavilly flawed, and I was pointing out another way it was. Your arguements here did nothing except reinforce my own opinion.

    1 - so would be better if they were cheaper?
    2 - buy it on the shrine, just dont expect to counter everything with any killer and any build. Make your build around your weaknesses and deal with the rest.
    3 - the key requires to do more gens than the number of survivors alive.
    If someone decides only to hide till the hatch spawns believe me when i say that said survivor won't be able to buy many keys.
    4 - the mechanic is fine and devs support it, if you don't believe me believe the achievement that encourages all 4 survivors to escape through the hatch.
    Just learn to tell the difference between something being flawed and annoying.
  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    What a joke of a thread. Crying about the use of a key. Its litterally only usable once the hatch has spawned. Then the survivor has to search it without the help of the sound since its closed and still you complain? Whats the matter did all of the arguments against flashlights, medkits and toolboxes run out? Guess Map is next on the complain list. I only saw people leave the hatch by key in a maximum of 15 matches. Thats not only my 900h of gameplay but also the hundreds of hours I watch DBD streamers.

  • MasonHugsCats
    MasonHugsCats Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2018
    I don't agree with anything said in this thread.
    The key isn't OP at all. It's literally just an aholey thing to use.
    The main reason it annoys killers because
     1. if there running a late game set up they may aswell of not played at all because there perks are not counted.
    2. the key is used when one gen is left most of the time. At that time the killer is mostly likely in a good situation (Hooked 4 or 5 people and killed one) and assume the game is going well so it very much feels like a stolen victory.
    3. It instantly ends a chase that the killer most likely would of won, there is one or two things I agree with, first is that it should take 10-15 maybe 20 seconds to open (it's a magic lock we don't know how that #### works)

    Second thing I agree with is unrelated but it is that being intoxicated from the clown should slightly slow down or cancel certain tasks.

    Edit: I forgot to mention this but "VietFox" if a killer NEEDS to use a perk (Franklin's Demise) especially one that needs to be purchased with real money or obtained by luck in the shop. And "there's a perk for that" doesn't mean that it's not an issue as perks should not be required to solve any issues that people think are noteworthy of changing.