My DLC purchases aren’t shared to other accounts [PS4]

thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
edited February 2022 in General Discussions
I’m genuinely confused about my DLC purchases not carrying over to other accounts on the PS4. I would understand if the other accounts had no access period to PS+ purchased games or content, but they’re all accessible. Furthermore, I can’t even blame it on the DLC being associated with a specific user’s DBD account since all the DLC was purchased under my PS+ enabled account and yet the other users have Freddy and Leatherface unlocked. I checked, you can’t purchase them with shards. So... what’ the deal? I also checked another game (RE7), same idea... all the DLC chapters carried over to the other account. I shouldn’t have to pay for the same content twice so it can be enjoyed by other players on the same console.
Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Most games it doesn't carry over.

    On PC you only get one account per purchase. Stop being so greedy.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    I'm just curious, but is the region of your PS+ account and the other account same? Usually, the DLCs are region locked on PS4. For example, a DLC purchased on an US account from the US playstore, will not work on an Asian account.
  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
    I'm just curious, but is the region of your PS+ account and the other account same? Usually, the DLCs are region locked on PS4. For example, a DLC purchased on an US account from the US playstore, will not work on an Asian account.
    No, both are US accounts. Same device for both, for all the other content bought with PS+ carries over across accounts. If it didn’t work this way, DBD and all my other games shouldn’t even be accessible is my thought process.
  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57

    Most games it doesn't carry over.

    On PC you only get one account per purchase. Stop being so greedy.

    I pay $60 for a subscription that has always given me my content on my different accounts FOR EVERY OTHER GAME. I’m trying to see if this is an unforeseen mishandling of account data for console users that BHVR may not have intended. So kiss my ass, you troll.
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    You could try the restore licenses option, see if that helps.

    I bought all the DLCs on PS4 (partly for this reason), and CAN access those characters from other logins.

    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    That's strange. I am able to access all of the DLC on my other account. 
  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
    Eight said:

    You could try the restore licenses option, see if that helps.

    I bought all the DLCs on PS4 (partly for this reason), and CAN access those characters from other logins.

    WINTERS said:
    That's strange. I am able to access all of the DLC on my other account. 
    @Eight @WINTERS I think I figured it out, but it’s bad news for me unless BHVR decides to make the purchase system more transparent with PS+... to test it I checked what PS Store showed me having as “Purchased”, and it turns out only entire chapters purchased communicate across your primary console’s accounts. I had previously only had MM unlocked but it didn’t share, so I was hopeful that buying Laurie would count towards the entire Halloween chapter. No such luck. My guess is this is because it’s treated as an external purchase and actually links you to the Store from in game. It sucks because if you use Auric Cells to buy characters one at a time to maybe save a little money, it isn’t worth it AT ALL in my case. Moral of the story: Don’t buy characters one at a time, no matter how tempting (unless they can be unlocked with Shards, you’re on your own there).
  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    My purchased are available to other on my PS4.
    I have two PS4s in the house, it only does on the console I have set as my MAIN though. Perhaps thats the issue

  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
    Zarr0ch said:

    My purchased are available to other on my PS4.
    I have two PS4s in the house, it only does on the console I have set as my MAIN though. Perhaps thats the issue

    I figured it out, read the above before your reply... I’m also updating a similar post in the Tech Issues section kind of cautioning people about it.
  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    On top of what zarr0ch said, make sure you buy the DLC itself, and not auric cells to buy characters separately. When I first got the game I bought some auric cells to buy the pig, not knowing that for 2 dollars more I could buy the DLC and get detective tapp, and have the characters accessible on my other accounts. smh

  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57
    apropos said:

    On top of what zarr0ch said, make sure you buy the DLC itself, and not auric cells to buy characters separately. When I first got the game I bought some auric cells to buy the pig, not knowing that for 2 dollars more I could buy the DLC and get detective tapp, and have the characters accessible on my other accounts. smh

    EXACTLY what I was describing... well now I don’t feel as alone knowing it happened to someone else, it sucks that such a thing is possible. It really does feel like an oversight, nothing more.
  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    necroing this because i just went through this but if anyone still is confused, in game purchases with auric cells will not register as licenses with your psn you have to buy the chapter from the psn store inorder to get it to show up on your other accounts.

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