So the buff on Dead man's switch strong or a dud?

"The Obsession condition of this perk makes it very inconsistent to use, and also severely limits the number of times it can activate in a match. So it’s gone! Now, Dead Man’s Switch will activate whenever any Survivor is hooked."
So I never used this perk but just looking at the description so couldn't you hypothetically lock the gens forever with Pain resonance? Hook any survivor just slap him on the hook PR procs it gets locked or other gens gets worked on you just chase someone off. Then do the whole process again? Because it procs on every hook? Maybe even a three gen?
This is anticipated to be really good. Makes Dead Lock look like a really questionable perk now.
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It sounds too good to be true that I don't believe it. Also personally think it's pretty overpowered if it's true.
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Yeah, I think it'll make its way into several of my builds. It actually looks like its worth using. Gearhead too is going to be a great informational perk. Literally a consistent info perk. Hit one person, any one other survivor on a gen gets revealed for ten seconds.
I want these to come out the PTB unscathed.
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Its good to have perk variety,it looks like the dbd's community don't like that something can synergize very well with other things
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It's definitely a good buff to the perk, no question, it's making it so the perk might actually be used on its own versus just in certain specific combination builds. And there will definitely be a lot of people trying out the Scourge Hook Pain Resonance + Dead Man's Switch combo!
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At least they buffed one of slinger's perks to compensate for his ######### underserving nerf.
Why are people so afraid of a meta change lulz
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The perk buff has nothing to do with Deathslinger's basekit. Any killer can potentially use the perk, not just him, it's kind of not that relevant to how good or bad Deathslinger is.
I don't have that strong an opinion on Deathslinger's effectiveness. I do think he's less fun to play now, though, since his turning speed just feels super slow, to the point of being annoying. For comparison, Huntress and Trickster for example can turn at their normal rate while holding up their weapons. Deathslinger's horizontal turn rate is 40% the normal rate (according to the wiki), it's just painful. Hopefully they'll get rid of that turning speed decrease while aiming and then he'll be more enjoyable.
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It's gonna be called OP whether it is or not.
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I like the idea that this perk is getting some love. Now nerf Hex: Ruin for good and maybe can finally see some more diverse regression/slowdown perks...
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Wdym by nerf ruin
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Nerf a hex perk? lmao
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If you're gonna try it out on PTB can you test this scenario out? Three gen situation proc the perk then just slug someone and hook him again whenever the perk resets its cool down and you're sure someone jumped on those gens.
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Ruin makes it quit hard to make new Regression perks as it is too easy to apply. Yes I know about the fact that survivors can cleanse it. But Hex: Ruin can still be quit the bummer especially for the lower ranks or in SoloQ.
Think about it this way: Cenobite himself is not that much of a problem for SoloQers. Cenobite with Ruin/Undying is pretty much a problem for them because the ammount of coordination gets too high. One person has to go after the box, one person has to take care of Ruin/Undying and the others have to do gens. Now if Cenobite goes after the person cleansing or gets his chainhunt going this will go downhill pretty quickly.
Hex: Ruin blocks many interesting regression options because you always have to consider if a perk could be too strong when you slap some Ruin into the mix.
@Dstorv : Very educated response. Got some more for my collection?
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And what would be the nerf,exactly ?
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You can already run DMS and pain resonance with nemesis (perk) to do the same thing.
The counter play is to let go of the gens before they hook which counters pain resonance from triggering DMS.