How on earth is CoH not being nerfed?

Legitimate question.
I have read the dev notes...
This perk is absolutely busted and defeats the entire hit and run playstyle for some killers.
As a DbD BETA & veteran 2016 player, I would like to see this perk nerfed as killer games are usually a chore now.
Actually defeats the only way to pressure four individuals in the game lol. You'd get punished for committing and dropping chases. No in between.
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One time use would be fine for CoH, but probably too much for any other perk.
Just remove self-heal part from CoH.
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They need to put a cap on how fast you can heal someone/yourself, and decrease the range of boons. 48 meters from one side of the boon circle to the other is kind of ridiculous.
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@Dino7281 I did think of that, but swfs would just group up anyway right?
@Midori_21 agreed. 48 meters is literally mind boggling wth
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CoH is really in need of a nerf/adjustment and the most blatant omission for the PTB.
i still expect it in the (near) future but this shouldn’t be taking so long.
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Yeah, but they would actually need to group up. They don't have to do it now, everyone can just play and heal solo. That's the broken part imo.
We'll make it on boon would not be that broken.
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Stats show that it's not overused enough, which must mean it's a balanced perk!
- Devs looking at perk usage and determining changes based on solely that.
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No perk was nerfed just because it was overused.
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Probably because they apparently need months to years of data to prove what everyone has been telling them. Kinda like the difference in effectiveness between solo Q and SWF
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Survivor perks mostly have a history for taking time to adjust. The game is changing for sure. Just not sure if it’s in a positive way.
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They’re probably still working on Mikaela’s balance pass. I’m guessing when they get around to doing a pass on her they’ll do a few tweaks up or down on her add-ons as well as her three perks, including Circle of Healing.
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Her add-ons?
but I guess this is actually likely.
they have stated they revisit new content after some major patches (chapters/midchapters) and since Mikaela was a Midchapter release maybe her review is due for… next chapter?
But CoH really needs a nerf right now..
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Oh yeah, Circle of Healing is kind of busted. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t eventually nerfed
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My guess is that the data the developers have isn't showing it as being a problem.
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They need more precious statistics
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That I kind of disagree with. Neither Shadow Step nor Exponential seem op to me. It's just Circle of Healing. That perk needs it's own nerf.
The cap itself wouldn't be enough though. 100% self healing speed and 100% increased healing speed of others is just too much.
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I'm saying the developers already have their stats and it's not showing CoH as being a problem. These forums are not a good indication on problem perks.
Least we forget the "Lucky Break" fiasco. The developers had to nerf "Lucky Break" because they were afraid killer-players would die from the seizures they were having.
What's even more funny about the "Lucky Break" fiasco, is the developers buffed it again, and it still isn't used.
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Even if I like CoH a lot (because it's a very good perk) I have to admit it should be nerfed a little bit.
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I agree that strat "Hit and run" is just destroyed. And with it the single boon perk can make Pentemento is completely useless.
But the strange thing. I play as Freddy for almost a week and in average I do 3-4k even if there is CoHs o_o
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Incorrect. The primary reason why Pop Goes The Weasel was nerfed was states as being that it was used too often, by too many killers. With a reduced kick timer, they hoped, less mobile killers would have to use a different perk for generator regression.
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Was that really the reason though? I kinda think it might have had something to do with the effect being pretty strong as well.
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In this Dev Update what was the survivors nerf? I didn't remember.
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If "the ability is pretty strong" was a factor for perk nerfing, we would've seen NOED get chopped up by now.
The stated reason for the Ruin rework was that it punished new players far more than experienced ones, which is true. And the Undying nerf was that it inordinately affected solo survivors over SWF, which is also true. Not that they were too powerful.
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For people who say they need more statistics or they are gathering info and things like that: With Mettle of Man this was not necessary, no excuse for not nerfing CoH already.
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Noed isnt that strong though.
Ruin especially had many factors on why it got changed. As is the case with probably any change.
people are way too often trying to use arguments on why that one perk got changed to directly translate it to another perk. That just doesn’t make much sense.
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Surprised they havent at LEAST addressed how perks can effect things like a syringe. For some reason, the heal time for a syringe gets shortened if used with perks that speed up heal time. Really feel like this shouldnt be a thing...
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Must've shown that Clown was OP too
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No we must nerf Twins and Clown best addons.
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The data problem showed the pinky finger as outperforming other Clown perks. Although, I have to admit, why would you nerf pink finger and be fine with permanent tier 3 Myers.
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I dont think they actually play their game
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'Eventually' is the key word. Maybe in 2 years, once her DLC stops raking in the bucks for having such a busted perk. 🧐
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Survivors pump more money into the game. Any significant survivors nerfs will take a long time.
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I can only think of 2 reasons
Most likely cause Hour of the witch was released on a midchapter instead of a actual chapter so the revisit of it will happen on the next chapter instead of how it usually would be this midchapter.
Or CoH is fine on their stats. There are a lot and i mean a lot of survivors who are using it wrong and throwing games chasing boons while never touching gens
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Oh my god you're alive
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Reading discussions over the past couple of days and seems like a lot of other killer players are rightfully feeling ######### on because of the devs completely ignoring the broken CoH perk in this update. It’s clear now that killer feedback won’t be listened to, so if you play killer and want things to change, the only way that’s going to happen is to stop playing killer. Make survivor queues go through the roof until enough survivors complain that the devs will maybe think about quality of life improvements for the killer side. I play both sides about equally so I have seen how frustrating CoH is for the killer side and how much easier it has make my matches on the survivor side. The only people who think CoH is “fine” are 1) killers who live and breathe the game and are good enough to stomp most teams no matter what; and 2) people who have never played killer, at least above non-noob survivors
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It’s 100% clear that they don’t, at least not enough to know what the experience of their customers is like.
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😎 You see nothing...
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The data shows Clown as outperforming every other Killer, which is why we nerfed his two best add-ons.
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Wouldn't be surprised if they think it's fine because their data includes a ton of survivors who are bad at using it and aren't setting up boons properly. Which is something I definitely see sometimes.
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It's also probably due to their schedule... even if they did show us what they have planned it comes off as "them not listening to the community"
Yea I don't get why certain things happen but it happened so let us learn how everything plays now
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Why nerfed an add-on that requires more stalk than usual? You need at least 3 people fully stalked before using this. If survivors are smart then only one person should be empty.
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Its simple the dev dont think the perk is game changing in their head the survivor waste 14 sec to do a totem that mean the game is 14 sec longer so killer have more time to kill the survivor they dont see the fact that survivor heal themself in 16 sec or faster depending if they have a med kit or not
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Hour of the witch DLC is still selling
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Why would any sane person waste auric cells/actual money on their original chapters, though? I only use shards for that.
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They want the unique cosmetic.
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better nerf clown and twins
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Personally I think that the healing speed of CoH needs to be nerfed to like 70-80% and cap self-healing at 100%. And that basically fixes the issue
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My idea to change CoH is to model it after the last change to Built to Last. When it is snuffed out and rebooned, it it less effective with healing and a smaller range each time.