How on earth is CoH not being nerfed?



  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I refuse to use Boons unless I have a double stamped rainbow burrito.

    Maybe too many people run around, do nothing and die and have skewed the data on Boons.

    I know from my own anecdotes I've come to dislike Mike Reid players because they are the new Claudettes.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    They'll nerf circle of healing after they make what they find to be enough money off of Mikaela and then we need to wait another 2 years. Then they'll nerf CoH.

    On a serious note, I don't understand how they don't see a problem with CoH. They'll probably give the same bad argument they give for why they can't touch Dead Head, I mean Dead Hard. "This perk is working as intended and so it doesn't need to be changed." Hasn't stopped them in the past from nerfing killers and their kits, even if they were finally in a solid position.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    It’s just a little concerning that there’s nothing being said about it. Even if there’s a plan for it to be reworked, a little notice would be cool I guess :|

    It’s clear that the majority of the DbD playerbase (and at least in my experience; the players I play with in my region - OCE) aren’t a fan of the perk at all.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Between a majority of the maps being survivor-sided, the existence of DH and now COH.. the developers really want killers to just tunnel every survivor to the death lol

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Devs don't play their game so they need months or even years of stats before they do any changes

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2022

    The only way to be strategic against a good team is to hardcore tunnel or proxy camp the booners out of the game hoping another survivor will be lurking around for a save.

    But even then, the gens will be smashed out in the interim.

  • teccyTap
    teccyTap Member Posts: 1

    its a too abusable

  • Alec_Morgenstern
    Alec_Morgenstern Member Posts: 20

    I find the introduction of boons with a complete disregard for how their game operates actually hilarious.


    Trapper - Someone stepped in a trap that you're not near and escaped and you think you can go down them, lol that's cute

    Wraith - Sorry, no more hit and run now

    Huntress - Srew your cross maps

    Legion - Sorry, no more hit and run now

    Ghost Face - Insta down or become an M1 killer with no power

    Oni - Sorry, no more hit and run now to get blood

    Twins - You injured someone with Victor? Well guess what, they're on the other side of the map and healed now

    Nemisis - Your Zombies actually managed to injure someone? Well now that survivor is occupied for 2 seconds (YAY)

    Artist - You crossed mapped someone with a crow? That's nice, they're healed. (Also screw Pentimento)


    Billy - Screw your BBQ snipes

    Nurse - You hit someone and now they have Iron Will, well you better go find someone else to chase, they're long gone. And also screw your BBQ snipes and whilst we're at it, screw Nurses calling.

    Hag - Screw your aura add-on for triggered traps.

    Doc - Screw your aura add-on for tier ups

    Huntress - Screw your BBQ cross maps

    Freddy - Good lucking figuring out which gen they're on without BBQ

    Spirit - Screw your BBQ snipes

    Oni - Screw your BBQ snipes

    Blight - Screw your BBQ snipes

    Twins - Screw sending Victor after BBQ procs

    Artist - Screw your BBQ procs (Also screw Pentimento)

    Unbreakable Boon:-

    Trapper - You have the dying state add-on? That's nice

    Billy - Trying to slug for pressure? That's cute

    Nurse - Trying to slug for pressure? Adorable

    Myers - Trying to slug to get more T3 value? Think again!

    Hag - Trying to slug for pressure because another trap was triggered? Too bad

    Huntress - You cross mapped downed someone? That's nice, they're already up

    Bubba - Trying to slug for pressure? Well stop being so toxic and take off Insidious and leave the basement

    Pig - Want to leave your obsession slugged for a little bit because they're on death hook? Well now all the gens are done and you're screwed.

    Plague - Trying to slug to get more benefit from your Corrupt Purge? Too cute

    Oni - Trying to slug to get more out of your Demon Dash? This is a survivors game now

    Blight - Running Alchemist's Ring and wanting to slug for pressure? Well guess what, use a different add-on (and stop running Tinkerer, you ain't cool)

    Twins - You downed someone with Victor across the map? Well that was a waste of time

    Nemisis - Your Zombies actually did something and downed someone? Hope you were paying attention to where they were, else you may as well forget about it.

    Pinhead - Want to slug someone because the box is being solved? Screw it, who needs Chain Hunt anyway

    Artist - You want to try cross map down someone? May as well eat your own crows. (Also screw Pentimento)

    All 3 boons together:-

    Killers - It's ok, I'll just go play a different game. I hear VHS is good!

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273
    edited January 2022

    @Alec_Morgenstern your comment is perfectly accurate.

    Perhaps if a DBD dev could be tagged in this post / look into how it detriments each individual killer's powers by looking at your comment may provide some valuable feedback.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    @Peanits - Are there any plans to rework boons in the near future?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    This mentality of the devs has always ruined the experience for veteran players.. There is no logic in balancing the game around new players, wich other online game do this? I can't think of any. 

    Baby survivors and baby killers have and must learn to play and adapt or leave if they don't like it. "This holding hands" mentally from the devs needs to stop.

    I remember when there was no icon indicator for any hex for example, and now you just walk by a totem and boom you magically know the killer have undying..

    The times when you had to guess or remember thing was better than this circus of a game. DBD is becoming more like a "playground with the killers" than what originally was sadly.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,724

    I always found it dumb that undying gives itself away. No point running it with devour because it's just a big red flag, aka smart survivors will go "the killer has undying, they probably have devour since there's no other hex perk in play I don't already know about, which I wouldn't have guessed without the knowledge of undying".

    Same thing with retribution. I get that it has to if you touch a totem because it makes you oblivious but it also warns you when your aura gets revealed which is silly (unless retribution itself is cleansed first, in that case it actually doesn't).

    Other aura reading perks that aren't hexes don't do this, I feel like they only did it because of the cursed status effect. Imagine if perks like BBQ and Nurse's warned the survivors whenever they triggered.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2022

    As things are going... It wouldn't surprise me if the devs give survivors a warn in the hud everytime their aura are being revealed for free. With the last patches, DBD has reached the pinnacle of meaningless for me.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Im sorry but unlike lucky break we literally get a COH every single game. Everyone is in pretty much pure agreement COH is extremely OP and demolishes most killers.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    @kate_best_girl agreed. I played quite a bit of killer and Lucky Break was not used after the buff as much as Circle Healing is being used around these current times.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    why would we nerf them if killers still win in average most of their games.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    But yet dead hard stays untouched when 9/10 survs use it.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Unfortunately this likely won't work at least not immediately since it would take a large amount of killers to quite worldwide to actually affect anything, it would also take killers of many skill levels to quit too since they can just broaden the MMR range for killers and as long as new players keep joining they would just have to wait it out and nothing would change. Plus I honestly don't think BHVR has a side bias I think they just have no clue what they're doing.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Being used by a lot does not indicate it's overpowered.

    It's used a lot because it does something other exhaustion perks don't. It lets you dodge insta-down abilities. No other perk allows that. Maybe if there were some other perks that allows players to counter insta-down abilities. Those would be used.

    It's like Decisive Strike. There's no other perk that allows you to counter tunneling, except Decisive Strike.

    Borrowed Time, there's no other perk that allows you to counter camping, except Borrowed Time.

    These perks aren't "Meta", these perks are the only tools survivors have to counter certain things. Survivors are forced to run them, or they can't even play the game sometimes.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    So I’ve read the new nerf notes. The CoH healing speed being nerfed still does not address the core problem of the boon perk being - unlimited uses… and on insanely large maps like RPD, eerie of crows, etc. it’s pretty game-changing.

    hopefully the developers are looking at giving the survivors a limited amount of stacks or proper cool-down so that this perk isn’t busted for many killers anymore…