Why do people think Blight can still do genuine 180 flicks?

Am I missing something here?
Blight can't do anything of those anymore since it's lock on a 90 turn. Is there's a secret turn I'm not aware of like Lag flicks? Which is just cheating.
its a miss concept.
If u start at engine of a car with hug tech and hit them on the opposite side of a back seat. From survivor perspective its 180 from blight perspective its 90.
So yes you can do 180 but its not 180.
edit: I am also confident that people wanting blight nerfs are those who dont move away from loop - hug tech incoming. Or are plain wall clippers/w users
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I always said Blight can only do 180 by doing hug techs which is counterable by holding W. but yeah I think it's just Survivor never playing the killer and doesn't know how he actually works.
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People still think DPI flicks are a thing for some reason. From my experience it's either survivor mains who want him nerfed or people who are bad at Blight and think that any Blight player who flicks must be "exploiting".
Lag flicks were dumb af of course, but anything else is just basekit Blight.
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exactly. Until you dont try and see, that its not just equip crow + ring and ur unstoppable, you will always see blight as OP killer
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Does that mean Blight is the same on console now or are there still tricks you can only do on pc?
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It’s a 90 degree flick combined with preturn
Yes, but you’ll need hours of practice to be good with him
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It is more or less the same. LilithOmen is famous streamer with spiciest blight plays. Recently he was streaming blight on controller. He performed almost on the same level as with mouse and keyboard. But keep in mind, that he is PC dude and not consoler. Therefore you can expect hiccups - muscle memory and feeling comfortable using sticks.
As it is also big factor that controller is only using thumbs while moving mouse involves more muscles.
tldr; yes, flicks and techs are the same. But also use 100% sensitivity
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Mostly, but not entirely.
Getting hits out in the open is substantially harder than on PC because you can do a proper 90 flick alot faster to catch a survivor trying to spin you. But on Console, it's less of a 90 flick and more of a 90 curve, meaning its alot easier to spin a console Blight out in the open and to use dead angles to your advantage.
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not really. As long as you hug them it works the same as on pc
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People dont even try to play killer to see how he works so they can learn counterplay.
Calling it OP and asking for nerf is much easier.
If you play Blight and then survivor against a blight, I guarantee you that you will make him sweat to get hits on you.
If you never played blight it may seem that he can hit you anywhere and theres nothing you can do. Which is not true at all
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Pretty much this.
The best tip for dealing with any killer that seems to wreck you every time you face them is just to spend some time playing as that killer. Nothing teaches you counterplay faster.
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Even with the basically 180° hitbox at the start of a lunge, you still cannot react in time to which direction they're gonna spin, unless they telegraph it by going one direction early and sticking to it. If they telegraph one way and quickly switch directions, it's borderline impossible to react and flick without just guessing.
With PC, you can flick during the lunge alot faster than controller can, allowing you to turn your massive hitbox with the survivor.
I've played Blight with both controller and mouse and keyboard and it was easy for me to see how much easier open hits are with a mouse.
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Bruh I kid you not there was a guy here in the forums that keeps Posting Lilith Omen's 180 flicks Video every time there's a Blight thread and saying if Controller blights can do this and that. This lasted for sometime until I actually started playing Blight and learned that stuff isn't possible anymore. It's only until recently that I told him "Yo that is impossible to do in recent Blight, Go watch Lilith Omen's recent video and you would see he can't do anymore of those genuine 180 flicks, it's all done by hug techs". So that amount of misinformation about DPI flicks being a thing was getting spread here and there... or some people still think those are still possible
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old 180s required skill