

Is it toxic for Survivors to play to win?

Member Posts: 1,326

When I say play to win in this context, I simply mean that the Survivors are being as efficient as possible. Whenever they're not in a chase, they're either doing gens, or healing themselves with COH. When they are in chase, they'd be at least semi-competent, and would have dead hard to make distance or recover from a mistake. At least two or three of the Survivors would have DS (which isn't too uncommon for me to see even with solos) so tunnelling becomes difficult. As well as that, at least two or three of the Survivors may have unbreakable (less common among solos but definitely possible with swfs) so that snowballing becomes tremendously difficult. In other words, Survivors play in a very efficient way so as to complete the gens and escape ASAP.

I personally don't think it's toxic, and I imagine the majority would agree with me. I still would like to see what people think nonetheless.

Is it toxic for Survivors to play to win? 58 votes

Yes, Survivors playing to win is toxic.
2 votes
No, Survivors playing to win is fine.
51 votes
5 votes

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  • Member Posts: 902
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    Its not the survivors fault really lol playing the game is normal is not a bad thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,265
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    Since the survivors have no additional objectives, only repair and heal with second chance perks, their game becomes too easy/too short.

    Knowing they can win even without meta perks, it can feel like "toxicity" or "trying hard".

    But logically it is not toxic to escape just like facing mori.

    I think because the game is pretty violent, it makes us think something negative.

  • Member Posts: 517

    Dunno that I would say toxic. I mean, killers playing to win as quick as possible (tunneling, camping etc.) is not going to be fun to go against, same as survivors playing to win as quick as possible is not going to be fun to go against.

    I think the bigger problem for both sides is that the least fun playstyle to go against is also the most effective

  • Member Posts: 3

    I can understand playing to win and being efficient, but if you're just going around and flash lighting killers just to be a jerk (I don't know what my luck is, but I get a lot of survivors that just like following me around and just trying to blind or uncloak me, VERY ANNOYING) stop it, go help your team instead of trying to be toxic just cause you don't like a killer :T

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    It's not toxic to try and win as a survivor and I say that as a killer only player.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    Here's the line I draw on toxicity. Are the players (whether killer or survivor) trying to win or going out of their way to be abusive. Even an action that is unfun like getting slugged is not toxic unless the killer is not trying to win but rather trying to be annoying.

    Here are some things that I've seen that are toxic and we'll compare them to things that I do not consider toxic.

    I once went against a doctor whose entire goal was to slug everyone until they died. It was a slow miserable match, that was a toxic game. I remember when I first got this game I went verse a Billy that 4 man slugged within the first minute and hooked us all before a single generator was done. I remember being absolutely ticked at the time. However, that is not toxic, that Billy was simply looking to win as efficiently as possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Using OP perks isn't toxic, it's just being competitive. It's also boring and frustrating because the top perks never get nerfed enough and the crummy perks never get buffed enough.

    Sitting on generators and finishing them super quickly isn't toxic. It's optimal game play but it's also a great example of the game's fundamental weakness that is actively ignored by the balance team.

    Holding W to run away or looping the killer and evading hits isn't toxic. It's the (current) intended path for survivors to take. The fact that it's so absurdly effective is the fault of poor map design and worse designed killer powers, not the survivors.

    Disconnecting when you would be downed or hooked, surprisingly, isn't toxic. It's incredibly poor sportsmanship, harms your team, and makes you look like an 8-year old throwing a tantrum because you didn't get your way.

    Building your team for blinds/stuns/sabotage IS toxic. It is a team strategy that requires out of game tools to work (comms), is not viable for solo survivors, and focuses more on making the killer player miserable than actually winning the game.

    Refusing the leave the match until the killer walks over to watch you T-bag in total safety IS toxic. It's an obnoxious little gesture to lord your victory over the other player. It's poor sportsmanship, bad manners, and childish.

    Words get thrown around without regard for meaning or intensity, especially on the internet. But just because something is objectionable doesn't mean it's toxic. Toxicity is doing something for the sole, express purpose of making someone miserable, especially when your behavior spreads and infects others into behaving in a like manner.

  • Member Posts: 901
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    No it's not toxic same goes for killer if they wanna camp and tunnel to have an easier win they're aloud to do it same with Survivors they can be as efficient as possible and finish everything very fast. I get some people say it ain't fun but, that's how it is in almost any multiplayer any team wanting to try and win super fast isn't always super fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,873
    No, Survivors playing to win is fine.

    It's too sweaty for me, but if you're not being rude about it, then what you describe isn't toxic IMO.

  • Member Posts: 1,326

    As I expected, basically everybody agreed that it isn't toxic. Cool beans.

  • Member Posts: 10

    What you have brought up here is 💯 percent helping the team. It is called causing a diversion so the remaining team members can knock out gens. Usually the best runners will be the ones to do this behavior because it will chew up as much as time as possible with you running around after them lol

  • Member Posts: 61

    when you play normaly and just leave after the gates are open and your teammates are ok its all fine . but when you start clicking with flashlights and teabagging at the gate and writing an essay how bad the killer played i would assume that you are indeed toxic

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