Does pinhead have a voice line for stopping a survivor from leaving with his chains?

I've been hearing this but can't play the ptb and can't find any videos showing this. Apparently if pinhead chains a survivor at the exit gate, and then downs them he has a unique line. He's got so many 😍
I've never heard of that one. The only 2 times I know when he speaks is when he teleports to the box and when he does his mori.
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He's also got ones for picking up and hooking survivors. He's got like 3 or more different lines for each action!
1 - is this new information? Are these voice lines you're mentioning newly added..?
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"No one Escapes us" - Pinhead
At least I hope, anyway
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Yes, new voice actor and new voice lines.
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yes, a BUNCH of new voice lines were added, voiced by doug bradley.
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Even as someone who, literally, couldn't care less about Hellraiser/Pinhead.... I'M SO FRIGGIN HAPPY THEY BROUGHT BACK THE VOICE LINES AND GOT DOUG TO BOOT! <3
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Which is amazing. It could be why they initially took them out because they wanted Doug Bradly to do the lines. I honestly thought they were gone for good because they were a "Change from PTB," I am SO GLAD I was wrong.
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Not new, original. It's Doug Bradley the original Pinhead doing the voice lines.
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Still new as in different from the ones we had before (at least some of them I never heard back then)