Remove the chat from the game

há apenas jogadores para estar xingando e desrepecting outros após a partida, então remova o chat apenas jogadores para xingar e desprevenindo os outros após a partida, então remova o bate-papo.
I dont know what you said but based on the title you know you can hide the in game chat if it offends you so much.
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Translation since I also speak Portuguese:
There's only players disrespecting others after the match, then remove if the only thing it is used for is to harass other players.
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just... dont look at it
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I have only played i think at least 10 games so far and most of chat at the end they mostly write GGWP and GG. :D (I am a new player so maybe i been having some luck with chat at the end.)
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I agree
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Be strong - you can do it - just close it - i know it is hard - i believe in you.
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Tem um botão bem grande pra desligar o chat exatamente pra isso.