Pinhead changes, nurse and statistics role on changes

xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55

Just a question I had for the developers so this regards the changes to Pinhead and then also to nurse.

Pinhead has been marked not his base kit but his add-ons. This was due to them over performing statistically of course but on the other hand nurse has had some of the lowest kill rates for a while but she has not been buffed. In fact she received a nerve to her and her addons.

I'm just a little confused because this means that it is understood that the nurse does not need Buffs simply based on statistics but then based on statistics Pinhead recieve Nerfs?

I understand it's just adamant things but it just it confuses me it confuses me because it shows it shows an understanding that statistics don't show everything but then this change was based on statistics despite majority of people I want to say they thought Pinhead was over power I want to say most people just thought it was a bit boring to go against which I think is a fair statement is Pinhead peanut can be boring but I don't think that justifies the nerfs.

To wrap this up I'm just curious as to why some changes are based on statistics and others are not and why statistics aren't just a factor rather than a sole reason.

Either way thanks for reading all that or if you didn't cool have a nice day.


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Thing is people just say nurse is really hard so she gets away with it.

    In reality shes not that hard, like anything in this game it's just to learn timings.

    The only bad thing for nurse is that slow movement speed and that's why people struggle. Not her actual power.

    And I'm a console player, her blinks arent as hard as people make out. It's why pinhead wasnt a far learning curve, sadly for him when you use your power it's not 100% a hit like nurse.

    Imo pinhead didnt need all his addons gutted. Iri fang sure whatever, the others? Nope.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 363

    Nurse having a much richer and longer history is probably why. Shes already recieved several changes, mostly in the addon side, so any future reworks can be compared to past changes and made accordingly. Pinhead however is a relatively new Killer so any data is viewed more critically and changes need to be eased in. Compare this to Trickster, who also new at the time, has data that showed they needed HUGE changes, and isnt the same Killer they were at launch, so the devs are able to know when a drastic change is needed versus an addon change. Pinhead likely has a winrate that theyre happy with, but its clear, especially as of late, they first go for the addons that have a high usage and win rate before changing anything else.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097
    edited January 2022

    As Peanits alluded to specifically with Nurse, there's a high skill cap required to go *against* her at a high level as well as to play her. That's evidenced by the amount of people on the forum who insist that you can't run a good Nurse and that she breaks all the rules. It's patently false, but the talking points prevail. So circling back to data, I'd wager that when you control for high level survivors vs high level Nurses, her numbers aren't that wacky.

    Game delay oriented killers like Pinhead and pre-nerf Freddy complicate the equation a bit because solo queue is a thing. It's quite easy to win games vs solo queue via game delay alone. That's what Pinhead does best. It's almost impossible to lose with Pinhead if you can make it a 3v1. I suspect that's why his addons were changed.

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