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So is there anything at all in the works to fix how unbelievably weak all but 2-3 killers are when dealing with actual good survivors who play to win? I for one love killers like Doc, Nemi, etc but despite being pretty good at the game I basically can't do anything to win. I get sent to a map that is wildly in their favor (yes I know that's most maps) they bring a ton of extremely strong items and full meta perks including plenty of boons. I know when I mess stuff up but feeling truly helpless is really unfun and makes me want to quit this game. This game is so unbalanced when survivors are good that it just makes 90% of the killer cast worthless and doomed to lose.

Please tell me something is going to be done about this because it is just miserable, and no I don't want to switch to survivor or play civ I want the role I enjoy to not be a pathetic joke.
