Why is BHVR never listening to us?



  • Hyuu
    Hyuu Member Posts: 33

    Imma have to disagree with you here coach. Ask anyone in the community if they wanted the masks removed and it would probably be 2% of the player base. The average player knows that that isn't black face or whatever stupid reasons they gave and also acknowledge that 1, this is a game about a crazy killer going around killing people while they have to do gens and 2, there are other things like cheaters, broken addons, broken perks, broken maps, and other ######### that need to be addressed.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,569

    Because they do not care.

    Simple as that. BHVR doesn't give a damn about us.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    My biggest problem is the time it takes. When the community as a whole has a problem it will take 6-12 months for them to even acknowledge the problem let alone fix it. Thats ok for a pve or single player game but this is a live service pvp game fixes need to be done in a timely manner not sit and wait for a year.

    I understand that the devs might get alot of criticism but sorry that comes with the job. Your creating a product for other people to enjoy of course there's going to be criticism and backlash. Now death threats and stuff like that doesn't come with the job and isn't ok.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 687

    I played since 2018 and i had hope in the new MMR when it came out, but, today. BHVR could say anything, the gameplay experience is so much stressfull and unfun then before, 80% agree with this. Everyone say "we hate link set cosmetics" ... BHVR "we will change this" but we have more and more set cosmetic.

    PTB is the best champion: A lot of ideas for make better experience, but, every release we have the same from PTB, feedback is useless.

  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    apart from saying certain comments that are worth an eyeroll, id say the devs do listen as we can see with the multiple patches they come out with, some things might take long to change, and some changes we might not like but the devs think are for the best, the devs arent perfect but we cant say they dont listen at all + the community can get really annoying and whinny, survivor mains want one thing and killer mains want the opposite, theres a lot of things i see people complaining about that i dont understand, the community will never be satisfied as a whole and the devs can only do so much, though there are things i do wish they payed more attention to

  • _AdamFrancis_
    _AdamFrancis_ Member Posts: 698

    The masks have to go because you can be racist with them. If you want them back, your probably only want them so you can use them to be toxic. ( I am only talking about the actual racist people who used the mask)

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited February 2022

    this post is stupid but bhvr is weirdly resistant to criticism, constructive or not.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    You say that they dont listen to us yet they literally asked the community on how Object of Obsession should be nerf.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    When? They posted a leak of how they would change it and never deviated from that plan while also hiding the boosts it gave.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited February 2022

    They do listen, but only seem implement changes when they are forced thanks to massive q times. Then they turn around and nerf it later like they did to wraith. Dead hard has been complained about since its ptb reveal and they are only now just talking about changing it.. How can something as egregious as Dead hard be ignored for so long with so much evidence of its impact in games?

    COH is game destroying and many people including survivors are in agreement that it is not healthy. But here we are... They did a fake nerf to shut people up and are keeping it in the game.

    Many content creators and people have done hour long videos and essays on how to improve the health of the game. But they get ignored and in some cases the problems get doubled down on like map design. I dread any new map that comes out because whoever they have designing them does not understand the issues with this game and really loves breakable walls. When are we getting new loop designs?

    Gens are too fast compared to the resources available for stalling.

    Post edited by Zozzy on
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Well IMO if BHVR were to listen to the community they should only listen to about 5% of the people on these forums. Most of the player basis doesn't care about actual balance. They just want to win. Every time they lose they don't even consider they got out played, they scream "OP PLZ NERF!".

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Or they want a game that doesn't boil down to patrolling the hook and relying on altruism as OTZ showed

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527

    It's okay to be a murderer throwing humans on meat hooks, but god forbid the killer MIGHT be a racist.

    I repeat. Nobody crying that there's a killer terrorizing 4 humans, violently torturing and terrifying them until he kills them. "Its just a video game!"

    But whats this? Possibe racism? No longer a video game anymore huh?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    The masks were removed a month ago, my comment was over a month ago. I don't care if you're still upset about it. Either move on or go complain to the devs, not me.

  • chimera3
    chimera3 Member Posts: 70

    So because a dev isn't on work time that makes anything they do okay....? Pure mental gymnastics. Also BHVR apologized for this incident so I'm not sure what your talking about unless your saying BHVR backpedaled on that apology.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    https://youtu.be/civV99mXFXo skip to 42:00. They said it wasnt an effective perk yet the community was adamant so they proposed a rework and asked for feedback. The feedback that was given is extremely close to what we have now. Modern Object of Obsession is almost a fan-made nerf.

    It would be really great if they did this to certain add-ons.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2022

    Marvins blood only good addon for nemesis? lol I am glad this addon got nerfed for ppl like you.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited February 2022

    The last Q%A proves otherwise.

    So you're saying the game is limited because of the game code,and a lot of the things players would like to see in this game are not possible ever?

    There are a lot of bad ones but there's also a lot of good ones,even streamers like Otz came up with great ideas but it all seems to be water under the bridge.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Almost all of Otzs ideas came true remember that graph Otz made to fix dbd and everyone said they wouldn’t listen. Almost all the ideas Otz suggested were added

  • Risky12
    Risky12 Member Posts: 56

    I'm just gonna nitpick 1 section, the reason we are opposed to the leatherback mask removal wasn't because of blackface primarily. Blackface can go, we don't need that. What we got pissy about was your guys choice to remove all the mask even though none of the other mask where being associated with racial hate.

    You could of alt-f4 blackface and kept the others, problem solved but you guys chose the freaking nuclear option and got rid of it all.