What Killer would you want to play as?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
edited January 2022 in Polls

I accidently messed this up, sorry.

What Killer would you want to play as? 18 votes

A Killer with a Guard Dog (Could possibly be faster and smarter than the Zombies... Like an AI Victor...)
SeannyD115Cluelessbm33dugmanBoobaGannTMXendritch 7 votes
A Killer with Security Cameras (Survivors could probably use them too. Maybe have like a little tablet. However, they'll have to switch item)
TapeKnotAven_FallenChordycepsCornpopers_Evan[Deleted User]FilthyLegionMainNoOneKnowsNovaHaunterofShadowsshinobu149BothSidesEnjoyerIronHeart 11 votes


  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583
    A Killer with a Guard Dog (Could possibly be faster and smarter than the Zombies... Like an AI Victor...)

    Some kind of demon killer with hellhounds would sound pretty cool

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    A Killer with Security Cameras (Survivors could probably use them too. Maybe have like a little tablet. However, they'll have to switch item)

    I'm really hoping we get a killer with some strong map surveillance feature in the future.