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Hatch is the problem of solo survivor

Prex91 Member Posts: 764
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

It makes people play egoistic, or give up fast at first difficulty of match, playing passive doing nothing, hide and let people dyng on hook. Change or remove this mechanich will help solo players improve, facing the wall of getting better or lose, remove this drug of:"ok we cannot win, make me hide, let them die, I escape with hatch". They now is not a win, but they will not admit that. It will make players enjong more playing that be addicted to win. Mamy times I had the luck of fondo good teammates, and we win even in disperate situations. Sometimes you find the noob or the bored good player, that give up because bad, egoist, or bored to play.


  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 289
    • have a match where you are the only one doing gens while survivors get downed because they wanted to farm points instead of doing objectives
    • all 3 survivors end up hooked, while there are 2 gens left
    • no way in hell of getting them fixed because killer gets to roam the map freely
    • you don't get to escape because some 3 stooges you have no control over didn't touch a gen for an entire game
    • "u got caught becuz u didn't try hard enuff git better"

  • Marihel
    Marihel Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2022

    When it ends up being me and another guy, I generally just go find the killer and suicide on hook because I have no patience to wait for my teammate to come and get me if I go down, or help me doing gens. I know they won't, as they're usually very very far hiding and waiting for me to die. I do try a bit, but if nothing is happening then it turns into a big waste of time.

    Many times I've tried to push the last 1 or 2 gens with another teammate, and they'd end up hiding in shack and what not, while I had to bounce like a ping pong ball between gens. Playing as a duo, me and my fiancé can easily tell each other what the team is up to, and if they really do nothing I'll give up and go next.

    If they really want to hide for whole minutes because hatch is that important, so be it. You don't really have to be part of it, sucks but you cannot make randoms help if they don't want to.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Sure, so insted of try best, even if teammates sucks, just leave them to their defeat and get ego by have a draw on mmr with killer, pretending you win and have a gift of blood point. Hatch is a deletery mechanic for solo survivor,like Tome challges. Players dont play optimal cause of Challenges, and give up on help teammates cause of hatch. Even the team is not good, some teammates are not good, without hatch I bet players will have more motovation to play better, cause no one, especially bad players, get the draw by hatch. Maybe I wm wrong, and maybe even more dc and give up. But I bet devs will never try to remove it, even in new beta think, so we Can only suppose.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited January 2022

    The big problem I think is when more than the half of the team give up, it's similar to a DC. People insted of have good chase and get fun/improve sometimes, even if nobody/only one if dead they give up and let You die on hook (or not bodyblock even if you are injured last hook and they are full health never hooked). Bad MMR made player more egoist and will to escape non matter what. For killer is ok, for survivor not, cause is the team side. Most of times solo is like a 1 survivor vs killer vs other survivors. Someone DC? Team give up, I understand (Behavior dont make bots to take place of DC survivors, and not understand why not. A bot doing gens and drop pallets is nore useful of a DC player that is not more in game) . But sometimes players are so salty and entitled they give up even for an hex they cant find, or a chase they lose, or few gens vs killer has much hooks. They dont like a challenge game, give up and nove next hoping for an easy game+ bully teabags on exit gate =ggez.