Who's your favorite forum users?
Thats a secret.
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I couldn't possibly name them all.
You're all my favorites.
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I was super happy to see how many others picked you in this Thread as one of their favorites, nice to know that I'm not alone! I upvoted each one ^^
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I'm glad you remembered too! By the way, I did check out the songs you recommended. I think I even added one of them to my personal playlist! I just never got around to responding because I have a bit of a habit where I procrastinate to such a degree that I often just forget to reply to comments. Sorry about that. You are absolutely right by the way. Polls section best girl.
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Just realised now that I didn't say anything nice about you other then the fact that we both like the same character. I'm so sorry! For the record, you do seem really nice! Yeah, people seem to love seeing the ol' Jeffster. Guess it's cause he's so rare that it makes seeing a Jeff a special occasion.
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Lol. Glad you appreciate the title, oh mysterious one. Also yeah, polls is definitely the best section. Love getting to see people's opinions on certain things to do with the game.
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this guy's posts are always thoughtful and cuts through all the BS
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<3 right back at yah! Easily one of my favorite discussions having been a part of on this forum.
Hopefully this response sends because i’ve been having a lot of trouble for some reason (:
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me 💯