Lets Talk About: Visionary

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

This is gonna be a series of posts I do on here where I discuss perks that are apart of DLC that need to be looked at due to it being extremely weak/another perk fills its purpose/simply fell out of viability. I will probably only do this when I am bored in class so it won't be too often but its my attempt to spread awareness of a DLC perk needing to be looked into


Just incase you never seen a Felix, don't own Felix, or just never seen the perk before. Visionary is a teachable for Felix that does the following

Very straight forward perk

What is wrong with the perk?

Visionary has a problem with it basically being a free perk but worse, being Deja Vu

Deja Vu allows you to see gens much longer and lets you also see gens across the map for 60 seconds with the only cooldown being when a gen doesn't get completed, however this doesn't mean I am saying Deja Vu is good, its not great compared to the current meta of the game (being stall which....is extremely boring but forced due to the level of Gen Block perks and chase stall perks being added to the game, just the nature of the game, nothing too preventable without new base game mechanics or balance changes towards gen regression speeds and gen break speeds due to making gen length longer than 80 seconds would make the game boring and force gen speed perks to be used more often, making game stall even more necessary)

However Deja Vu is a basegame beginner perk, so its not meant to be constantly used....which is a problem with Deja Vu as its a beginner perk locked behind months of grinding or money, which should not happen for a perk meant to help players pick up a game

What can be done with this?

Felix shows to be an anti-snowball/support character, desperate measures gets stronger with more injured or hooked survivors (and also this is one of the only perks in the game to affect unhook speeds), and Built To Last helps keep items usable, allowing reusage of any item that uses charges, which leads to Visionary being very out of place for his kit (allowing you to find gens easier is weird for a character like this, similar to how Ace's perk Open-Handed affects team aura reading, though none of his base perks have aura reading) Visionary however, can't be tweaked towards items due to Plunder's instinct, and can't be tweaked to totems due to Detective's Hunch/Small Game, so at this point the perk would need an overhaul to become a perk away from focusing on objects but more support like, but not like Empathy or Aftercare (It'd be easier to buff perks like this if we just didn't have perk tiers tbh, lets you add stuff to it without needing the dumb scaling to the perk)


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    It’s a perk for new players to find generators.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Deja Vu does the exact same thing, like I mentioned. What I didn't mention is how Visionary (ik short cooldown of 16 seconds) literally wants you to not do gens or else the gen seeing perk is disabled, compared to Deja Vu that does what you to do gens as it reactivates the perk, so Deja Vu tells you "Here is gens, do any of the gens including the ones I showed you and I show you more" while Visionary tells you to "You can see gens within 32 meters, but when one gets completed I deactivate, not showing you gens anymore for 16 seconds", so even though it is a new player based perk, Deja Vu just helps newbies better for the long run

  • ShadowIce
    ShadowIce Member Posts: 228

    It would be nice if you could see the intensity of a gen

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,959

    The only reason why this perk was made was because of the backlash Midwhich got people hated that map so much cause of not being able to find gens so the devs said don’t like that run Visionary. Basically put another band aid fix to game design

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I like this Perk on indoor maps, but a 16 second cooldown... really?

    I understand that it needs something because of Perk Tiers, but it could've been like 6/5/4 seconds of cooldown instead. That's like the last Perk which needs a cooldown in my opinion.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Decent perk for newcomers but has the same problem most newcomers perk have, they are behind a paywall unless you are lucky and find it on the shrine.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I actually really like either Visionary or deja Vu with Better together, prove thyself, and Leader, because I'm the leader lol.

    It's also a lot of aura reading.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I dont think Visionary needs anything too crazy. It fills a need and does it adequately, but I would like to see maybe its CD lessened.

  • PlayTwink
    PlayTwink Member Posts: 454


    • Remove cooldown for this perk.
    • Add bonus effect for increased good skill check zone with values 20/25/30%

    Deja vu:

    • Gens aura will stay visible for the rest of the match. Add bonus effect for this like:
    • The killer's aura is revealed to you within 2/3/4 meters within the range of these three visible gens aura.
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Would visionary be too strong if it let you see gen progress like that one red wraith add-on?

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I dont think so, but then I think Rookie Spirit would be too weak as a result