How many solo survivors do not want to use voice communications?



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I just have to laugh at those that're so desperate to make me look bad they not only take what I say out of context but try and throw disparate things together to make it look better.

    The simple fact is that some killer mains on here have mastered Freddy at rank 1 and terrorize with him regularly. But because some posters on here can't handle a logical argument they resort to distortion and then do it again.

    I could easily pull together disparate posts and put them together and make the foolish people look even more foolish. But that'd be dishonest to tie a bunch of stuff together to try and make them look foolish for saying something they didn't say.

    I'll leave this quote here for the ones that want to try and distort to make others look foolish but instead make themselves look foolish.

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt"

    Sadly those 2 have already removed all doubt.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited November 2018

    I played a few swf games and didn't like the experience, I find it distracting to constantly stay on coms and have a person constantly mumbling his game plan into my ear also I like to solo queue because you have to constantly adapt during the game and I enjoy unpredictability of gameplay. So using it with randoms is a double negative

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited November 2018

    @powerbats said:
    I just have to laugh at those that're so desperate to make me look bad they not only take what I say out of context but try and throw disparate things together to make it look better.

    The simple fact is that some killer mains on here have mastered Freddy at rank 1 and terrorize with him regularly. But because some posters on here can't handle a logical argument they resort to distortion and then do it again.

    I could easily pull together disparate posts and put them together and make the foolish people look even more foolish. But that'd be dishonest to tie a bunch of stuff together to try and make them look foolish for saying something they didn't say.

    I'll leave this quote here for the ones that want to try and distort to make others look foolish but instead make themselves look foolish.

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt"

    Sadly those 2 have already removed all doubt.


    (couldn't resist :P)

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    edited November 2018
    It should be an option for people who want to use it and you should be able to mute audio and mic separately if you choose not to use either/or. So if you wanted to subject yourself to listening to the idiots you queued with, you can just mute your mic but leave voice chat audio on. If you don’t want to listen, then you should be able to mute the audio (which would auto mute your mic too). 

    Most solo survivors will not use it for obvious reasons. But I think it should be an option nonetheless. 

    I wouldn’t mind the ability to hotkey some brief, easy phrases to help in communication though. Like, “The killer is close to the hook! The killer has left the hook! I will get the save. I am too far to save.”

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DocOctober said:


    (couldn't resist :P)

    well played sir and I couldn't resist either sadly, so apologies for that. I do agree with quite a bit of what you say oftentimes however. (shh don't tell anyone though)

  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    I do my survivor-ing solo every time. From my experience, even without voice comms, other players put me in bad situations too often. it'd be worse with voice comms, because... humans.

    As a killer, I honestly don't mind the voice comms, what bothers me is the coordinated perks that make SWF groups highly optimized in every trial.

    Normally, survivors don't get to coordinate their perks, so overlapping or duplicate perks can make the team weaker as a whole. To balance that out, the killer is prevented from always using the best addons, because they're lost each trial. So, each side has to deal with times of not being optimized. However, SWF completely circumvents that, and adds voice comms to boot.

  • vanillabeansim
    vanillabeansim Member Posts: 8
    Noooo, no voice comm. I play solo only. Mainly because I have no friends that play but even if I did, I don’t want to talk. 
  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42
    I play solo. Sometimes with a friend, but without any coms.
  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004
    edited November 2018

    @lindechene said:
    I keep reading on this forum that
    Personally after a long day I do not want to talk to others during a game.
    I enjoy playing with others but I do not want to be forced to endure the random noises of background music, high pitched teenage boys, swearing and other offensive language of random people.

    I'm right there with you, OP. Couldn't agree more. Not having to put up with that kind of thing is one of the reasons I enjoy DBD compared to most other online MP games.

    @Eight said:
    Sorry, I don't want to talk to a load of kids online. If it ever becomes a requirement, I'm out of here.

    I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer online games in general. For some reason I got into DbD though.

    And also this. We're in the same boat it seems; DBD is definitely unlike any of the other games I play. It's not an accident I've kept up with DBD but generally avoid the games that are more like it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I don't.

    ACEvHEARTS Member Posts: 403

    If they added it, they could add the option to toggle off comms. That way the people that want to can, but the people who don't want to talk/listen to children all match could mute.

    I used to hate listening to people on Left 4 Dead. But because I'm on console, I could just open up a party and sit in there by myself, lol. That took priority over in-game chat, so I couldn't hear anybody.