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If We Look Back to 2016 DBD

If we look back to 2016 DBD, the survivor gameplay and strategy becoming more stuck than ever. No progress and all player usually using the same perk and the same strategy.

On the other hand killer gameplay have been progressing more in terms of strategy and perk. You need to think more than survivor do. But instead become an interesting game, many player prevent it and only focusing playing survivor. no wonder killer becoming stressful and only become a supporting role of this whole community since BHVR only care about their cashcow survivor (main customer)

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  • Member Posts: 21,177
  • Member Posts: 7,053

    Ok so hold on, I think I got it

    Killer is more stressful... because they have more options to chose from?

    Like I kind of understand what you're trying to get at but you have a poor choice of words my friend

  • Member Posts: 981

    I saw what the game was like back when and it is a rocky road of steady improvements from there.

    The devs are not working fast, but they are working and most of their efforts yield a positive result in the long run. Many however need some or many tweaks down the line to work.

    Now just form my experience, here are some good things that happened during my time:

    • Better Borrow Time (no camping Freddy)
    • Better Deceisive Strike (no "60 seconds of immortality")
    • Hit validation at pallets and on Dead Hard (yes, I hate the visuals sometimes but it is much fairer)
    • Better Struggle phase (less button mashing)
    • Nerfed Keys
    • Nerfed Moris
    • Clown Rework (yes, still weak but now more interesting)
    • Nerfed Freddy (too easy for too good of a result)
    • Better Spirit (fair to face now, better add-ons)
    • Fixed Blight (look what just an increase of vision can do)
    • Reworked Wraith (tons more fun to face and play as)
    • Trapper Rework (2 traps, as ordered)
    • ...

    Overall the game is improving. I do not want to go back to the time of 2016 where it first came out especially when I see certain perks or loops from back then.

    I do not think that they only care about survivors. They are very aware of the need to bring in new Killers and make their experience worth it. Unlike some survivors the devs know that Killers are not NPCs. However increasing and balancing them is much harder than balancing a single survivor.

    Also please note that one of DbDs best qualities is the ease at which you can pick up the game. Compare that to League of Legends, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter or other games and you will notice that you can get into DbD very easy. This opens the door for new players and should not go unnoticed. Which is why every "improvement" should not add to the entry barrier of the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,279


  • Member Posts: 11,763

    2016 is a bit too far, but adjust your lens to around August of 2018 and you will come across one of the best games to ever exist.

  • Member Posts: 801

    I agree that all that is better except dead hard validation as it messes with killer powers too much

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @GoodBoyKaru @Pulsar lets just agree that the game was different back then. Survivors and killers faced different problems than now.

    • insta mori (no hook requirement)
    • insta gens (BNP)
    • insta flashlights (with a blinding white screen, which was especially nasty in combination with darkest moonlight)
    • darkest moonlight offering in combination with ninja claudettes (invisible unless they were running)
    • no exhaustion (chaining SB)
    • infinites existed and were considered mindgames by the devs
    • shack had 2 windows
    • no window blocker mechanic
    • stacking perks
    • SC being so strong, that a survivor could heal themselves in between 2 hits
    • machinegun build (a counter to SC)
    • sabotaged hooks wouldn´t respawn
    • killer could carry a survivor over the whole map with agitation + iron grip
    • killer was the host. with all the ups and downs this brings
    • SWF wasn´t a thing on release (friends were clicking ready at the same time, to get into the same lobby)
    • dribbling DS
    • insta chainsaw with Tinkerer
    • omniblink nurse
    • gens would only regress by 25% and stop there
    • killers could rank up without killing (seen a profile with a rank 1 killer achievement and 23 kills)

    There are probably more things that i don´t remember right now. But one of (if not the) most important changes since then: Weekly Dev Streams

  • Member Posts: 15,095
  • Member Posts: 2,027

    at least we have totems now....boons however can go f themselves

  • Member Posts: 981

    The problem is on the Killer side with the visuals. This is pretty bad and I agree with this. It messes with my Hillbilly (I stop when I hit, as such when I get Dead Harded I stop and enter 3 seconds of cooldown), messes with my Infectious Fright (survivor gets hit, survivor should be down, I need to react fast to make the most out of Infectious) and more. This has to change.

    Still I know as a survivor how bad "exhausted on the ground" can be and I am glad that this is gone. Next fix should be the visual update that you no longer make the decision based on a hit you never got.

    Yeah...would be pretty sweet to see some of the Devs play their own game and experience some of out points there like hit validation on Dead Hard and other stuff. I know that they are very aware of this but it would show it.

    Also I like those kind of streams because they make a feeling for the community.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I didnt play in 2016 but I saw the videos with the infinites, I can guarantee nobody wants to go back to those days, especially nobody who plays Killer (mains and 50s players).

  • Member Posts: 17

    Survivors have had a lot of NERFS since 2016.

    I personally think that before Boon's went live, the game was the most balanced it had ever been.

  • Member Posts: 801

    but my point is the change actually buffed dead hard, Billy’s saw cancelling, nemesis tentacle not breaking a pallet when it should, etc etc

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2022

    A few things:

    • The hit validation is awful because at least once a game as Demo or Nemmy, I'll get DH validated at the pallet, resulting in me neither hitting nor breaking the pallet. This is what people mean when they say Dead Hard 'ate' their power. I'm seeing more and more people capable of doing this deliberately too.
    • The Freddy nerfs were terrible. He needed some tweaks, either to his addons or to his basekit. However the former was gutted to the point where his addons are boring, awful or both and the latter also got stepped on, resulting in a killer that is now the definition of 'mediocre'.
    • I'd...hesitate to say Spirit addons are better. About half are nearly useless, and several are still borderline OP.
    • Wraith - they nailed it. Then they gave him a colossal nerf, on top of CoH (which is a defacto nerf to any attrition based killer). Another case of 'too severe a nerf when a small tweak would have sufficed'.
    • I'd say that, as a killer - it took me over 100 hours to really start to understand the game. DbD is not an easy game to pick up and do well on.
    • There is a clear double standard between the way killers and survivors are balanced, particularly in terms of timeline and severity.
  • Member Posts: 22,850

    This is a confirmed bug the team are "looking into", as per @Raccoon

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I don't think that it's a bug that they can really fix, much like the 'silent survivor' bug.

    It's just the way validation works in the game.

    Fingers crossed that it can be, but we'll have to see.

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