How does your Survivors play in your region?

I'm from SEA and survivors are stupidly gen efficient.
This is the average solo q game on high rank in my region.
How is yours? I noticed that Survivors in other region just run around with flashlights then only do generators when actually threatened by the killer.
My games snap between 2 min chases that get 3 gens completed to 5+ min chases that get one gen done. There's rarely that middle ground where you survive by the skin of your teeth.
Edit: North America East Coast
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West coast of Canada here. SoloQ players are complete ####### potatoes. Avoid at all cost.
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EU survivors are either super good or super slow sometimes.
But more than region thing its probably MMR tossing randomly skilled players all over the place
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South American servers, survivors are pretty interesting down here. Looks like we have some kind of a beta game mode where you play a 1v1v1v1v1 match and the most thrilling part is finding out who's gonna kill you first if the killer or one of your teammates.
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NA East.
Depends on the time of day. After 12 AM:
Before 12 AM:
Fun times.
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Same as they play in every region. There's not some secret region with better or worse survivors. You have games with idiots and you have games with great players. Region makes no real difference.
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North American teammates are bad. I would 100% VPN if it was fair for the other players lol
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My survivors are stronger than yours and they would totally win in a fight with your survivors and kick their butts. You have been warned.
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SA servers here.
I would say they play mostly the same as every other region.
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everyone in NA is different one game you have gen rushers and the next everyone is hiding in the corner
it's very random but you never really have good teammates so its up to you to loop the killer and get the unhooks but never ever depend on you're team to do something cuz they will be too scared to do it aka always bring deliverance cuz the only person who will go for the unhook is the urban evasion nea from across the map and will get their just too late. always bring perks that will allow you to do things that your team usually does such as unbreakable, deliverance, vigil, sole survivor (yes i know it's the worst perk in the game but trust me your team dies very quickly in NA servers and it can be clutch if your team gives them free bbq). also one thing to note is i once had the idea to try and bring perks that help my team more then me and they might realize that having me alive might help them a lot so they would actually unhook me and do gens so i brought kindred, open handed, for the people, and prove thy self. well guess what the opposite happened and let me explain why. when they saw the killers aura with kindred they freaked out because he was like 30 meters away from the hook(btw it was a trapper and he was setting traps by the main building) open handed and kindred garenteed they left me to die on the hook because they were scared of the big spooky man with the little tiny spiky spiky ow ows. only felix made and attempt to save me and he got caught in the very bear trap that he watched trapper place cuz of the aura and of course he had honing stone. so i am very confident in saying that brown/yellow ranks (or ash ranks but i hate calling them that) in solo que will be a nightmare filled with people who don't know how to look behind them in chase vs that one nurse player with 14k hours playing nurse
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Eastern US.
The people who aren’t toxic. tend to be amazing and the flashlight macro ppl tend to last no longer than 12 seconds in a chase.
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Eastern Europe killers are 99,999% campers