Unfun killer tactics are way too effective for little effort



  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Ignorance can be a blessing, but on this one you are missing out.

  • emetSdidnothingwrong
    emetSdidnothingwrong Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2022

    ALL effective tactics in this game are boring. Camping/tunneling/gen slamming/W/prethrow pallets. All effective stuff in this game is extremely boring because all of them minimize interactions with the other side and basically just remove them from the equation.

    -edit for spelling error.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    So... normally I don't agree with like... anything Sluzzy says. However, this one has some points I can't just say are wrong.

    Tunnelling and Camping are too strong for both how difficult they are to execute and how fun they are to experience (for both killer and survivor).

    There's a caveat to this though. That being that this post ignores what Tunnelling and Camping actually are. They're desperation plays. They usually come out to play when the Killer has gotten angry, jaded, or desperate enough that they're willing to sacrifice their own fun and that of the Survivors in the interest of not losing.

    So while yes, buffing Survivor's abilities to withstand Tunneling and Camping is a good idea, buffing other mechanics for Killers to further encourage them to not Tunnel and Camp is also necessary.

    Also I do have to admit that the Hatch changes were garbage. Hatch without keys in play was just fine and shouldn't have gotten changed. Keys needed a nerf/rework... not hatch.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    Pretty much. Before the hatch change it was bomb 4 gens and get everyone out with a key leaving the killer feeling silly. Now it's put up a boon totem in the corner of the map or on the top floor of a building and celebrate if the killer doesn't work around free infinite medkits.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind if DS got a bit of a buff. I made a suggestion to buff and rework Boil Over so it is also an anti tunnel perk. The changes to how hatch spawns was completely unnecessary... Keys were broken, not hatch.

    Hatch standoffs haven't been a thing in literal years. Nobody wants those back.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    These tactics are so strong, It doesn't take a good killer to win.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That is much easier said than done. If a killer starts camping and tunneling from the beginning, the other 3 will barely, if at all, have time to do 5 gens.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Hey, Sluzzy, what is your favorite killer and survivor?

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Spread on gens, each one at one gen, then escape, in a scenario were the survivor is camped to death, simple as that; if the killer has no way out, go immerse and he wont find you, best case scenario for him is for the survivor to be a potato that doesnt loop to be the second kill, but in general camping is very weak, only works against bad survivors. Other tip: Only do gen with someone if the person or you have prove thyself, otherwise spread, is not that hard to just do gens and leave against a killer camping.

    Now, the counterplay for the killer against very good survivors is way harder, ths strats of the killers are pretty easy to deal with, most of them if not all the strategies of killers can be dealt with without stress, people exagerate a lot when they complain about camping and tunneling

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That's assuming they are SWF or they have Kindred. You are looking at this way too simplistic. Then experienced killers will exploit the unfair tactics by pretending to not camp, then looking for someone to save, and now guess what? Only 2 is doing gens. One on a hook and the savior is going down. Now the entire team is a domino effect. If you are not part of a perfect team, the killer is winning and nothing survivors can do.

    A bad killer shouldn't have a way to counterplay good survivors and win. I think that is what you are asking for.

    Camping and tunneling needs a nerf so the game is fair.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2022

    If he pretends to go in another place, the person gets rescued with bt and now the hooked person is running away with ds, while the other two are still doing gens; either way, what you are saying describes perfectly a situation where the killer camps against scared and mediocre survivors, not against survs who are good at looping and that know to do gens and not get scared of the killer. With the soloq change, the excuse to not doing gens while the killer camps will get old fast (even though is already easy to go against killers that camp).

    I did not asked for that, i dont understand what you are saying; i am talking about killers in general, any strat of killers, from camping, slugging, tunneling, 3 gen situation, hit and run, every strat of the killer is counterable, thats what i said, so there are no excuses for survivors to perform poorly. (With the exception of a master nurse main)

    No, camping and tunneling is already weak: regarding tunneling and camping, against good survivors with ds is very punishing, only works against awful survivors and the game should not be balanced towards bad survivors. The state of the game for survivors is not bad, depends only if the survivor knows how to loop, how to do a gen and to rescue when the killer is not nearby (or trading with bt); overall most people just complain about stuff from the game that is pretty easy to deal with, is absurd and funny at the same time; thats why killers get endless nerfs, but since i play mostly survivor i will not be that affected by nerfs unlike killer mains.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Ah yes, I've head about that.

    I'm still curious to know more about their opinions aside from "killer op". I want to find the man/woman behind the Sluzzy.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The killer can prevent the save totally. Lets do say it is a Huntress, she can easily hit the survivor with a hatchet as they are trying to save. Now he can either commit to save or another survivor has to leave the objective and try to save. What if the killer has Ruin now? All progress is resetting. Imagine for a second how much advantage this gives the killer. What if the first survivor commits to save against the Huntress. Since she can hold her hatchet for an infinite amount of the time, if they try to save, the survivor will go down, denying the save. (I've seen this too many times as a survivor) What if it is Leatherface or HIllbilly, same where it is not possible to save.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    It was a good post. A lot of people actually agreed with him.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    If tunneling and camping aren't allowed then average kills will fall to under 1 average per game. Fix the balance and then consider fixing underlying issues like that. Wanting it removed now is just requesting god mode for survivors.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2022

    It's because they want to have their cake and eat it too.

    I love the killers who play this way and then claim "Nice genrush". No buddy you just think that the match should go exactly how you predict it in your head. For everyone to go down easily and you get to camp/tunnel/slug them AND get a 4k at the end.

    Just had a Ghostface who had the audacity to say he will keep camping and tunneling after he did that to me, to which I replied that he shouldn't be surprised that BT and DS will remain meta, to which he said he did not care.

    At this point many of the things that people get annoyed by swf, seem incidental when you consider the scope in which these playstyles are being used. We are literally required to bring a perk or perk (s) to half-way counter their "tactics" that are available to them 100% of the time. Meanwhile they run their most meta slow-down builds, and still complain.

    Let that sink in.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It's almost like you do need to bring a perk to play against what is an intended game strategy. That is why it is not base kit. And it does not completely block it, because it is not meant to. It discourages it and buys extra time, which makes it matter.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited January 2022

    Doesn't mean there is no drawback. If there isn't one single drawback where is the balance?

    Like, imagine if survivors could always fast vault windows... Oh wait! there was a time that was a thing and it got changed. Because even though in reality they are meant to run loops, there are still checks and balances.

  • ZoeyLynnNyx
    ZoeyLynnNyx Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2022

    As someone who has played mostly killer for the ~600 hours that I have played: I hate these kinds of tactics. As said, they are incredibly boring. This is why I don't use them, but I'm not going to lie, after getting taunted an entire game, being forced to mute my game cause of clicks and notifications and not being able to punish peoples mistakes when everybody is running DH ... I sometimes really, really want to. But I don't. I just turn off the game for the day, often longer.

    And that's where we stand right now in the game: The people that don't like using cheap tactics, either stop playing or eventually give in. This is why survivor queues are so damn long and people seem to meet so many toxic killers. There aren't many killer players who genuinely enjoy this type of game. Most just feel like this is the only way to get anything done.

    Playing in a fun way needs to be rewarding. And that just isn't the case, if the other side is using every possible thing in the game, no matter how abusive and frustrating it is, to get as many kills / escapes as possible. Play fair, get fair opponents. It's an arms race. Reminds me of the old COD times. In MW2 everybody used the UMP. In MW3 everybody used akimbo FMG's. Why? Because you needed to be very, very good to stand a chance without those. Same thing is happening here. And as you have zero control who you play against, or if specific rulesets are used, those who don't want to use certain tactics are caught in the Crossfire.

    This game is ######### hard to balance properly, since you need to balance for Pro-SWF's at the same time as new solo-survivors. Sadly many players are willing to use these balancing problems to their advantage. Changing that is almost as much on the players, as it is on the devs.

    Edit - Just to add: When I play Survivor, I often enough feel the same. When a killer uses frustrating tactics, when they clearly wouldn't need to do so, it's incredibly demotivating. This is a two way street.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, he is not wrong. BT and DS are easy to play around, most people just deal with DS wrong and lose their free kills for it. The trick is to eat it a$ap and now they have literally nothing to defend themselves against during end game. I cannot believe the amount of high level killers who believe it is viable to wait out a minute only to have it in play for end game. Insane.

    And yeah, as you stated, when they don't run DS, they are screwing themselves and their team ridiculously hard. BT is kind of a grey area. I respect it unless they give away they don't have it.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    To be fair, I'd probably think the game is pretty easy and killer sided if I was such a god nurse like sluzzy is.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited April 2023
  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    I love a good troll.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    SWF is the definition of OP. Just because some people mess about doesn’t change that. I can mess about on Nurse but she’ll still be the strongest killer in the game no matter how badly I do with her.

  • Pizamo
    Pizamo Member Posts: 4

    Well if you want decisive strike to be like in the old days and be able to DS every time a killer picks you up, then sure. The only buff I can think of that wouldn't make it stupid op Is you get DS back if you complete a gen. Still good survivors can flash save and pallet stun u to drop survivors. Just because someone killed you doesn't mean there need to be an instant to the killers. I play mostky killer (cuz no friends). Sure it gets annoying as survivor to get tunneled but it is how it is. DS Is supposed to give you atleast a little bit of Fighting chance against tunnelers and not give you a 10 second head start with no way to track you down. If you are good enough, you won't get caught and there wouldn't be this 20 line rant in the first place. You can always quit the game.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    When sluzzy is making good points you know you've messed up

  • Lat0
    Lat0 Member Posts: 92
    edited January 2022

    This is just a bunch of false statements

    "Oh can't believe i agree to all his points" y'all dummies i swear

    Post edited by Lat0 on
  • Unknown
    edited January 2022
    This content has been removed.
  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Sluzzy posts are art, they always have just enough truth baked into them (especially if you look from the point of view of a solo survivor) and are never not fun to read, no matter how many of them you see.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    DS is fine.

    I would love if survivors spawned on a random hook like pyramid head cages, but first they need to fix gen speeds.

    Nothing can or should be changed while gens are 80 seconds split 4 ways and only 47 seconds with 2 people.

    Maps need to be fixed before anything can be done.

    SWF needs to be deleted or killers and solo buffed.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Wow, this is pretty decent.

    First of all there should be a balanced 50/50 chance of outcome for any match that is played. However that should not come from "camping" as a "valid tactic" but rather be a base design around the more fun parts of the game: Chasing, hit-and-run, cool use of powers and so on.

    The problem is that camping and tunneling is a low risk, high reward option. Same as when survivors pre-drop and hold shift+w. These options are boring because you rarely see their risk and thus write them down as unfair and yes, they are not good. Neither "shift+w" nor camping the first person to death adds to the game.

    I also agree that the Entity feeds on despair and no longer wants to play with the hopeless. She is a malicious things and wants to torture the survivors. As such I never had a problem with "second chance" perks for survivors. I only have a problem when they abuse a "second chance perk" for something else (body-blocking with BT, often while complaining about tunneling when they then get slugged for this).

    Decisive Strike was not overnerfed per se. The problem back than was that the game was unable to detect when a survivor was no longer tunneled and survivor were still able to use this perk for offensive purposes (abusing second chance perks, remember) like unhooking or finishing a generator in the Killers face. The question here is: How is it tunneling when you can run to an unhook?

    I am fine with your idea for Decisive Strike. Let the Killer hit a fatigue like Legion or Nurse when you blow them with that shard of glass, I am also fine with no scratches, however keep the blood. There should be a difference between DS and Lucky Break. I would even go so fare to remove the time limit if we keep the limitation (no unhooking) and add another mechanic: Once another survivor is hooked your DS deactivates like when the time ran out.

    For pure camping we need a different option and a more dual aproache: Punish Killers who camp while at the same time reward Killers who go hunting with somebody on the hook. This is the reason I like "BBQ & Chilly" as well a "Hex: Devour Hope" as both encourage this. Just slowing the hook timer would not do this justice as the person on the hook is still getting the short end of the stick.

    Also you are right: The game can not be balanced around 4 people playing SWF on discord. There are too many greys like 2-1-1, 3-1, 2-2 lobbies. Most time I encounter 2-1-1, 3-1 lobbies and thus balancing around the rare 4 stack is just...unwise.