Why is there no stats

It only just really occured to me that this game has no stat tracking for players to see which baffles me.
Is this the only game that doesn't offer any form of stats, i mean even just a simple how many kills you have for each killer would be nice, and obviously this is all possible considering achievements track all these stats.
It just completely baffles me that there is nothing for this.
it does if your on steam and it has a little bit if your on xbox
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There are a lot of games that don't offer that kind of stat tracking, to be fair.
But no, this game doesn't have an official one. There are unofficial websites, to my knowledge, so maybe those would be what you're looking for.
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In other words, it doesn't.
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no the words i said were the right ones and i believe i said "it does if your on steam and it has a little bit if your on xbox"
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I feel this is the only game i play or can think of that doesnt have it, yeah i dont think they track playstation stats and even then it still isnt in the game which i find odd.
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Idk if this is allowed on the forums but there is a website for Steam users.
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Sadly im a ps5 gamer
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The devs didn't design the game with competitive stat tracking in mind I would guess.
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There isn't any personal stats because (idk who so im using the term they but it was someone from bhvr) they said they wouldn't be able to track them retroactively and they decided that it would just upset players since it wouldn't be able to do that and they think overall people wouldn't want if it didn't retroactively track. However for pc there is a website that tracks certain stats based on achievement progress since those keep counting up even after you achieved them just look up dbd stats tracker. If you aren't un pc unfortunately thats the end of the road for now.
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In the Playstation Nation (the 4th) we are basically North Korean levels of censorship. Did I play for 1 hour, or 1000 hours? Your guess is as good as the Governments. Probably somewhere in the middle if I had to speculate, but perhaps not.
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In my experience the only games that do track that kind of thing are competitive shooters and roguelikes, most others don't really.
I would like to see personal stats, though. It'd be nice.
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I guess thats true that when it started they wouldn't have pictured it but with how big the games gotten i would have viewed it as a good QOL change.
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Yeah i mean i play RL and Friday and they both track, and also almost all single player games do aswell i just honestly cant think of a game that doesnt show stats for something
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You'd be the third, actually.
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You arent the only one, and as i have also said twice i play on playstation.
Also a website that kind of tracks stats isnt the same as the actual game having the stats there for me to see.
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PC players have them tho...it is just not official.
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One of the devs talked about this in a dev stream a while back. They said something to the effect of one issue they have is, if they added stat tracking at this point, people might be confused because the stats wouldn't be historical, they'd only be showing games from that patch date onward, and players would wonder why their stats appear to be wrong.
Mind you, I don't quite follow what the problem is there, they could just have something on the stat screen that says "Games from YY/MM/DD onward" or whatever. Seems like it's better to have the stats available for players that understand they only go back to that date and have a few people get confused temporarily because they misread it versus not having stats at all.
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I would imagine the devs are hesitant to release more stats because of how much of a hot button issue they inevitably become. People don't know how to interpret them.
Look at what happened when the devs recently mentioned that there was an escape rate disparity between solo and SWF. People immediately took that to mean SWF was OP or otherwise twisted it to fit their narrative. The devs never stated A: what the escape rates were or B: whether said escape rates even rose to a problematic level when they controlled for quality MMR matches. The community can't be trusted with information because, sorry to say, the reading comprehension isn't good enough.
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Yeah that i dont understand surely the majority of the player base would love to have there stats show from say the mid chapter patch onwards.
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Yeah i meant more like see my own individual stats not the huge collective, so i could actually see my average kills on each killer, the amount of gens i do a game etc
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But they track that data...
Pick rates, kill rates, perks etc.
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Well, from a development stand point you want to keep track of that data for balancing purposes.
That said, it just seems like they wanted people to focus on the experience of dbd rather than stats. It's a weird decision considering they've made a pvp game and those usually have client side stat disclosure. It's just always been this way in dbd so that can bee my only ration reasoning for why it doesn't exist.
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Call of Duty:WaW let you link your account regardless of platform to the forums which let you see every in depth stat and would showcase your top 5 weapons and had heatmaps and graphs. That was in 2008.
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even if they showed us our escape rate/killrate
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I can answer that question for you on the PS5 if you legitimately wanna know ur playtime