Which killer is unlikely to be changed/gutted in your opinion?

Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Ever since slinger nerf I've been looking for a new main since he just isn't fun anymore. I've stumbled across artist and trickster as the 2 killers I enjoy most, possibly blight as well since I got a PS5.

Issue is, I don't want to spend another year and a half maining a killer just for them to be gutted in terms of viability and fun.

I was thinking artist mainly, as trickster (while incredibly fun) is super bad on console, as in easily the worst killer on console.

Thing is, artist is new, and she's actually decent in chase which we all know survivors don't like, so she could be changed. Now this is BHVR, so the change will either be so minor it does nothing, or so big it absolutely kills her. With justification that "oh well she's 1% faster when holding crows" as "compensation".

Her change is bound to come in about 3 months, or 1.5 months-ish if they decide to straight up nerf her like what they did to pinhead with his add ons.

So what do I do? Who else do you reckon has a low chance of being changed?

(Also if the dev behind the slinger nerf reads this please revert thank you thank you)

