If Behaviour were to do an original Vampire killer which concept would you like?

Number 1: The ugly gremlin Vampire
Number 2: The "looking like a historical figure" Vampire.
Number 3 (the most hated and the most loved concept): The pretty boy Vampire.
I know what the top pick for DBD twitter and the horny DBD community is ;))))
Like it or not Vampires are supposed to be otherworldly beautiful so they can lure their prey and do whatever they want with it.
If it's not Christopher Lee or Gary Oldman's Dracula, I'm not interested
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A vampire that hang from the hook to facecamp
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Wait you can use those without permission. Btw Garys dracula looks terrifying.
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Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣
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You missed Marcus from underworld
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Flying doesnt seem balanced at all if those things he has on his back are wings lol
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Honestly I would go for the giant batlike nosferatu version, as it is the most monstrous and has the most powers to choose from. Since you would have standard vampire lore, and now also whatever power you could think of with the beast parts.
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They should go for Lord Dracula. He is icon, famous and strong. And free license.
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Attractive female vampire.
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Vlad the impaler
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OP, i dont know how old you are but it bothers me honestly.
#1 Is called Nosferstu and he is a legend.
#2 This is Vlad the impaler. Also know Vlad Dracul, where it is not refering to anything with vampirism but it is derivative from latin draco. He is known as son of a dragon.
#3 Who the f is this? Maybe Im too old
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LMAO those are concepts i know who all those people are.
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Dracula from Hotel Transylvania
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What about a vampire hunter?
A madman who assumes all around him are vamps who he ruthlessly hunts down using a bladed cross as a weapon.
His power would work similar to the Plague and Clown. VH uses bottles of "holy water" and can swap between laying tripwire traps of them or throwing them directly. If a Survivor sets off of a tripwire or is hit with a bottle directly they are covered in that "holy water" who is in fact a noxious and infectious acid and leaves behind a small fuming pool. First covering of this "holy water" envelops a Survivor with a cloud of fumes and forces them to scream with pain and continually grunt with further pain. This can be spread to other Survivors by nearby contact and must be cleaned by an uninterrupted channeled action away from any sources of "holy water". Further coverings of "holy water", refusing to remove it, or remaining in near contact with fuming pools or other covered Survivors over time begins to make their grunts of pain louder and reduces vision. Once a meter is filled the Survivor loses 1 health sate, but can not lose more than 1 health state due to being covered with "holy water".
VH's mori is him pinning a Survivor down on their back, praying a short verse for their soul, and ruthlessly driving a wooden stake into their heart.
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The historical Vlad is already in one of the tome cutscenes
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Why would a vampire hunter hunt the survivors who are all humans?
I know the entity can make the vampire hunter think that the survivors are real vampires but it would be weird for the vampire hunter to see the so called "vampires" running away from him, throwing down pallets, fixing generators and blinding him with a flashlight.
Also he sounds like a Clown 2.0
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Oh wait sorry i didnt read your first sentence. My apologys.
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Yeah but i doubt he will be a killer since the devs said that they want to stay far away from real people.
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You forgot Love at First Bite George Hamilton
(how's THAT for an old guy reference? 😉)
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I've never even heard of that.
So, 10/10 old guy reference.
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The way this thread is popping off.
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Doesnt need to fly, could simply hover like nurse does and have a lunge/dash power or simply have it for visuals only.
He does use his wings to impale and decapitate people so could easily use them for special attacks, maybe AOE
Yeah I'd like the more creature looking vampires. They look cooler and like you said better range of powers
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Yes, Vampire and fitting old style Castle Map please.
You can sell all fitting costumes for survs as well.
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Please add a sexy vampire waifu. After that, I will stop asking for characters that aren't deformed monsters. It would help your Steam charts, wink wink, nudge nudge.
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If BHVR adds a sexy vamp its going to be female and barefoot.
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Oh yeah, that is actually a real good idea.
But wait... when you think about it - she would always 4k because nobody would run away from her...
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none, lesbian vampirism ftw
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Santanico Pandemonium - From Dusk till Dawn
Post edited by Marc_123 on2 -
The pretty boy vampire would just be Trickster with fangs
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Pretty sure there is a decently old lesbian vampire film. I think it's just called vampires, I watched it when I was a kid.
Its basically lesbian vampires luring men to feed from them, some sex included lol
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There is a movie called Lesbain Vampire Killers - pretty fun movie.
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"Ugly" vampire would be the Nosferatu, which is one of the most powerful vampire types in western mythos.
I have no problem with the pretty boy vampire as long as there is no glittering involved. That series set back vampire mythos decades!!
I'd love to see the Eastern European vampire lore brought to play here. Bram Stoker-style stuff.
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This content has been removed.
A character based on Elizabeth Bathory.
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The only problem with having a vampyr is that flashlights would set you on fire.
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I really wish they wouldn't. I don't feel like they fit with DBD at all. Same thing with werewolves, or mummies, or Frankenstein. They're all just so played out, so boring. I didn't even like zombies being added, but gave it a pass cause it's nemesis and isn't just a basic ass zombie. They're just so overused and unoriginal, I hope they never come to DBD.
Now skins though, would be fine. A werewolf demo skin would've been sick af. A vampire skin for like nurse or something, that'd be fine. But dedicating a whole chapter to something so unoriginal is just a waste.
Same thing with Allen or predator. They have their own games, and just wouldn't fit. Great action movie characters, not really horror though. Maybe the very first alien movie, for nostalgia sake, but everything after that is just not horror, it's action.
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That stupid robot rabbit (springtrap) won the poll for most wanted license on DBDLeaks do you really think people consider this game "horror" anymore?