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Alchemist ring is balanced

Member Posts: 1,551

Such an amazing add on that rewards the killer for hitting his ability. To the people who think equipping alchemist ring is just easy win frankly it's not. You're gonna sweat yourself to get these hits in against competent survivors. I suggest playing the killer yourself and learning how there's a lot of Counter play to blight and I'm saying this as a Blight main who plays 70% Survivor these days. Even his techs has a lot of counter play to it you know just leave the loop lol. You're also not going to pressure four healthy individuals without it the cooldown makes it impossible.

I do think Blight tag can be be really strong combined with it though. Maybe blight tag is the problem and I'm fine with thanos snapping it off the game and keep Alchemist on.

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  • Member Posts: 797

    It sucks to know that it's still gonna get nerfed considering how much people complain about it like its the nastiest thing on the planet.

    It's a fun add-on, I just hope it doesn't get nerfed too bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    I do think its strong to be purple though. I am fine with making it Pink.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Am I being jebaited?

  • Member Posts: 624

    That argument doesn't make any sense at all. Like a Nurse addon that fully recharged her blinks with a shorter fatigue on a successful hit would be an equally terrible idea. It isn't hard to hit those hits as Blight, those are the majority of the hits you should be making if you're playing well. The normal downside of a hit is that you have to let them recharge and the addon removes the only downside. It forces there to be little to no counterplay as a survivor's best option when getting hit is to use the time and speed to get to a safer area, which just makes it a poor design.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Yes you play better and safer. That's your reward. The add on rewards the blight better for hitting his skill ability that's it which again a lot of counter play on the Survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Yes, that's what Add ons are supposed to do. Give you an edge? If you're getting beaten by a Mediocre blight then he was by no means mediocre after all since he is getting hits in to get full value out of his add on. Sounds like the survivor was the mediocre one in that trial.

    The counterplay is just leave loop on his Techs not his entire playstyle mate. His general playstyle is all about positioning and figuring out what he can and can't do his with his bump logic.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    To be fair there is a bunch of string survivor items and add on that take no skill and have no downside but are really strong(medkits,BT in a bottle,H syringe are a few)

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Nurse ignores structures so yeah that's pretty balanced. Blight still has to figure out what to do when there's an obstacle between him and a Survivor providing a lot of counterplay to the opposite side.

    There's a lot of structures to take advantage of even if you get hit by an Alchemist ring Blight even with the immediate rush option. Unless you're playing in a Corn map where there's a shack in the middle of the map so there's no structures to take advantage of and even then this isn't a instant win for Blight. He still has to see through the corn and has little structures to bump into as well and you could apply that knowledge to your pathing.

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    Spirit do need it remove the speed add on s though

  • Member Posts: 7,057

    Medkits are indeed pretty dumb and they should be nerfed, healing should take more charges the more you heal so not only does it take longer to heal but also cost more

    The 2 examples you gave how ever aren't really good ones, since they consume the med kit on use. So in the case where you could of gotten multiple heals, you are sacrificing it for those benefits.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Yes ofcourse. Blight and ar is op becouse i dont know how to counter him.

    Lets use same mentality as from one previous discussion

    ”I watched otz guide on how to. I could not do it. Im pretty sure BHVR silently changed this tech”

  • Member Posts: 7,057

    So the Survivors reward is having to play extra cautious? How is that a reward?

    Also it rewards the Blight MORE for literally no other risk. In a way its kind of like Old Nurse but slapping on an extra Blink with Fragile Wheeze. You get such a big benefit with literally no downside and it requires more reads from the Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 735

    No. It promotes you to do mind games, to play roullete to miss judge flick side. To use sharp turns to change its bumps logic. To not only use W throw pallet, clip in wall and tbag

  • Member Posts: 16,664

    Yeah, and if you are doing this and you dont manage to dodge all 4 Lethal Rushes, you have 0 Reward, regardless if you get hit by the first Lethal Rush or the 4th.

    If you manage to dodge 3 Lethal Rushes and get hit by the 4th, you at least know that Blight has to refill all Rushes before rushing again. But with Alchemist Ring, he has them back immediatly, regardless how good the Survivor-player was playing.

  • Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2022

    And as a killer you know that if you will fall for DH, which will prolong a chase to next tile, regarding LT, safe/god pallet it can prolong chase for a possible 1 gen completion.

    There are people who can loop blight and there are those who cant. Sure lets nerf blight, but then lets nerf DH and iFrames aswell

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I personally think the add-on is just too strong for being a purple without any downside. Especially when you couple it with a bunch of Blights other add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Something is not "balanced" because it is difficulty to do and/or master.

    Because once you do, that barrier is removed.

    And what you are left with is just an overpowered effect. I don't think you understand what the word "balanced" means.

  • Member Posts: 797

    These are all heavily exaggerated, and Nurse's basically already exists with green and yellow recharge time addons.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I already gave you an argument. Learn how to counter blight. If you struggle so much, play and learn blight.

    Or upload a game where you go against blight. Im pretty sure there are numerous factor before AR

  • Member Posts: 735
  • Member Posts: 4,428

    The issue I see with Alchemist Ring is that it just removes any breathing time Survivors get against Blight, since normally he goes through a cooldown and then he needs to wait for his power to recharge, you sometimes cannot even get to another tile before he's already on your tail again.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Imo it should have a slightly greater miss penalty

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Let me explain Alchemist ring here

    Alchem ring is an add-on with no downsides just to be rewarded with a “that cooldown didn’t happen”, add-ons should not do this, especially in Blight’s case where his power is movement speed with an attack within it

  • Member Posts: 915

    like i said, getting hits with Blight can be tricky but there are many situations were its not that hard and the survivor has nothing to work with except running around rocks, and while there are insane Blights out there the vast majority you see in pub matches is mediocre. Nearly everyone i personally know in Dbd, and some of them have multiple thousand hours, says that Alchemist Ring is overpowered. In a tournament i recently played it was forbidden. There is no such add on for any other s- or a-tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Whats the point of addons rather then just giving ups?

    Which other addon survivor/killer have downs. Except ones that take something im return for additional bp

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I think a good analogy to look at here is Spirits’s red Kintsugi Teacup add-on which refreshes her Phase timer when she breaks a pallet. Both that add-on and Blight’s Ring serve a similar purpose, they let the killer catch back up to the survivor after the survivor has a chance to gain a lot of distance. In Spirit’s case, after a safe pallet is dropped she can break it and immediately Phase after the fleeing survivor. With Blight he gets to likewise use his power to go right back after someone he hit. But I see more complaints about Blight’s add-on than Spirits.

    I think the reasons more people seem to dislike Blight’s add-on are

    • It can potentially trigger more often. Every hit on a healthy survivor triggers it and that usually happens more often than having to break a dropped pallet. (Although sometimes there are a LOT of dropped pallets, no doubt!)
    • And because Blight’s power follows a hit, the next leg of the chase results in a down. With Spirit though she catches up after NOT hitting the survivor, so hypothetically the survivor can keep looping and dropping pallets over and over and still be standing.
    • Finally Blight’s add-on is a Purple and Spirit’s is a red, so it’s easier to get Blight’s on the web.

    I don’t know what the data looks like so I don’t know how good or bad Blight’s ring actually is compared to Spirit. But assuming for the sake of argument that it does deserve a change, I could see maybe making it work like Spirit’s add-on instead where he recharges his tokens after breaking a pallet or wall. It would still be quite good but probably a little less powerful. I’m ambivalent about it being Purple versus Red honestly.

    (There’s a misconception that Reds are supposed to be “better” than Purples, but that’s inaccurate. Reds are supposed to have effects which are particularly unique and impactful, but not necessarily be better overall than other perks because the strongest effects often also have a handicap on the add-on such as Iri Head on Huntress limiting her ammo to 1 shot, etc. So really all the Purple and Red add-ons are in the same ballpark in terms of usefulness, it’s just the Red add-ons have cooler sounding effects.)

  • Member Posts: 1,551

    There is breathing time but it is tight and weak survivor don't know what to do in that situation.

    Let's take a look at the first down in this video and this is a very good Blight.

    David could have played that bench

    and that would have been a difficult structure for a blight to play around with because of the tree and the other surrounding it then you wrap around the unsafe pallet if the Blight misses maybe even the safe pallet who knows. THEN even then there is a pallet in front of him which he could have reached with dead hard but he opted to dead harding through the killer and now he's out in the open

    Maps have a lot of mini structures riddled across the map that you could use against Blight not reaching a tile doesn't mean it's over. You just have to make him a miss and be creative.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    It's not balanced

    Blight's power is designed around his fatigue and his rush cooldown - both of these things are the windows for survivors to make plays against what is a really strong and sometimes oppressive power

    The ring completely negates this and makes it so you only have to put up with a really short fatigue and then you can use your power to it's full potential instantly.

    If you ask me it also rewards blights who mess up a bunch of times before they finally get a hit because it gives all of their tokens back when they finally get a hit, whereas without the addon - using up all of your tokens to secure a hit ensures that you're out of the game for a little bit as punishment for not using your power effectively

  • Member Posts: 735
    edited January 2022
  • Member Posts: 174

    Here is my idea for a reworked Alchemist Ring:

    Upon Hitting a survivor with a lethal rush, your rush tokens regenerate 100% faster for 10 seconds.

    This would still reward the Blight for hitting his Lethal Rush, and if the Blight had only used 2 or 3 tokens to get a hit, it would be almost the same effect as the current alchemist ring. If he had used 4 or all 5 of his tokens however, it would still take some time for him to recover the tokens. This keeps the Alchemist Ring strong in the hands of a good player who only uses a couple tokens per hit.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    You're right... you actually have to learn how the blight plays and adjust your playstyle accordingly. You can't loop a blight like every other 115 no mobility killers. You actually have to account for when his power comes back and what he can bump off around the tile and stay either far away from it or be ready to pluto tech it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252


  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2022

    it recieves complains because is way too powerfull, it makes it so survivors have no time to reach things very often. the worst part about it is that there is 0 drawback is just a buff for free, you plug the addon and there u go, no requirement or anything in an already S tier killer to make it even worse.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    "Alchemist ring is balanced"

    Takes as example a blight main who can't play without alc ring

  • Member Posts: 335

    Yes, yes, this. It could give very fast token regeneration after a hit (maybe even as fast as 0.5 seconds per token). That would still be crazy good for Blight, but quite a bit fairer.

    I mean, currently the only add-ons that impact token recharge speed give you a meh increase to recharge speed with a big downside. Then you have Alchemist’s Ring…

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