We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.


MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I did before for killer version, now i am going to do for survivor changes. It is fun.

Check killer versions if you wanna: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/301253/some-perk-changes-killer-perks#latest

Sole Survivor (Rework): Each time a Survivor other than yourself is killed or sacrificed, Sole Survivor gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 3 Tokens. Each token will add 2.5% movement speed (max 7.5%). This effect can not stack.

Decisive Strike (Buff + Nerf): DS will work after both hook stages. You can use it twice at trial. After last gen pop, DS will deactive. DS will not work at end game anymore.

Technician (Buff): Additional Regression penalty removed. There is not reason to punish new players. And this perk is useful for only new survivors.

We're Gonna Live Forever (Buff): Perk will get token from this actions too: 1) Heal another survivor for min 8 seconds. 2) Repair generator min 60 seconds. 3) Heal another survivor from dying statu.

Boil Over (Buff): Perk symbol removed from killer's screen. Killer will not know you have this perk anymore.

Autodidact (Buff): This perk will increase the chance of skill spawning while healing someone.

Distortion (Buff): You will get 2 more tokens for your each hook stage.

Head On (Buff): Other survivors within a range of 16 meters will see the locker you hide in with a yellow aura.

Babysitter (Buff): The rescued survivor will also has this effect: 7% movement speed for 8 seconds.

Camaraderie (Buff): Effect is same. Now Camaraderie will work if killer waits s within a range of 24 meters, longer than 10 seconds. This perk will help against camp strategy.

Second Wind (Buff): You don't need to heal someone for active this perk anymore. Nothing changes except this.

Blood Pact (Buff): This perk guarantees 100% that you won't become an obsession at start the trial. Also you & obsession will see each other from start.

Fast Track (Buff): Now this perk will get tokens for your own hook stages too.

Clairvoyance (Buff): Totem auras added too to this perk.

Boon Totems (Nerf): 60 seconds cool-down added. If killer is snuffs your boon, you can not bless any totem for 60 seconds.

I hope you liked. Please give your feedbacks, thank you for reading.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Movespeed is an insanely volatile thing to hand out. Complete no to the Sole Survivor/Babysitter ideas. The point of Babysitter is the unhooker takes the aggro by making the unhooked less appealing. The unhooker should not be getting the buff.

    Decisive Strike is balanced as is.

    Boil Over not showing the icon is irrelevant when it's obvious from the wiggling side-to-side alone.

    Camaraderie is already a strong perk with coordination. The entire reason it's not busted is it needs coordination. No. This is insanely exploitable as well by forcing/putting the killer into a situation it's dumb to not camp.

    The Broken Wind idea is busted. A free auto-heal after every unhook is literally a double built in Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe. No. The entire reason Syringe is limited is because of its efficiency, since you can heal AND do anything else at the same time.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    We have Hope as perk and it is not problem, why Sole Survivor should be problem? And survivors should die because of make this perk work. And i added already, it can not stack with other Haste perks.

    I think you did not understood Babysitter. It will not affect unhooker survivor, this effect will add to rescued survivor. Not to savior. Idea of behind this perk, help to teammate against tunnel.

    We have different opinions for DS then. I have not words for this.

    Camaraderie is strong? Why i am seeing this perk so rare then? I saw this perk just once and guy was trying to Adept Steve. No. This perk is garbage. But if we makes it useful against camp, it can be close to meta. Maybe. For now, 2 survivors should waste time (one of them on hook and other is waiting near to hook.)

    The Broken Wind is good idea of being perk but sadly it is not great. So some buffs can make it good to use. And if you are worrying for auto-heal, we have Circle of Healing and Med-Kits. And so much perks to affect to heal speeds. I don't think this perk will be busted, i don't even think it will be meta. But okey. I will respect your opinion :)

    Thank you for your feedback.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Because Hope doesn’t trigger until endgame which is why it’s fine. There are loops that are already literal infinites for a 100% survivor against a 110% (4.4m/s) killer. Permanent/long bonus movespeed at any time before endgame is insanely unbalanced. Even minor values like those would literally make more loops become infinites.

    Babysitter/Guardian already gives the unhooked survivor the movespeed though?

    Camaraderie is only meta in higher levels of play with coordination, but at those levels it becomes already insanely strong. What balances it out is needing someone to come, because you can basically force killer to camp, and then walk over to trigger this perk. If the hooked survivor could do it on their own, it’d break gameplay at that level.

    Just cause medkits have broken things or CoH creates problematic interactions doesn’t mean more broken things should be made. A completely unconditional auto heal after every unhook that lets you work on gens or anything else while simultaneously healing is not good design.

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 237

    You realy want this game to become more frustrating and difficult for killers?

    Don't say anything about perks without knowing what is going on.

    The game is already a ######### for killers that don't have much skill (casual player that just play for fun), only killers that have skill, maps knowledge, killers that have a good bunch of hours in DBD can play without have a headache all the time and even killers like Ots, coconut (a exceptional huntress main), and others, are playing less killer and more survive.

    You basically says: "let's make this game a ######### for killers, because I want to have fun."

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Only one I will argue with is the Sole Survivor one in you thinking it's broken. Think about it, if you can tell that they're slightly faster then try to kill them if possible.

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    Haven't you tried a solo q? That is the worst game mode in this game and these minor buffs to these perks can make solo q more fun than it is now. Also, every person who says that this game is "Survivor op, killer good survivor bad, nerf survivors" tells me enough that he just plays one side and keeps complaining about it.

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 237

    I play solo q and I have no problem, u just play bad, I analysis what all of my teammates are doing and play according with them, making the rights choices to not screw my teammates, this result in almost all games at least 2 to 3 survs to get out.

    I know what I saying, I play both sides and try to see the whole picture, and now is really difficult for killers to play and have a bit of fun without being smashed match after match, now is not my fault if u play like a ######### banana, I play solo and don't have a problem at all

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Yes kill the person who has a movespeed boost that can turn more loops into literal infinites for 110% killers. Do you see the issue?

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Imagine needing to be aware of DStrike twice on each Survivor, and getting stunned for upwards of 40 seconds when you can't wait it out, or your timing is off by 1 or 2 seconds.

    Hell no.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    1 survivor died, Solo Survivor user will get 2,5% movement speed.

    2 survivor died, Solo Survivor user will get 5% movement speed. And on this case, you already going to win?

    3 survivor died, Solo Survivor user will get 7,5% movement speed, full value. And on this case, you already won game against this team.

    And this perk is not stacking with Hope. So you are still faster than this survivor as 110% killer. And if this survivor dies first, they will never get value from this perk. I don't know why this will be big problem for you. I just can not see point.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Would you rather have sole survivor be more of the old left behind where you have 15% increased action speed to anything? Anyway, Mikaela has a point which I accidentally left out. Just go for the obsession before anyone else dies if you don't want them to have value.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    Um, you do realize a survivor at 100% movespeed literally cannot be caught by a 110% on a chunk of loops in this game, right? There are literally infinites in this game. It literally does not matter the killer is faster. Vaults are the determining factor here since the killer vaults at a snail's pace or has to go all the way around. Permanent movement speed buffs are absolutely insanely broken. These movespeed buffs would make even more loops literal infinites, and some against 115% killers as well.

    Wow, it's almost like one broken thing doesn't justify another. Funny how that works, innit? Being forced to tunnel a single person out to counter this perk is not justification. On top of that, it doesn't require being obsession, so all 4 survivors can just take it and become game-breaking levels of overpowered in chase. No.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    All 110% killers have strong powers. So i am sure they will be okey. But if you wanna chase survivors with m1, yeah this can be problem as 110% killer.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    ?? There are infinites that 110s cannot use their power on. That is WHY it's an issue. This exacerbates it even further.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Wait, I thought it did still have the obsession thing in this rework. My bad.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,992

    This is what I'm saying. What infinites? There have not been infinites in the game since Balanced Landing got nerfed like a year or 2 ago and even THEN, it wasn't an infinite. Bad killers just didn't know how to shut it down or didn't have the right perks (Bamboozle) to block windows that were part of the loop AND we didn't have breakable walls and missing walls back then.

    The McMillan one I'm thinking of specifically has no wall beside where that window is so you can't even use that loop in the main building with the upstairs much anymore because the killer doesn't have to go through a window like they used to.

  • Personally, I agree that WGLF needs to be a little easier to gain tokens on. Maybe remove the generator part, but healing for a certain amount and dying state recovery would both be great additions.