Dead Hard benefits survivor for being bad

Dead Hard is the most pathetic perk for survivors, the only condition for its use is being injured and you can use it as many times as you want while you're injured. At high ranks people don't even bother to heal themselves because they know they have a second chance at any time.
The mechanic of activating this perk should change, as the absurd amount of times the killer must deal with this perk dozens of times in the same match is ridiculous.
I agree that Dead Hard is op, but Survivors started healing 24/7 due to CoH
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Yep, this totally isn't the 10,000,000th thread about Dead hard. I mean, I respect the commitment, but we all know dh's time is near, it'll definitely be nerfed by the end of the year.
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I just wish people would stop saying survivors run it cause they’re bad at chases when that’s not a good argument.
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Oh no, I run it all the time, I don't like it but I use it for the same reason I use DS. There's a lot of tunneling killers at my MMR.
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honestly, this. bad survivors use it to cover mistakes, but good survivors use it to enter situations knowing that they can make it out. they didnt make a mistake by greeding that loop, they knew for a fact they could make it and planned their entire route around it.
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The only scenario where it’s bad to use DH is when you’re not near a window or pallet etc, cause it’s like why even use it when you’re gonna down after one second?
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Quite nothing of this is right. You cant use it indefinitely due to exhaustion. Means if the killer is good its limited to 3x. Several situations can just ignore DH though (exposed, exhaustion). At high ranks people heal the same amount as in low ranks, theyre just more efficient in doing this at appropiate times. the funny thing is, if survivors are good they can utilize lithe or sprint burst as good as DH, but no killer cries about this now. but they will if DH gets changed, and the cry circle starts again.
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Everyone using perks is bad at the game. Unless it's me, I'm allowed to use perks because otherwise the game is unfair and survivor/killer sided.
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And yet other exhaustion perks don't require you to be injured before using them.
Only to:
Get in a locker: Head On
Spot the nearest Hill: Balanced Landing
Spot a window: Lithe
Nothing: Sprint Burst
Yeah big requirements there. 😂
Just wait until Sprint Burst becomes more common. You'll realize then what a nightmare it is when you have to deal with 4 survivors getting away without you getting 1 hit. Meanwhile 2 gens pop.
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Well last night two survivors use DH for a free escape at the exit. Back to back lol. Yeah it's pretty open in those situations.
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I mean that’s rough but they used DH when it was needed.
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SB does not yield so much distance compared to benefits of DH.
And addition to DH: oh i wont be able to vault withiut a hit. Let me (ab)use iframes so ill soak that hit while standing still and afterward I will continue with vault and looping
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Dead Hard wont save you in a dead zone, sprint burst will.
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getting dead zoned is more or less consequence of ur soloQ comp gamer who likes to drop 20 pallets before going down.
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TIL SWF dont drop pallets
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"Devs look, I made another DH thread for your eyes only"
-Killer main.
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LOL what?
SB can prevent you from getting a first hit. With DH even if you choose to leave the survivor alone, they have to heal or deal with being one-shot. I don't think you understand how beneficial it is for survivors to be healthy.
You are only choosing to pick on DH because in reality the same or similar complaints can be made about other exhaustion perks. DH is just the one you don't like.
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Don't worry...
I actually want DH to be gone and everyone start using SB. I want to see how much they cry for it to be back when they realize which one out of the two is more annoying to deal with.
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The day everyone uses sprint burst instead of dead hard is the day I dont care to play killer anymore. It's honestly one of the most annoying perks when people know how to use it correctly.
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This a killer main forum strategy for DH nerf. Not a feedback.
They make as much as possible on purpose for the devs only.
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I have lost more games to SB than I have to DH. Because At least with DH I know they can only get so far, whereas with SB they know they are safe working on a gen without the need to worry how close I am to them. So they are more likely to commit to a generator than if they had DH.
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Even if you are in DZ, killer will catch you up pretty much soon. unless its <4.6 m/s
DH and the 3rd health state is obvious reason why everybody takes it. As you know that it will save you as you have F it up.
I personally from all those perks prefer a lithe, and as a killer, i genuinely dont care for DH. From 23 useless killers, I enjoy going as blight and lethal rush past them for a bait.
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If dead hard is a third health state, would you consider bamboozle a -1 health state? Since it shortens a loop.
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You okay?
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Argument? Or just being condescending?
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No, your argument is honestly weird argument. Bamboozle is what, forcing into W. Isnt it, more or less?
How about safe loops and DH? Clipping vs killer stucking takes a lot of circles.
You can take a hit and then squeeze every last second to DH into pallet. Now I guess blood favor would be so called -1 health state.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Oh so you didn't like my question, so you decided to turn this into personal about one of my other topics, like you always do. How cute.
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As a bad survivor, I can confirm that I cannot use Dead Hard effectively. So no, Bad survivors do not use it to cover for mistakes. Bad Survivors use it and die immediately after slamming into a tree.
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Well, slightly less bad survivors use it about right on time and get caught a bit later because that is they one-trick to have longer chases.
The day the devs manage to fix this, there will be a drop in the general MMR score for survivors.
The good ones are of course just deadly with it.
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Tbh when I see well known survivor mains ask "will I make it with dh" or in a tone like they aren't sure they're gonna make it doesn't sound calculated to me. They more gambled and still came out on top because distance + I frames on demand is a fun mechanic.
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Or blood favor, spirit fury, crowd control, all exposed perks, etc lol
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That's why I dont understand the issue with dead hard. Killers have tools that do the same thing but for their side.
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It gets value if the survivor is bad, but realistically, it is only "overpowered" in the hands of competent survivors.
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I don't understand people who yell "DH brainless perk, only bad survivors use it!"
DH is most often run by good survivors who know exactly how much extra value they can get out of it, and could run you like champions without it.
That's not to say that DH is a healthy or balanced perk, but equipping it isn't announcing to the world that you have no skill and suck at the game, it's literally just additive.