Killers Are Humans Too

If you and your SWF team has just crushed a killer's hopes and dreams, stunned them with every pallet, and cleansed their totems are the very start of the match, don't sit together at the exit gates and stare at the killer/teabag/emote/heal/etc. Just. Leave. Plain and simple. You earned your escape, well done, but there's no need to rub it in someone's face that they didn't preform well.

When I preform very well against survivors, I feel bad for them, and consciously avoid tunneling, camping, even something giving survivors extra chances by just downing them, but letting their teammates heal them.

There just seems to be this consistency in the community that killers who dominate survivors go out of their way to be nice in ways that they can, but when survivors dominate killers they can't wait to hit crouch 4000x times, or stare at you like a group of meerkats. It just leaves a bad taste, and sometimes really infuriates me as killer. You're also not doing your fellow survivors any favours in my next game where I'm going in with the mindset that all survivors are trolls, and decide that I'm not going to do the aforementioned nice things that I could do as killer.

I understand that the whole David vs. Goliath situation makes a survivor win feel that much more accomplished, but I don't think I'd have to read a history book to know that David didn't teabag Goliath when he killed him.

This issue has been especially prevalent in the recent Bloodrush event, in that a lot of people seem to be sweating. As I said, I try to extend the game any way I can, like downing and leaving a survivor to be healed, so that we can all get a nice share of BP together. Yet, survivors tend to forget this and prefer to taunt killers to their wit's end, despite having just dominate the trial against them.

Bottom line, grow up. We're sick of your s***


  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    Couldn't agree more. We're at the point that people are confused when they go up against someone casual though. There's like an implicit assumption that this has to be a hyper competitive spit-in-their-face game and it doesn't.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    This just in limited time offer Call us now for your very own Crouch 4000 hurry while supplies last and be the envy of basement dwellers everywhere

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Sorry killers are from mars.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    And yet they say "To become a killer one must be devoid of humanity" so technically your argument fails that assessment

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Why would a survivor feel accomplished after escaping lol. This game is designed so that even the most baby mr. potato heads can escape

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    The last time i checked i was considered human - and i play killer sometimes... so i can confirm.

  • km66
    km66 Member Posts: 111

    I agree but what species is demagorgen?

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    It's obvious: Demogorgon is what is known as a Good Boi. This is a rare species that only it, and every dog, belong too.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    In the series there is only one that is kinda good...

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Never watched the series. I'm just memeing on Demogorgon in DBD. He is a good boi. 😁

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    You should - after that i understand all the costumes for Nancy and Steve which is pretty cool.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    For real. I rewatched the whole series in preparation for season 4 and to get into the mindset of the Demogorgon, and it most definitely is an excelent series. It got its flaws, like every show, but its a lot of fun.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    There's no need to for people to sit at the exit doors to deliberately be toxic. If you weren't toxic to them, then they shouldn't be toxic. However I can't say that everyone waiting at a door is doing it to be toxic.

    Survivors also are played by humans, who may want to progress in the game by doing challenges or getting more bloodpoints. Unfortunately for you sometimes this requires them to wait at the door longer to get hit out. Could be WGLF stacks or protection hit challenge or something else.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    If everybody tries to be a little less toxic it would be a step in the right direction... but will probably not happen.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    Ok, on re-read, I shouldn't have said heal because that's valid for BP, but the other points still stand.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    I don't expect people to give free kills, or even free hits, and I may have worded my OP a little bit badly, but it's certain things like waiting at the exit gates until the killer runs the whole way across the map to force you out that are just really unnecessary. If I was the blame the game, then it would defy the fact that teabagging is actually an essential crouch mechanic in the game. It's your choice as Survivor to teabag, the game doesn't force, or even require you to do so.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    wrong, imagine not being a catgirl smh my head

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    This is even better put, and much more understandable than my own OP. Good for you, and thanks for your comment😊

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    Mmm well said, especially including that killers can be toxic aswell. Personally, I've never really experienced a killer being toxic when I play survivor, bar when I face Bubba. It's like 7/10 Bubbas I face love to 360 when they down you, or rev their Chainsaw until it overheats, etc. Something I've come to notice as I play more Survivor is that most of the time, my Unbroken Emblem quality doesn't even effect my rank progression. Whether I get a Sliver, or an Iridescent, I still get 1 pip, provided I played well in other aspects. So giving killers mercy kills isn't even all that bad after all.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    Oh yeah, I definitely understand this, and there is the challenge of letting other survivors escape before you while still alive in the trial, but it's when you have a team sitting together at the gate refusing to move until you force them out that's annoying. And it's not even "let's give the killer a free hit and then we'll escape". It's literally "haha, gonna sit here until the killer hauls ass and hits each and every one of us once/twice and then we escape". Just unnecessary to be honest.

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    This is definitely true, but as someone who frequents both sides of the trial, I can say I have faced toxic survivors way way more than toxic killers. Just from personal experience though.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,559

    That type of situation is exactly why I believe EVERYONE that, at one point or another, did something to annoy the other side without being provoked first should be permanently banned.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I get that it's unnecessary but it's something that only takes a max of 15 seconds to do. I hate it more when they leave just before I hit them, since then I know it's probably just bm. At least when I hit them out it could be a challenge and also gives me some points.

    So long as they weren't t-bagging, even though I played fair, then I don't mind them waiting.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    The only two reasons I'd stay longer than needed are

    1. I want to make sure my teammates are okay. If someone is being chased and I can take a hit for them to make sure they get to the exit gates I will go for it. Also if I feel someone may go down to NOED I'd look for the totem as much as possible even if the exit gates are open.
    2. The killer facecamping. Yes, it's petty. But if they have enough time to waste to sit in front of a hook to watch someone die, I think they won't mind staying a few extra seconds at the end watching me stare from the exit gate.

    Other than these two scenarios I just leave the match as soon as possible. One extra hit won't make a difference to the final BPs for any side really.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    TBF; camping in the endgame is quite normal. I mean, where else is the Killer going to be? Pressuring the completed gens? Running to the open door & letting his kill get unhooked?

  • Ramondiola
    Ramondiola Member Posts: 26

    Like survive while other survivors escape, which means you have to escape last.

    I often stay at the gate to give the killer a hit or two so they get points for that, I don't clicky-clicky or teabag tho, I've played killer enough to know how annoying it is.

    Sometimes I'll give a pity sacrifice but last times I played I've been conflicted about that cause I don't want a killer who struggled against me (not a really good survivor) to increase their MMR and face stronger opponents

  • Pandamonium31
    Pandamonium31 Member Posts: 25

    Yeah, this is why I never expect either side to give pity in relation to escaping/sacrificing as the MMR system is just so broken.

  • PrincessBubblegum
    PrincessBubblegum Member Posts: 27

    I mean I stopped playing DbD a while ago, cuz playing Survivor felt kinda boring and being Killer is getting bullied, even If I like to play Killer some times. 1 week ago I started playing DbD again and on Day2 I got a full SWF Squad that really wanted to bully me. I just wanted to play 1 game to do my daily. So I chose clown and gone in queue. Few seconds later I got in the lobby and everyone took a flashlight, I was kinda lucky that I found lightborn in my perks. I took it and pressed ready. In loading screen I saw they all took a offering for hooks standing further away. Right after I was ingame, I saw instantly one survivor running to me and got macro for flashlight clicking. This was the point, where I know this is gonna be a "bully the killer" game. I know I got lightborn but after stop playing this game for half of a year and having the same MMR like the time I end playing. I just wouldnt enjoy the game. So I left the game and the worst part is, I felt kinda bad for the survivor being a jerk and leaving cuz I left and they to search again for a game. But in endgamechat they spammed: "EZ" "GET REKT" "NOOB". This is the point idk why people behave like that. I tried to have a normal conversation with them but they refused to do that.

    So Killer are humans but some Survivors are just "Dicks"

  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Wow, an actually sane person on these forums? It's been a while since I've seen this.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Survivors are humans too, why kill them. 😞

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The fact that BM is considered 'bog standard' in this game is honestly pretty tiring in and of itself.

    I've been gaming for decades, and this community has a knack of getting under my skin in a way that few have ever managed.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    BM is bog standard in every game.

    People are #########.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You say that...but not really. I've played a lot of PvP games, particularly RTS and MMOs - and the only games I can think of offhand that have communities as poisonous as DbD are pre-Tribunal LoL, the original DOTA and CS:GO.