Thoughts on passive gen slowdown?

I see a lot of people talking about how annoying things like pinhead's chain hunt is, and I mostly hear people complaining about how it's passive gen slowdown done in a really boring way. People also seem to really dislike old freddy's passive gen slowdown. So, if you guys could take the wheel, how would you implement a killer with a passive gen slowdown ability? Would you try to make it interactive for survivors or more of a "You just have to deal with it" sort of thing? What do you guys think a fun way to slow gen progression would be that's not being chased?


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,709

    Honestly, I think Pinheads chain hunt isnt super annoying, even in solo queue. Whenever I see chain hunt is about halfway started and no one's solved the Lament Configuration I just go "huh, no one's grabbed it yet, I guess I'll go take care of it". I don't particularly enjoy being glued to gens anyways, so something else to do is welcome.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    Honestly, I think Pinhead's box is the best way of doing it. Something that pressures survivors to do something that isn't a generator, without just making them hold down M1 for longer, which is what Freddy's old slowdown did.

    Another good example of how to bake slowdown into a kit, at least conceptually, is Pig's RBTs. Something interactive that puts pressure on survivors to go do something else, that doesn't require them to be chased to do it, and that doesn't force them to just power through a repair speed debuff.

    I guess something that the survivors might find more fun would be something that gives them an advantage rather than undoing a disadvantage put on them, and while that's tricky to make work, I could see it working. Maybe a killer with things on the map somewhat like Plague's fountains and Freddy's clocks, but instead of survivors going and removing a status effect on them, they can disable a part of the killer's kit- like the objects are shrines powering a strong ability, or something.

    Of course, that hypothetical killer would have to have a backup power that lets them get work done if the survivors are efficient, but that could be fun slowdown. Incentivise survivors to go find the power-batteries and smash them, but don't screw over the killer too badly if they actually do it.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    I hate how in DBD world the word "boring" simply means "strong things that survivors don't want to have to deal with".

    As with most things its totally avoidable and pretty much the only thing that makes Pinhead decent. Maybe if gen regression without perks wasn't so insanely weak things could be different.