MMR is hidden...but what about...

Journeywalker Member Posts: 41
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

...<insert your idea here>?

I don't like that MMR is opaque. I would hope the player base of DBD is more mature than the Super Smash Brothers community. But for now, let's assume MMR stays hidden. What ideas do you have for making MMR more transparent without explicitly indicating MMR value?

Some ideas for killer:

  1. MMR Deltas (shown privately after the trial). If I can't know my MMR, can I at least know whether it went up or down? If I keep getting 2Ks, am I getting better, worse, or staying the same? There's no way to know that doesn't rely on hunches.
  2. The ability to sort the characters based on MMR (and other stats) within the menu. There's no way of knowing which killer the game thinks I'm best with. There's no indication of whether I'm getting better with a killer or just going up against more potatoes. Being able to sort the list of killers based on MMR would at least give killers an indication of progression relative to the other characters they play.
  3. Expected Number of Kills (shown after a match to the killer). I often wonder whether a 0K/4K was due to particularly bad/good play on my part or just matchmaking dealing with dropouts and queue times. This information would make it less of a guess.

Some ideas for survivor:

  1. MMR Deltas (shown privately after the trial). Similar to (1) above. If I'm surviving 50% of the time (the stated goal of the current matchmaking system) am I getting better, worse, or staying the same? Only BHVR knows. This information would help give survivors a sense of progression.
  2. Ability to sort survivors based on MMR (and other stats). Similar to (2) above. Give the player a sense of which survivor they're best with that doesn't rely on feelings. Apparently, MMR is shared for survivors, so this doesn't apply. But ability to sort based on other stats would still be interesting.
  3. Existence of Wide MMR gaps between survivors. Whether it's due to SWF or not, let the survivors know during pre-trial that matchmaking will have to deal with the thorny issue of MMR gaps between survivors. It will increase queue times for wide-gap SWFs, but the other survivors should have the opportunity to bail on a match that's going to end up being a 3v1.

Any thoughts on these ideas? What ideas do you have for making MMR more transparent without explicitly telling the player their MMR?

Post edited by Journeywalker on


  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    "I would hope the player base of DBD is more mature than the Super Smash Brothers community"


  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    How dare you besmirch the good name of Nintendo, the company that brought us the Virtual Boy and the Wii U.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Just mentioning this, unlike killers, all survivors share MMR meaning point 2 on the survivor side is invalid.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Last month one of the devs (Devdaddy? I think?) asked the forum if they should remove opponents’ Grades from the endgame screen and the nearly unanimous reply was Yes. I haven’t seen anything since then so I’m not sure if they’re working on it currently or it’s in their to-do list or they scrapped the idea for some reason.

    That’s not to say he asked if they should show an MMR bracket. They may still not want to show those for some reason, or it may be that they are ok with removing opponent Grades but only once they figure out what they want to replace them with on that screen versus just having a blank space. Hopefully it’s still in the works though, showing those opponent grades just causes more confusion than anything else.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    A hidden system is simply not a good idea. You can tell what you want - it is a bad idea.

    Just show it or make a new system that can be shown.

    Grades are leftovers of ranks. They still work kinda like ranks as you have to pip to grade up (and therefore can´t play completey bad). If it was just playtime you should just show "Time played xx.yy hours".

    Psychlogical you need something to see your progress - if there is nothing this will hurt player engagement. That is the reason every game has something like Ranks or Emblems or something like that.