Should I get Ghostface or Executioner

Im wondering should i get Ghostface or Executioner I feel more attrected to them i like stealthy playstyle but i also like going full on sweat somtimes i cant decide wich one to chose, which one is more fun or has better perks?
I don’t think Executioner is really a stealthy killer though he might have some addons that suggest so.
but in their current states I would still recommend Executioner. Though Ghostface is confirmed to get some changes soon(tm).
for Perks I think Ghostface is the better choice, at least Thrilling Tremors and I am all Ears are great (and I am all Ears is great for Executioner). Furtive Chase is getting a change in the next midchapter update, haven’t really read into it though.
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If what you find fun is stealth then Ghostface, he’s actually the stealth killer of the two. Pyramid Head is better at loops and his Cages are a nice time saver.
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Ya he can counter loops quite easlisly but cant Ghostface only stalk one person at a time?
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No, Ghostface can stalk everybody simultaneously if he wants
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Ah, isnt Ghostface a bit stonger than The Shape?
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I don’t have a strong opinion there, I think Otz has it that way on his tier list? Ghostface is definitely stealhtier
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He is indeed but once he gets spotted and stared at long enough he gets exposed and takes so long to get back nightshroud (unless you have addons)
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My bias would say buy Executioner, based upon being a huge Silent Hill fan and a disliking for Ghost Face.
My logic says buy Ghost Face for better perks and stealth-like ability. Pyramid Head has stealth perks, but it's a different style of stealth compared to the hooded numpty.
Finally, my value for money logic says get _Silent Hill_ so you get a survivor with it.
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why not both?
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Hmm well there both 500 aruic cells so i can really get both if i only got 500
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Im more accrcted to stealth but Executinoner does have stealth addons but its kinda like indudus perk
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i would always recommend buying the chapters instead of getting single characters for auric cells. They are cheaper that way and in some cases you get a bonus cosmetic and a surv and killer together. And even if you currently only play one side, that could change later on (happened to me.. really regret buying most survs with auric cells and later on the corresponding killers as well and missing out on some cosmetics.. at least I got them when they were in discount,.)
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Yeah he has stealthy add-ons, yet his stealth style isn't as skillful as Ghost Face. Pyramid Head just charges through, whilst Ghost Face observes and uses his power from a distance, with a bit more control and more deadly in terms of stealth powers.
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I'd say don't get Ghostface.He can be fun but you'll find so many players running stretch res, revealing you in ways that shouldn't be possible.
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i did face a ghost face once and i was looking around like a normal person on a gen should this guy was hacking mabey prob abusing a glitch mabey idk, but was stalking me through a rock i dident know no parts of him were showing and i some how reavled him i let him kill me for that cause i shouldent of reaveald him thats stupid
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