Voice Chat

Do you think they should add voice chat to Dead By Daylight? In my opion i would make it easier but also less fun i think, since you have no communication your kinda alone. But thats the fun part for me, Do you think there should be Voice Chat?
The devs are adamant about not adding it: neither a voice chat, nor a simple text chat. Apparently, only SWF deserve to have any ways of communication.
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I'd like it as an optional thing. I think the solo queue experience really holds the game back. It's completely unfair to be forced to devote perk slots to information that a premade group can have for free. It's a massive flaw in the design.
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It should be in the game. it's the easiest, best way to boost SoloQ to SWF levels.
But SWF groups are adamant that voice chat would never work, even though it works in literally every team-based game before DBD. Mostly so they can keep all the power.
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That is true but at mabey like beginning game you can chat because sometimes it will take a bit for people to join just like when the trial is over
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And if they did add a simple text chat you would have to stop to type.
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Yes And like you said it would be so much eaiser and not everybody would have to talk and you could mabey have a option to toggle it or not but then they would have to deal with swear words and other and that probley might be a pain.
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Yes, but you cant chat before the game and change perks cause that would take to long and it would kinda be unfair a bit
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VHS taught me how bad voice chat actually is with strangers in these types of games. No thank you. I would 100% disable it. Not just my voice but I'd mute everyone every time.
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No thank you too many angry 13 year olds in the worl and id rather not hear their almost dropped vocal cord sceams
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There's the issue of typing stuff out with a controller, takes years. Also there are multiple languages to consider, and those who choose not to use voice would be at a disadvantage and even get ridiculed from their teammates for not joining.
I bet it never comes to DBD.
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I felt the same way in Overwatch. Just turned off voice chat entirely.
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It shouldn't be added. But holy ######### if it was it would spawn some hilarious clips. Salt and toxicity and roleplay abound.
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YES it extremly would but also the rate drop of quitting players would drop so much cause of all the toxicty more than it already is
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Yeah I'm all for closing the gap between SWF and solo survivors... but in-game voice chat? No thanks.
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This is how you teach young kids swear words, how do I know this, well I was one of the squeakers on older cods who would silently soak up the words.
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Optional voice chat + a ping system would allow the devs to balance the game properly, but they’re dead set against it.
The only reason I see being given most times is that some people don’t want to use voice chat, but they could simply disable it and auto-mute everyone, so I don’t really see it as a good argument.
DBD isn’t a serious game anyway I suppose. I stopped taking it seriously shortly after I started playing when I realised it was mostly a party game. It’s odd that the devs have added an MMR system into a party game that they generally try to avoid balancing.
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Yes i have and yes they can be really toxic especially as killer