Dead Hard - When Will This Perk Get Nerfed?

New to the forums but I had to make an account to post this.
I'm someone who plays regularly as both survivors and killers - not the best but not the worst with either and quite impartial when it comes to both camps.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but Dead Hard has got to be the most overused, overpowering and broken perk in the game. I'm sure you could maybe say the same about 1-2 perks but, in my opinion, this is it.
While I like the idea of Dead Hard - basically being able to duck a hit in the last second, I say the perk is broken because it removes any skill associated with using it. If anything, it promotes being bad at using it as that's when you get the most out of it and what makes the perk be so overpowering - having a hit connect yet not doing any damage because the survivor activated it too late (whether on purpose or not) and therefore 1. it defeats the purpose of the perk (i.e. ducking a hit as you're basically TAKING a hit) and 2. the perk is overpowering and takes no skill to use (I'm saying this having tried it out - it's very easy to get away with not being injured by a hit if you trigger it late).
I just had a game where I landed 5 legit hits and none of them did any damage because of how this perk is being used these days.
Again, being impartial to killer and survivor, I think survivors do have an advantage overall but perks like Dead Hard make it even more obvious and ruin the overall balance of the game so I hope this will be nerfed to the point where Dead Hard should only do one thing - duck a hit if used properly. If you trigger it late, then you should take damage.
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nerfed DH will most likely favor in increase of kill rate, while some are warning that be aware how sprint burst will be meta, even worse them DH. But okay.
Nerfes DH = even more killer nerfs
so most likely never
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At least we know who's skilless 😂
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I get what you're saying but it still doesn't change the fact that it's a broken perk that requires no skill to use and tilts the balance even more in favour of survivors.
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The devs know, but they don't care. Proof: Circle Of OP.
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Don't worry, I heard the devs are planning on working on it, but it might take until September of 2027 until it reaches live.
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Most likely, in a few years.
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Fair point - that's sad.
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Much like CoH, if it was going to be nerfed - it would have been.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Dead Hard was just made basekit at some point. It's already used so commonly at even intermediate MMRs, that killers play as if it was present at all times.
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There's a lot of perks that require no skill to use. Ruin, Undying, Endfury, Sprint Burst, Inner Healing, PGTW, NOED, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Brutal Strength, Agitation, the list goes on.
In fact almost every single perk in the game doesn't require any skill to use, despite it's strength. I don't consider getting a down as a killer a skill, it's just natural progression of the game.
Until they start making perks that pop up math problems before you can use them, there's little to be done in the way of any perks requiring any amount of skill to use them.
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That's very accurate - in every game I play as if every survivor has Dead Hard + Decisive Strike + Burrowed Time (aka The "I'm Skilless" Build). It's become very predictable and it's also getting a bit boring because of that.
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I don't see DS as much as I did a year ago (back when it was a defacto extra life), but I still see it a fair amount. I don't mind DS for the most part, unless people are abusing lockers to force it.
I tend to see:
Dead Hard+CoH+Iron Will+BT for the most part. Sometimes replace CoH with Kindred or BT with WOO.
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That analogy doesn't really stand. Many perks require no skill but are not broken (or at least AS broken) as Dead Hard nor do they provide such an advantage like Dead Hard does.
Cmon, most of the perks you mentioned are very weak compared to Dead Hard, not even in the same league lol
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Your the first person to mention about nerfing dead hard.
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I don't mind Decisive Strike and you're right, this was a defacto extra life a year ago lol. I also noticed Iron Will being used way more often these days. As a Jake main who's been playing since the game was in BETA in summer of 2016, I find it funny to see so many people jump on the Iron Will bandwagon 😄
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Firstly, whataboutism always means you concede the original point.
Secondly: Ruin is fragile and unreliable.
Undying isn't even that common these days (a lot of killers have moved over to Pop or PR based plays).
Sprint Burst requires a fair amount of skill to use and is nowhere near as oppressive as DH can be when people abuse validation.
Inner Healing...actually requires some decision making. Ditto Lithe and BL.
The issue isn't that DH 'doesn't require skill to use' - it's that it's just too powerful. There is a reason why you see it on every survivor starting at intermediate MMR, and why you don't see much Lithe or BL these days. Having a defacto third health state that can also completely negate killer powers is ridiculous.
Iron Will got a huge buff recently, and now it's one of the most stealth-OP perks in the game. As you get better as killer, a huge amount of information comes from audio. Iron Will completely negates this and has zero counterplay. At higher MMRs, it's a ridiculous advantage.
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Thank you StarLost, I couldn't have said it better. That's basically what it is, fairly simple concept.
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I also agree that Iron Will has become more OP recently (and this comes from an Iron Will fan)!
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bhvr knows that…see any changes? values of coh, multi level boons, dh ds iw more or less 90% of games…
if they would care they would nerf. But they dont, its obvious
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Never because it doesn’t need to.
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You may be right. As big as DBD is at the moment, stuff like this (survivors getting more and more unfair advantages) can be the downfall of the game long term. I see it way too often (when I'm playing survivor) when survivors basically bully the killer (gameplay wise). If you ask me, the killer should be the one to bully survivors (should that take place of course as ideally the game is balanced)'s a killer duh.
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If the devs actually cared about nerfing Dead Hard, they would have done it by now. Too many people have complained about it for them to not have noticed.
In my opinion, it definitely needs a nerf.
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I dont think pig can take anymore nerfs and I'm pretty sure a dead hard nerf would just result in her deletion.
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There is barely anything that takes skill in this game, killer or survivor.
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Since the perk hasnt been changed at all, it seems like maybe you just became worse.
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As a former Billy main I take extreme offense to this.
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Not necessarily. DS had a huge nerf last year and even then the escape rate of survivors who used it basically didn't drop (according to the devs themselves). OoO was also changed to a way weaker version even though people who used it didn't have a higher escape rate. Not everything relies on stats to be changed.
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I didn't said nothing does.
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Oh, sorry I'm apparently illiterate and can't read.
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Don't worry it is probably my english being bad since it is not my first language.
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I think you need to do your homework before running your fingers on that keyboard:
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Oh I dont need to, I run this perk on my every build and id know if it was buffed, which it wasnt recently at all.
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its been the same since it released in like 2016 or early 2017 its not gonna get changed just learn to play around it otherwise your just gonna be miserable
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That explains why you think it hasn't been buffed if you never play killer nor have done any research.
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Another clueless individual here. The perk has been buffed, read the link I sent - it has no counter now basically. Anyway, this post is not about Iron Will which is still one of my favourite perks (been using this since the game came out so probably used it more than you and Marigoria combined) - all I said is that I am objective enough to say it is a bit more OP now (and again, this comes from an Iron Will fan) but the post is about Dead Hard. I don't really mind Iron Will when playing as killer, I just agreed with someone else who said Iron Will received a buff in the last year or so.
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Maybe a year or two
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my guy are you alright and yes dead hard got hit validation now it just works how it was always suppose to the way to play against and the way to use it is still the same as it always was and why are you even talking about iron will no one said anything about it
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I don't really think you have an idea what you're talking
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bro you went on a WHOLE tangent that didn't relate at all to what i said your gonna make me have a brain aneurism
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Not my fault that you take things out of context and can't formulate an idea properly, the post is about Dead Hard and you keep going on a tangent - now chill, I don't want you to have a brain aneurism, it's not that serious 😄
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the post is about dead hard and so was my response and then YOU started talking about iron will for idek what reason
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That was a side note but ok, let's forget about Iron Will my guy 😄
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Dead Hard has always literally negated killer powers like Nemesis and Twins. Also, we have always been at war with Eurasia.
There's video evidence it now does things it doesn't. So, it's not a debate. It's objective and debating it is akin to debating if grass is made of cheese or not. It isn't.
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You're still hoping for a Dead Hard nerf?
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It negates Huntress' power. Very irritating when you throw a hatchet and DH robs you of the hit.
I don't mind DH for distance or basic attacks, but negating a Killer's power should never happen. Perks should never counter a Killer's ability.
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Nerf dead hard (which I agree with) and you will see sprint burst and lithe be used more. They will get asked to be nerfed to if this happened
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Dead Hard will probably never get nerfed.
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You have to ask yourself, do perks like Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, NOED require skill? These powerful perks simply work automatically and tilts the game massively in favor of the killer for simply playing the game normally.
At least Dead Hard requires precise timing to use properly. Although it is not difficult to use, in some cases it does require a lot of experience of knowing when to use it.
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I started playing killer again recently and the amount of times I won just due to Ruin, Undying, and Devour is disgusting. Using Dead Hard as a survivor doesn't automatically win games for you but those hex perks can completely win a game for a killer.