Dead Hard - When Will This Perk Get Nerfed?

New to the forums but I had to make an account to post this.

I'm someone who plays regularly as both survivors and killers - not the best but not the worst with either and quite impartial when it comes to both camps.

Not sure if anyone mentioned this but Dead Hard has got to be the most overused, overpowering and broken perk in the game. I'm sure you could maybe say the same about 1-2 perks but, in my opinion, this is it.

While I like the idea of Dead Hard - basically being able to duck a hit in the last second, I say the perk is broken because it removes any skill associated with using it. If anything, it promotes being bad at using it as that's when you get the most out of it and what makes the perk be so overpowering - having a hit connect yet not doing any damage because the survivor activated it too late (whether on purpose or not) and therefore 1. it defeats the purpose of the perk (i.e. ducking a hit as you're basically TAKING a hit) and 2. the perk is overpowering and takes no skill to use (I'm saying this having tried it out - it's very easy to get away with not being injured by a hit if you trigger it late).

I just had a game where I landed 5 legit hits and none of them did any damage because of how this perk is being used these days.

Again, being impartial to killer and survivor, I think survivors do have an advantage overall but perks like Dead Hard make it even more obvious and ruin the overall balance of the game so I hope this will be nerfed to the point where Dead Hard should only do one thing - duck a hit if used properly. If you trigger it late, then you should take damage.

