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Perk ideas with 'Survivors vs Killers' battles

RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57


Lightshiner: You have carried an ample power supply for your battery so that your flashlight's consumption rate has been reduced by 15/25/35%. When successfully blinding or lightburn the killer 6/5/3 times, the next time you attempt to blind the killer with the flashlight will stun them, interrupting most of their actions.

  • Lightshiner will stun the killer for 2 extra seconds by lightburns or rescuing a carried survivor.

Athletic Strength: You have taken a hard way to fight back, and you took the opportunity. You pull pallets 30/40/50% faster, and stuns killers 25/35/45% longer than normal.

Swift Evasion: Fast vaulting speed while running was increased by 5/10/15%. The is a 50% chance that you will avoid an attack while vaulting become exhausted for 25/20/15 seconds after avoiding a hit. You cannot recover from exhaustion while running.

Explorer's Extinct: When not in a killer chase, scratch marks you leave lasts 2 seconds less than normal. Also, slow and medium vaulting speed was increased by 6/12/16% and noise detection ranges from obstacle interactions was reduced by 8/12/16 metres.

Persistent Chase: If you have been chased for 30 seconds without getting hit, Persistent chase activates: Grants a 5/6/7% haste status effect and you'll recover from the exhaustion status effect while running. Gain 30/40/50% bonus bloodpoints for actions at the boldness category. Persistent Chase will deactivate after you've escaped from a chase.

Tempered Will: You have a tough spirit during deadly fights. You cannot be put from healthy to dying state until your health exceeds its limit. Your reaction to Chainsaw, Demon Strikes and Exposed attacks was delayed and you'll suffer the deep wound status effect. You only have 10/15/20 seconds to mend yourselves.

  • Tempered Will cannot delay the Shape's attack with a tomestone add-on equipped.

Green Lilliputian: After standing or crouching still at the ground for 6/5/4 seconds, you'll gain the following effects:

  • Grunts of pain was reduced by 50/75/100% and breathing is 0/25/50% quieter.
  • Your aura will not be shown to the killer if they attempted to read it.

You'll lose all the effects if you move or act again.


Blood Rage: After you were stunned by a locker or a pallet, you'll gain a token, up to a maximum of 5 tokens. Each token will gain a stackable 8/10/12% increase stun and blindness recovery speed. However, you'll lose each token for every 30 seconds until you're stunned again.

Fractured Wound: Your basic attacks will cause survivors receive a stackable 25% healing speed penalty, up to a maximum of 100%.

Hex: The last hunt: Once the exit gates were powered and there was a dull totem remaining at the trial grounds, Hex: The Last Hunt activates and lights its Totem:

  • Gain a increased 8%/12%/16% attack speed cooldown.
  • You vault obstacles 4/8/12% Faster.
  • You open lockers 10/20/30% faster.
  • You break pallets and breakable walls 10/14/18% faster.

The effects persists as long as this hex totem is standing.

Redeemed Penance: A survivor who takes a protection hit will suffer the Incapacitated and the Hindered Status Effect for the next 30/35/40 seconds.

Self Interest: If you lose a chase and the survivor was 24 metres farther from you, their aura will revealed to you for 5/7/9 seconds.

Disclosing presence: Your victory of putting down your prey will give you strength. Increase the speeds by 8/16/24% for basic attacks, including breaking and damaging actions when you're within 30 meters away from a dying survivor.

Plundering Raid: Survivors unlocks or rummages chests 20/30/40% slower. Survivors successfully opens chests will be revealed to you for 3 seconds, and causes them to suffer the Exposed status effect for 30/35/40 seconds. Plundering raid spawns 2 additional chests when the trial starts.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    No. Pretty much every single one of these are insanely busted or poor design.