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OhTofu on MMR



  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Right, the devs say they want to avoid people being toxic bragging about their own high MMR, but a lot of posters already assume they are high or at least above average MMR and brag about it. I’m not sure hiding the MMR actually lessens that at all.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    For reference the median playtime for DbD is 192 hours, the top 10% is 1064 hours. So anybody with a little over 1000 hours is in the top 10% in terms of playtime. (Among Steam players at least.)

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    According to the Q&A the MMR and predicting match results is working correctly.

    What is not working is creating balanced matches e.g. because time constraints.

    So what happens? The matchmaking will take 4 survivors with e.g. MMR 100 and match up against a killer with MMR 1000 and say: sorry guys, the killer will most likely 4k. And the actual result: 4k.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Right, I think a lot of people assume incorrectly that mismatches are because the ratings are inaccurate, when what’s probably happening is the ratings are right but the way the system times people out into “first available slots” is what causes a lot of these. Which is tricky because the only obvious way to adjust that is to make people wait longer for closer matches. But if people wait too long then that’s as bad or worse than getting lopsided match ups.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    For me it was way worse before sbmm when I was starting killer I would get red rank games and when I got better I got everything from rainbow lobbies to just yellow/green teams while meanwhile I'd be purple or red. There seems to usually be less weak links in my games so it seems to be doing something.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I think the problem with the previous system is that it barely weighted what ranks people were at all and just threw lobbies together whereas MMR at least looks at the score(meaningless as it is). The current system however must have such a low matchmaking cap that even first-time players can be put in with the highest cap of people so it means almost equally little. I've heard it works slightly better for survivors but that may be because it's actually harder for survivors to get MMR so the score means a little more but MMR was a straight downgrade from my experience as a killer main. My games weren't even harder and I certainly didn't play sweatier they were just more boring cause I got teams that had absolutely no idea what they were doing or good teams on a bad map.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Right. Also just this week, for instance, I can tell that my rating is probably about where it should be since most of my matches are in the 1-3 kill range. I normally don’t even think about my Grade but for the heck of it I’m trying to gain about a Grade a night and I’m hitting the point where 2 kills is sometimes a pip and sometimes nothing so it’s taking longer, which is how I can tell my results are usually around that 1-3 range. (Couldn’t quite get it last night on Wraith that I just Prestiged, settled for +2 pips).

    Which by the way is another reason not to trust Grades. To get a Grade I can just play over and over until I get lucky and get a couple of two pip games in a row. Do that once a night or so and you’re Iri 1 by the end, even if your acccurate rating would be average.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    No, but it is indicative, and these were utter stomps that should never have been allowed to happen.

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500
    edited January 2022

    Please remember that OhTofu said because Nurse (1 killer out of 26) can 4k against tournament comps (on 1-2 maps out of 37 ) that the game (as a whole) is balanced. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.

    Edited for a typo.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I agreed with most of what he said. I'm definitely low MMR and my killer games got a lot easier after the system came in -- I feel like I actually have a chance to play most of the time, now, instead of just getting stomped immediately.

    On the survivor side, there are a lot of different playstyles people can have that lead to them losing more than they win, and I think one of the frustrating things about matchmaking is that you might get teammates who die during EGC because they're too altruistic or you might get teammates who die in the first three minutes because they bomb the hook and get themselves and the person they were trying to rescue killed. And that's a very different experience to play with, depending which one you have.

    So, I think, at the low end, when people talk about matchmaking not working, it's partly stuff like that -- where you would always prefer to have the teammate who contributes to a team win but dies vs the teammate who creates more deaths than needed.