Escape/kills more skill than anything in between?

Unfortunately i don't know what Patrick's name here is as i want to tag him.
Rushing the gens without anything done in between and escape is not skill.
Killing survivors on their first hook is no skill.
There are ways to judge everything in between and ad scores to it, it's basically already in the emblem system.
ad points for hooks.
1st hook of a survivor is 1 point
2nd hook of a survivor is 2 points.
And a sacrifice is 4 points.
For chases ad the max possible points when start a chase and decrease it every said seconds till it reaches 0 points after for example 60s.
A hit is say 1 point and a down is 2 or maybe 3 points.
Get 12 hooks in total will be some bonus points.
For survivors you can also do this with healing others, unhooking others, picking others up from dying state, chasing (the longer the more points up to a max)
These are things that can imo be implemented to make it an actual SBMM and improve the matchmaking to a better level than what it is now.
Little side note,
These are just examples and could be changed to fit SBMM better if needed to.
what do you mean facecamping the first person i down isn't the epitome of skill?
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Yeah, I really wasn't happy with the answer to that question. I can list off a ton of scenarios off the top of my head where kills/escapes are not an accurate indicator of skill within the match and hooks would show a far better lineup.
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Hahahaha it is skilled to some point.
I think you have watched the stream so you probably no what part I'm referring to? 😉
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So many have said the kills/escapes with no nuance has made matches unfun. Matches as killer end up sweatier and as survivor getting potato teammates who rely on other carrying team/dying for escape just isn't fun. It's like when Almo commented on OoO being fine because stats and Cote had to go "stats may say it's fine but obviously it doesn't feel fine if players are complaining." SBMM stats may say it's working BUT so much of the player base is saying it doesn't feel like it's working and that right there is a big problem.
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Exactly, it really pissed me off when i heard him talk about it
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Yup and they live in their own bubble and still to this day thinks stats are showing the whole picture and act accordingly
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To say 8 hooks spread between 4 survivors is somehow less skillful than a facecamping 6 stage 2k shows a shockingly poor understanding of the game from the developers. Really disappointed that they're doubling down on it. It's ok to be wrong.
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Yeah, the biggest issue I had was that he compared it to a football game and how it would be weird to consider.
However, football isnt asymmetrical.
For survivors, the number 1 decider that buys the survivors time, aka, the most important skill, is chasing. Without good chases, you're never gonna win.
For killers, the number 1 decider that buys the killer time, is killing off survivors.
It should be Chase VS Kills. Hooks and escapes could add an amplifier to it, maybe. But chasing definitely needs to be the go-to decider for survivors.
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It's really depressing that they've just doubled down on this idea of discarding the entire value of a match in favour of the final outcome is just depressing.
A player can keep the killer busy for 5 gens, then get downed in the final seconds and die on first hook. What part of that situation says "this player should be facing lower skill opponents after this" to you?
A killer who manages to get 8 hooks across a match without anyone dying is blatantly more skilled than a Bubba who downs someone then stands in front of the hook for 2 minutes, but "skill-based" matchmaking thinks it's a more skillful performance to AFK with a broken power.
It's honestly laughable listening to them try to explain their backwards reasoning.
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hiding in a locker takes skill you're just mad at my hiding skills
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Of course I'm mad about your hiding skills when I'm waiting for my pizza 😜🤣
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Comparing to a hockey game was such a bad analogy for so many reasons.
Bad analogy aside all he did was encourage facecamping and hiding in a corner doing nothing. Completely missing the point of why people want more nuance in the matchmaking - current SBMM encourages gameplay that is unfun.
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I think the main thing to remember -- which I also have trouble remembering -- is that the point of the MMR isn't actually to rank everyone in terms of skill -- it's to predict who's going to win based on past performance. So, I agree that there are things other than kills and escapes that indicate skill, and that there are more and less skillful ways of getting kills and escapes... but if the system's only goal is to predict the winner, then looking at who won last time is probably a good indication, no matter how they did it.