Pirate Killer Concept: The Captain

Killer: The Captain
Movespeed: 110%
Weapon: Cutlass
New Status Effect: Deafened - Makes all audio and noises muffled and decreases the range at which you can hear them.
Power: Seadog’s Wrath
At the start of the trial, a pile of bones spawns in a small cage somewhere in the map. As time passes, the bones will build themselves up into a skeleton crewmate. As the skeleton reforms their body, survivors are able to dismantle it through the cage, causing the process to restart. If the skeleton finishes their reformation, they break out of the cage and hunt survivors, damaging them. The skeleton has a movespeed of 75%. If the Captain finds the caged skeleton, he is able to throw a bomb to blow the cage open, granting the skeleton an increased reformation rate. If the skeleton is stunned by a survivor, they will crumble and the entity will pull their bones into the ground, creating a new cage somewhere on the map for them after 20 seconds. The reformation time will begin again after that. The Captain himself can also blow up the skeleton to grant himself a 5% Haste buff for 10 seconds. The skeleton will begin his reformation after 10 seconds if destroyed this way.
Once 2 generators have been completed, a phantom crewmate will spawn at the completed generator. From this point on, the phantom will float around the map towards random generators (increased chance to move towards incomplete generators, but will still head to already completed ones), wailing sadly and alerting survivors. When the phantom reaches a generator, they will fly through it and the generator will start dripping water. It will stay dripping for 10 seconds, regressing during that time. Even if a survivor works on a generator while it is wet, it will still drip and regress for the 10 seconds unless they achieve a great skill check. If a survivor is within 5 meters of the phantom at any given moment, the phantom will screech at the survivor and reveal the survivor's aura to the Captain for 10 seconds. If a survivor blinds the phantom with any light source (including the phantom wetting a generator that a survivor used blastmine on), the phantom will vanish for 60 seconds. If the Captain throws a bomb at the phantom, they will vanish for 45 seconds and grant the Captain the Undetectable status effect until the phantom respawns or the Captain performs a basic attack.
Special Ability: Pirate’s Bomb
The Captain starts the trial with 3 bombs that he can replenish at lockers. He is able to lob these bombs which explode 1.5 seconds after landing on the ground. If a structure is hit, they will bounce off and fall to the ground. These bombs are able to destroy breakable walls and dropped pallets, as well as damage a generator as if it had been kicked (does not activate perks where you need to kick the generator though). If a survivor is within 2.5 meters of the bomb when it explodes, they will be hit by the explosion and suffer damage to their health state and be afflicted by the Defeaned, Blindness, and Broken status effects for 30 seconds. If a survivor is between 2.5-5 meters away from the explosion, they will be hit by shrapnel and begin bleeding and be afflicted by the Deafened and Blindness status effects for 20 seconds. They will only take damage to their health state if they do not mend their bleeding. If a survivor is between 5-7.5 meters away from the explosion, they will only be afflicted by the Defeaned and Blindness status effects for 10 seconds.
Plundering Me Booty!: The aura of survivors opening a chest are revealed to you within a 30 / 45 / 60 meter radius and for 3 seconds after. Survivors are afflicted with Oblivious whenever opening any chest in the trial.
Scourge Hook: Davy Jones’ Locker: A few Scourge Hooks are created at the start of the trial that have a white aura. When a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, they become constricted in seaweed and chains, blocking other survivors from unhooking them for 10 seconds. When they are unhooked, the survivor who unhooked them becomes drenched in water and gets afflicted by a 3% Hindered status effect for 10 seconds.
Release the Kraken!: If you are stunned while in a chase, Release the Kraken! becomes active. The next time you are stunned, Release the Kraken! activates and the entity’s tentacles grab at the survivor’s feet who stunned you, afflicting them with a 5% Hindered status effect for 5 seconds.
My other concepts!
The Draconic - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/306340/killer-concept-the-draconic#latest
FNaF Springtrap - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/302881/fnaf-killer-concept-the-attraction#latest
The Knight - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/302874/killer-concept-the-knight#latest
The Dryad - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/302882/killer-concept-the-dryad#latest
The Scarecrow - https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/302871/killer-concept-the-scarecrow#latest