p4p444 Member Posts: 24
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Reduce ability charges from 5 to 3

Increases the cooldown to reuse the skill

Reduce your movement speed between 4.2 to 4.4

He is a very strong killer, he has a lot of map control thanks to his high speed and low ability cooldown.

I don't know how he hasn't been nerfed yet...


  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Its his ability to turn and how quickly he gains access to his full power that makes him a problem.

    A good Blight should pretty much never be going on long chases.

    He is my most hated killer honestly. Oh, I made the right read and made evaded your bounce 3 times? OH look you still get me and OH look again you got your whole power back in half a second.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,100

    Don't nerf his base-kit, that's perfectly fine, he takes skill to play and can be outplayed quite easily if you know what you're doing.

    His add-ons however need to be toned down a bit, for such a strong Killer having nearly perfect add-ons can be quite oppressing.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Nerf his exploits, nerf his add-ons. make him 3rd billy i don't care

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    they only need to fix his rush exploits so he cant turn as far when lunging and then town down his addons.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    The game needs adjustments and some aspects of the killer gameplay should be taken into consideration for some correction maybe.

    But i think nerfing any killer that is not nurse is completely out of discussion.

    Blight, Spirit, Pyramid.... the strong killers BARELY can keep up with the game pace.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    No thank you.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    i dont like other killers than 110% m1 either. nerf!

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 237

    And PH don't have good addons, imagine if they nerf him... I just want good addons...

    and about nurse, it seems BHVR likes her title of strongest killer in the game, because instead of nerfing her, they gave her a 3 blink, for the blood pact satanic good nurse players, this is a... OP, BHVR never gonna nerf her.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    I don't understand the strange twister relationship between BHVR and nurse... she is really threated differently from the other killers but whatever.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Please stop. Blight is strong but incredibly difficult. I suggest you learn how to loop him

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    Let's keep nerfing killers so survivors stop having killers to play against.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    You mean genrush and bring Deadhard into every SINGLE match?

    Blights turning is the most broken OP thing in this game dang near.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Learn to mindgame and peel away from loops. Skill issue.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    He is perfectly fine statistically and no need to nerf, and his power is extremely easy to counter.

    100% skill issue, just get good.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Oh no, a killer that can actually do their job.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    him getting all his charges back in 10 seconds even when he used all rushes and missed definitely needs to be nerfed. His cooldown after missing with his power also needs to be a tad longer.

  • p4p444
    p4p444 Member Posts: 24

    The killer is not okay

    #1: Has high base speed (4.6)

    #2: His ability gives him more speed

    #3: Good map control thanks to his super speed

    #4: Super Fast Skill Recharge

    #5: Has 5 charges on his ability

    I'm a main killer, and compared to other tier S killers like nurse or spirit this killer is too op in terms of speed.

    To use the ability of the killer well, it is only necessary to play with high dpi. (or with a button that increases and decreases the mouse dpi)

    There is no game where I play against a blight and in it always 2/3 people fall before making a generator.

    I only ask these three things:

    - Reduce your movement speed between 4.2 to 4.4

    - Reduce ability charges from 5 to 3

    - Increases the cooldown to reuse the skill

    It can be one or all three, but he needs to be nerfed.

    I was thinking that the ability hit should not be considered a basic hit (similar to the legion) that causes some kind of effect like a deep wound but associated with the killer, but that would be a very op nerf.

    I know that survivors also need a nerf, I always wanted the generators to take 100 seconds instead of 80 and for each person in it they would reduce 10/15 seconds but this is my perspective of the killer playing it as a survivor.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    First off, Blight's Lethal Rush already does not count as a basic hit. Maybe play the killer first before you start to suggest nerfs.

    Second, the nerfs you are suggestions are harsh for a killer that is already fine.

  • p4p444
    p4p444 Member Posts: 24

    Man, I play this killer every day and I play every killer, I'm just saying he's really strong and he needs some of those nerfs.

    I know it's nice to be a blight and always win, but seeing him from the survivor side is very strong.

    If you compare him with the nurse she can go to various places quickly, his ability recharges quickly but his base speed is slow, it depends on his ability, with this killer it is different, if he wants he can be a killer of m1 or if you want you can use your ability that is even faster

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I play survivor every day and bright is trash, ezpz all escape 100% of the time.

    He needs the buff, movement speed should be 5.2 and cooldown/token system should be removed, he must have infinite dash.

    Don't forget to remove the stuns too, with that thing he won't even stand a chance.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The Internet is a world of knowledge at your fingertips. Maybe use it to look up some guides on how to play against him. His chases, similar to Nurse, are mindgame-oriented. Practice making and faking mindgame reads. If Blight wants to go for a hug around an object, peel off of it and watch them hug into nowhere. If they use bump logic, then you also use bump logic to figure out what creates difficult-to-access pathways. In the same way the Blight uses their knowledge against you, you are also equally capable of doing it back to them. The only balance issue with Blight is Alchemist Ring, but nothing else is an issue. Feel free to look up some high-level competitive tournament VODs. While granted, the absolute majority of the playerbase will never play at competitive level, just cause it's competitive doesn't mean chases cease to exist. Watch how the survivors there play against Blights, where all players involved are incredibly skilled. It's very helpful.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Im fine with his movement speed. If I were to nerf his charges I'd nerf them to 4 (1st is the slam, and then you have three chances to injure a survivor, instead of the 4 that he has now.) If it were 3, his power would be less reliable. Cuz you'd only get 2 chances to land a hit, and with how much map rng can affect him, he could essentially become useless.

    My problem with him is his cooldown/recharge speeds. His charges should work like nurse's. Each token should take a set amount of time to recover. Like 3 seconds. If you use up all your tokens to land a hit, you gotta wait 12 seconds. If you use all your tokens and miss, then you should have to wait longer as a penalty (Like, 15-16 seconds total).

    And again, if you whiff, you should be stunned for longer. Like, .3 - .5 seconds longer. I'd have a boat if I had a nickel for every time i still get m1'd at a window/pallet after perfectly dodging his lethal rush.

    And nerf alchemist ring for the love of-

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Blight is fine. People need to stop demanding nerfs just because they hate losing.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    He doesn’t have an extra penalty for missing because he has to wait for all 5 tokens back to use even 1. Nurse can technically blink the second she has 1 back even if that makes it super easy to dodge. Nurse also goes through walls. So no, giving Blight extra penalty on his power makes zero sense. He is where a killer should be. He is one of the ideal standards of balance along with Nurse.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840
    edited January 2022

    How to beat Blight. Genrush. Or play a bad blight. If you're playing a Blight who is having trouble pointing and clicking then going 230% your speed into a super generous lunge. You may be playing a bad Blight.

    "mind game" a killer who can essentially make any turn possible and tag you with a hit. Has the biggest lunge in the game. Gets 4 chances to correct their movement. Is also moving about 2 and a half times as quickly as the survivor. If Blight handled the way he does on PC on a console he would be nerfed into oblivion. Just like Nurse it is console players dragging his stats down.

    Play console Blight. Watch person accidentally rush into the same wall 3 times in a row.

    Play PC Blight. Watch guy bounce off of the outside of the killer shack do a huge circle around it enter the door and tag you with a huge lunge just as you're about to exit the other side.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Sounds like skill issue. Watch better players play against Blight.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Blight is fine. His power is easy to dodge so long as you're paying attention to what direction he is heading.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Every parent has a favorite child and for bhvr it's veeeery obviously nurse

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    His charges already work like that. It is 2 seconds recharge per a token. The only difference is that nurse can use her blink at 1 token and blight has to wait for all 5 tokens.

    If only people actually played the killer they complain about because it's very clear too many people can't even take the time to look up how the power works before suggesting changes.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    And Im saying his recharge rate is still too forgiving. you miss 1-2 rushes and you only have to wait 2-4 seconds to use the power again. His missing cooldown is also very fast. It should be longer. I have played him, I know how his power works, and it needs to be more punishing for missed rushes.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    His recharge rate is good. Other killers are punished way too drastically in comparison. You have it backwards. Blight statistically does well against players of even high level skill. Other killers do way worse.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    Blight has to use 2 charges in order to use Lethal Rush. So his base CD is effectively 4 seconds (compared to nurse who is 3 seconds if you blink once). So I'm not seeing how he needs to have a longer CD.

    Also Blight isn't a nurse who can ignore pallets and vaults. So him not having a massively punishing cooldown upon missing is fine.

    I swear some people want every killer to feel awful to play as.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Not disputing you, but just wanted to let you know Nurse blink recharge is 2 seconds per token base. 3 is with Bookmark. Also using only one blink makes it super easy to dodge. So either way, both killers regularly take 4+ seconds of intermission.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    According to the wiki (which I looked at before posting that), Blink Tokens take 3 seconds per Token to recharge. Now Nurse does recharge her blinks while in Fatigue so it's not as bad since you basically get back your first token after fatigue is over.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    edit: nvm