The number of survivor escaping out of 45 games Stats of a high mmr solo survivor

I wrote my Stats on a notepad whenever I play solo survivor and it's survivor sided. This was made from December 18, 2021 to January 15 2022. I got bored of the game and I don't want to play DBD anymore at least until the new killer comes out but since I put some effort on this I'll just throw it out there and be done with it. Some don't care but I'm just doing this for myself and maybe you're interested in stats of randoms. The perk I was using is the usual Circle of healing, Dead hard, Resillience and Borrowed time.
I use this perks because circle of healing boosts the randoms overall efficiency if they're healthy at all times and makes them last longer in chases. Dead hard is well dead hard. Resillience because I keep getting robbed in the window vaults. Borrowed time so Killers can get punished for camping and gives the one getting tunneled a chance to survive
4 man Escape = 23 Times
3 man Escape = 12 Times
2 man Escape = 7 Times
1 man Escape = 1 Times
All Dead = 2 times
TOTAL ESCAPEES = 136/180 75.56%
10 Times = 22.22% Death rate
35 Times = 76.087% Escape rate
Solo queue is fine and game is survivor sided if all the survivors are actually good. Bye Hollow knight is a great game.
Please stream for us and teach us Mr Master Survivor. I am not saying you are lying or game is not survivorside. But i want to see some skills, then i can be better too.
Please teach us. Because i am sure Ayrun & JRM are better survivors than you but even they have not this escape rate. We need something more than words.
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I agree that the game is survivor sided when survivors are focused on winning and don't mess around.
I disagree about solo q being completely fine tho.
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The reason Ayrun doesn't have this kind of escape rate because that guy keeps farming Killers for content. You don't bring a flash light to win a game. You use it to annoy the killer. There are A LOT of times where he should be doing generators. Which is understandable if you're playing DBD for that long. It's freaking boring doing a generator and the game isn't a tournament game lmfao plus it's probably boring for the viewers watching someone do a gen right?
I never brought any items to annoy that killer in the match. As soon as I spawned in bless a totem if it's front of me if not then immediately hop on a generator often times away from the others because it's better to separate with others and do gen then hop again whenever I'm not doing anything. Killers can't realistically chase four survivor across the map. People need to understand this.
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That's the players in SEA, they're really gen happy. Often times three gen popping in first chase and the team has to do absolutely mess up to throw it at that point.
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Tbf, they hard throw for content... and they find doing gens mind-numbingly boring.
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Survivor stats from a biased forum killer main without proofs.
Trust me bro. Nah.
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I don't main anything. It's pretty silly to main stuff in this game and play only one side. But I did several times admit that I'm a blight main that plays Survivor now most of the time since it is relaxing. (By main because that's the killer I use a lot)
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Even if i was to take your stats seriously (high mmr killers getting a 4k twice in 45 games against solo q survs?) they still are completely biased and skewed and pretending to infer something about the state of the game (solo q is fine) just show bias and ignorance.
I can post otz 50 wins streaks and claim that the game is 100% killer sided but that doensn't make it true.
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"If the survivors are actually good",
I believe that is the important statement.
I just don't have the same experience, consistently.
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I am playing solo survivor too. I am average maybe (I am good at loops and i am doing gens if killer is not chasing me). And if my team is good i have chance to escape. But my max escape rate is probably around 50%.
75% escape rate is not common for solo-q. You can't generalize this.
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This thread is brought to you by the same person who claims "Alchemist Ring is balanced" and "When will they Buff Nurse?"
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Why is it silly? I main killer because I don’t find playing survivor all that fun in comparison. It’s not like the game is a job where I need to do crosstraining to get paid more, I’ll play the side I enjoy playing.
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The game is completely survivor sided.No matter what Ozt says. You do a very good thing leaving the game. I leaved too and im very happy. Leave the game for this rat kids that only play one side and cry,and cry,to nerf the other side and for their stupid developers. The game is very boring. As killer you have to play in a very boring way to be effective. And to win as survivor too. It has no sense to play a game that is estresful and boring. I dont have to do a experiment to note how broken is a survivor team that play normaly and not being monkeys
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Idk what kind of killer you get but at monday i got 12 blights and 7 nurses
In total not even ones is no one died 2 times hatch and ones a three man escape
2 onis ones one escapes
17 blighs one round everyone escapes
Three times to two escapes ,one time a hatch escape
9 nurses 3 times everyones escapes ,one hatch escape
3 plagues all 4K
1 Huntress 4K
8 blights 7 4K one hatch escape
5 nurses 2 time everone escaped rest 4K
Deathslinger just dcd
2 Huntresses both three man escape
2 hags one 4K, one everyone escapes
1 Wraith a hatch escape but he let the last escape
19 blights several times the same players
3 hatch escapes two times they give them hatch, 2 three man escapes, 2 times everyone escapes, 1 time 2 escapes and one blight dcs rest 4k
9 nurses
8 times 4K one dc
Oni three times the same player
Three 4Ks
Friday(worst day for me)
23 blights
19 4Ks
Ones everyone escapes three times hatch
I couldnt count how often i got the same players i see literally everyday the same
13 nurses
3 dcs
2 times everyone escapes, 1 time three man escape, one time two escapes, rest 4K
1 oni
One hatch escape
5 plagues
3 times a 4k one time two man escapes, one time everyone escapes
2 clowns
Both zero K with pinky on top
3 tricksters
3 4ks
Huntress 2
Ones everyone escapes one 4K
I had a lot of times this week and was bored af in the week thats why i could count them
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I would Support a base kit buff just to have a other killer to play against four mans with brand new parts and four dhs
Blight is getting boring xD
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I've actually talked about this before; generators are super boring and outdated
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Hollow knight is one of the best games I've ever played. I went into it expecting nothing at all and was blown away.
I agree that solo queue is fine. I escape maybe like 30% of the time? But I always have fun playing survivor regardless. The escapes feel ancillary.
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Thing is you're focusing on your escape rate which is 50% pretty good and balanced. But how many survivor in that match escaped exactly? My stats as you can tell survivor have the overwhelming victory with like 3 matches that could be considered the killer won and 7 draws. I died 10 times and if I recall it was the Survivor team's victory most of the time regardless I was just poor bloke that the killer could secure a kill on but it was still a win in the survivor team.
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Yeah it's why I made a topic like this.
In SEA people are gen happy. There are times where some pepega can't loop the killer for 30 seconds but those matches just end with 3 survivors escaping. Normally a killer would secure two kills in that scenario but I just played my cards right with the random and Borrowed time carried it to 3 people escaping.
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"high MMR"
Can you please share with us how to see our personal MMR? Thanks
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It's silly when you use "WhOa yOu'Re A SuRvIvOr/KiLlEr MAIN?" as an argument point. It's a dumb mindset and I just pointed it out. You can play whatever you want but when you use that Main Card argument sorry but that's just idiotic in my opinion. As I said before I play a lot of Survivor now but I have rigorously played killer a lot before that.
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Pretty much everyone is high MMR now, I think.
MMR never resets, so much like how the old Rank system functioned, there are a lot of people at the soft-cap. This can be shown through past experiences as well. We saw that for around the first month after SBMM was implemented, my games were noticeably harder. It took forever to find lobbies and the matches were extremely unfun, but the actual skill level of who I was playing matched up with my own fairly well.
Now? It's worse than old Red Ranks.
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Yeah, only 2 4Ks in 45 games. If you make up numbers, just make them a bit more realistic.
You must be playing in tournaments. And getting those results while playing Solo, which is the most unrealiable thing in the game.
I doubt it until I see some gameplay. (Let alone - how do you know you are at high MMR? And since when does high MMR mean anything? We know it is not skill-based)
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I was obviously being sarcastic. Saying you're high MMR is basically like the new "I'm red ranks". It means nothing other than boost ones ego, but it really doesn't prove any point
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I haven't had an opportunity to mention it, but what did you think of the stats I took over 200 games?
I can upload the PDF of the raw updated spreadsheet, if you'd like.
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An intelligent and actually skilled Surv main!
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Did you open a Thread with them? If yes, link me to it, otherwise it might be too much Off-Topic.
If not, feel free to upload it, I have not seen it yet.
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If you focus on gens only then all 5 gens are done in less than 5 minutes. Hell, most of my solo survivor matches go like 2-3 gens are completed by the time reaches the first hook. Now the only question is, if we are about to 3 gen us or not. If not, then the killer gets a total of 2-4 hooks by the time the gates are powered.
Streamers having a lower escape rate might come, because they have to "entertain" their viewers and just hugging gens and escape is boring af.
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Yeah, I did. The issue is that my stats were originally on paper, so I had to convert them over by hand to a spreadsheet, which was, uh, less than fun.
I just edited it to have the link to the updated PDF at the bottom, so the stats aren't accurate as I have an extra 66 games on the spreadsheet that came AFTER I published the data.
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Thank you!
I will have a look and comment in the other Thread, maybe this afternoon (my time).
Just glimpsed about it, a Huntress with 11 Hooks and a 4K on The Game, strong player.
(But overall it looks like MMR is doing nothing. There are solid Killers followed by some who only get 1 Hook..)
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Yep, that was pretty much my conclusion. MMR isn't doing much of anything, it would seem. However, in the grand scheme of things, it's still a ludicrously small sample size, which is why the project is ongoing.
Also yeah, that Huntress may or may not have been a streamer. They were very good. Me and my buddy got absolutely wrecked.
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Oh I agree there, trying to insult people who main one side or the other is dumb,