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Main menu - pulsing menu button

Description of bug

On PC, when hovering the mouse over the option for 'custom game' the menu button pulses on and off.

Steps to replicate the bug

To replicate the bug, start with your mouse cursor over the 'play as killer' button, and very slowly move your mouse to the right, towards the 'custom game' button. When you get to within maybe 10-20 pixels of the 'custom game' button, the game can't seem to tell if you are hovering over the 'custom game' button or not, and it plays the hover animation on a loop.

This bug does not happen with the other buttons, and it only happens when approaching the 'custom game' button from the side, and not from the top/bottom. It seems as though the hit box for the button is the wrong size.


• Steam / PC

• Screen resolution: 2560 x 1440, windowed fullscreen

• Graphics quality: ULTRA

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