What am I supposed to do in order to get myself out of low MMR?

I put about 1.5k hours into killer, and then recently switched to solo queue survivor to learn that side of the game.
I've got about 300 hours so far in survivor, watched a whole lot of YouTube videos on how to loop tiles, and I feel like I've become decent at it. timing myself when I enter a chase, I on average can loop a killer for 40 seconds to 1 min.
BUT, things often snowball out of control, my MMR must be so low that it constantly pairs me with survivors who have double digits in the game with only 2-3 tier 1 perks. I honestly don't blame them, they just don't know the basics of the game at all and I feel like killers have a huge advantage with that even if they are brand new to the game.
I've tried everything, I've tried running directly to the killer at the start of the match in hopes they will do gens, but 9 outa 10 times they don't do enough, or the killer gets fed up and switches targets and snowballs it from there. I've tried just powering through gens as hard as possible, but they go down so fast that I'm often playing medic and spend all match saving them left and right.
in most matches I end up with gold badges or better in chase, saving/healing and gens. my rank has gone up fast, but I feel like my MMR hasn't raised at all. it's really rare I end up not 1st in points unless the killer specifically tunnels me hard out of the game.
At this moment I'm about 20 games in row without an escape. My patience is wearing thin, just feels like a hopeless situation. My only chance I have is when MMR screws up and I'm placed in a lobby with experienced survivors, then the whole aspect the game changes, it's so much fun playing with survivors like that and I actually enjoy the game a lot, but that's so rare and I can't even recall the last time that happened.
please help, I'll take any advice I can get at this point.
Wish I could offer some suggestions, but we are at the mercy of the skill-based matchmaking system that doesn't take skill into account. If your teammates suck, it is very easy for things to snowball like that, as you get worse teammates. But, since there are far fewer newer killers, you don't get balanced matches that will even things out. Even if you get a baby killer for a match, and you escape, the next match will likely be with a more experienced killer and potato survivors, and you will be back in the same boat. Welcome to SBMM.
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You are going to meet those same teammates even on higher MMR. Because survivor MMR is based on escapes and usually the ones that hide or dont rescue or help others get to escape the matches.
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Join a swf.
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To raise your MMR as a survivor, the easiest way is to find a group of people to play with.
Unlike the killer - where you have more control over your game, as a survivor - you are relying on teammates. I've had games where I've ran killers for 2-4 minutes straight, not for ONE generator to pop. I've experienced survivors literally run off and hide for no reason when we were working on a generator together. Experienced other survivors unhooking me exposed (as in not trying to bodyblock a hit from the killer) to the killer with no BT.
Regardless of what people say on the forums - you really are reliant on other people to succeed at your objective (escaping). The best way to guarantee an escape is to play with ppl that will communicate with you, not randoms that are either new/doing challenges or whatever else.
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Fastest method is to find decent players and form a swf. You get guaranteed quality from teammates and the teams mmr allows for semi consistent pairing to killers at the overall average, of course that's based on the pool of killers mm has to pull from.
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Honestly, my most sincere advice is to get some friends and SWF, currently the SBMM sucks so bad so you will be paired with new players.