Dbd needs casuals??
I think that they should separate mmr and just playing the game for fun. like when you choose to play killer or survivor you would get another set of choices where you would choose to play casual or ranked. I still think ranked will be insanely popular as there is incentive(bloodpoints), and the casual playlist would better retain people there for the fun.
the only thing i can think of now is they besically nulled the perk grind so bp isnt nearly as valuable
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Long queue times can cause some issues but honestly I'm just waiting to get out of this "competitive game mode".
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Because competitive players would never choose the casual option right?
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Not never.. just hardly ever if they wanted to play competively rather than to make newbies feel bad for idk views on yt or reddit or twitch
I dont think that would matter honestly you can be a good comp player and choose the relaxing casual playlist to try new strategies in a less stressful setting and it could even be fun