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Boons vs undying

MadHippy Member Posts: 31
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

So you nerfed undying because you thought it is not normal to destroy the same hex totem several times in order to disable it (I remember you literally said that). BUT you find it normal that the killer has to snuff the same totem over and over and over again just for the survivors to come behind him 2 seconds later and bless it again.

You guys made this game a hell for killers that there is no other way to get a kill if it is not by camping, and even that is not guaranteed.

Post edited by MadHippy on


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I think you mean hex undying

  • MadHippy
    MadHippy Member Posts: 31

    Yes that it what I meant lol. Thanks

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    I mean.... I see your point, but totems take a bit of time to set up and the killer can just snuff them out instantly. They annoying af, sure. But on most maps somewhat easy to deal with.

  • MadHippy
    MadHippy Member Posts: 31

    I agree with you on one thing: "they are annoying af." Otherwise I think they should at least make it so that if the killer snuffs a totem, the survivors cannot bless that same totem again. Its just ridiculous to come back to it every 15 secs.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I agree. They added break walls, now I have to snuff totems as killer 🙄 I'm trying to catch survivors or I'm playing with bones? It's ridiculous.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    Survivors are a team of 4 people. 1 person setting up a boon for the entire team's benefit is nothing. Not to mention if a killer is taking time to snuff out a totem, he is not applying pressure. While the action of snuffing is not long, killers often cannot afford to snuff out totems because each second spent is given for free to all survivors. Often this means a killer gives back more time to the survivors as a team than was spent individually to boon a totem.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Two different mechanics... so they said

    besides Snuffing doesn't take long... Shorter then Kicking Gens and Pallets

    And yes they can be replaced.... But that takes time and that time isn't on Gens

    And what's worse is the TOTH nerf (The loss of notification)

    And the Aura Reading on Dull Totems... and that doesn't do much if the Survivors go after the Hex it's on