The Blob

ThePaleKing_ Member Posts: 77
edited January 2022 in Creations

The Blob Killer

The Gelatinous Terror

1958 movies not hard to get the rights to THE BLOB!

Let's brainstorm The Blob

Lot's of ideas here. The Blob doesn't use hooks. Instead it walks over you while you are slugged. And you are bubbled. The survivors have to pop the bubble or struggle to pull the survivor out. The blob does not have an auto attack. It could still have an auto doesn't matter how you do this. Just make the Blob. He has a rush where he propels forward onto the survivor and slurps you into the Jell-o. You have to break free of the blob when it touches you. The blob could become humanoid and change between blob mode and humanoid. Do you know the Blob could have add ons that disguise itself as survivors then it jumps out and snatches you. The blob could do the mimic chest thing like D&D with the lockers as well. It crawl into the chests and snatch you. Blob clones could happen as well The Blob could dissolve pallets and breakable walls. It could even climb over the loop for all we know. Seriously this idea is limitless. The flubber monster is here!

Go wild. The community needs to brainstorm this one.

Post edited by ThePaleKing_ on


  • ThePaleKing_
    ThePaleKing_ Member Posts: 77

    THE BLOB. It's not Bob.

  • ThePaleKing_
    ThePaleKing_ Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2022

    Does the Gelationous Terror need a terror radius? Could he expose you if he bloodlusts you? Bloodlust blob sounds scary.

    Does the Blob need a terror radius? Teir 1 mikey moments are the best thing ever. Blob boi could be loved. No exposed involved right? Because if the blob catches you how bad is it? Just throwing this idea out there.

    It's not bob the blob. It's not flubber. It's the gelatinous terror.

    ITS THE BLOOOOOOOOOB!!! Blob hype needed. Bring The Gelationous Terror to DBD

    Post edited by ThePaleKing_ on