Uncapped Blood Points?

wakemeupinside69 Member Posts: 3
edited January 2022 in Polls
I mispronounced myself and I'm sorry, I was referring to the number of bloodpoints which you can have, this: 

Uncapped Blood Points? 38 votes

GibberishDimekMicheal_Myersmusstang62Lat0Cornpopers_EvanInsaneCoasterRobotfangirl67Warcrafter4MaxwellThePoliceElcopolloamberulmCluelessglitchboiSchw1tzAdjathaHerachi_SakuraN8dogGuiltii 36 votes
TunnelVisionValik 2 votes
Post edited by wakemeupinside69 on


  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517
    edited January 2022

    There wasn't a good reason for the bloodpoint cap before, there still isn't one for it now

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    There's literally no point, and given it's so easy to get above the cap anyway with rank rewards/bloodpoint codes it doesn't really serve a purpose.

    Not to mention 1 million is an annoying number, because it's impossible to fully level up a character from Lvl 1 --> Lvl 50 with a million bloodpoints, meaning you often end up with half-levelled-up, not quite playable characters. This was fine before, but now it's just become a bit of an unnecessary irritant given we already have to deal with insane levels of grind. It would be much nicer if you had the freedom to save up bloodpoints without having to worry about a cap so that when you decide you want to level up a character, you can do it all in one go.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    It's time to move on from the whole "blood cap" system I feel. It made sense when there was about 20-30 perks but, now there's nearly 200, yeah, time to say goodbye to that old system.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    The reason they are capped is to prevent cheaters and team-ups from taking games hostage to grind.

    Without a cap on BP, not only would it be harder to gauge player performance in the post game screen, but it would also encourage boosters to spam BP gains to maximize their yields.

    Imagine having a Trapper set traps forever, or a Michael stalking forever. In reality - these cap out the Deviousness category after awhile. But without a cap, it doesn't work - they will just keep spamming what works.

    Survivors as is get rewarded handsomely for chases and coordinating with teammates. As it is, after doing gens for a bit and helping teammates - it's your turn to get chased. You don't get the max points in a match by sitting back and gen-jockying without helping with hooks or taking chase. If you want to grind BP - you have to play healthy and take chase, help the team, and complete objectives.

    If you take away the cap, nobody will want to take chase - or people who are amazing at chase will get a mountain of BP without touching gens. The entire economy will go out of whack.

    IMO they should increase per-match BP a little bit and tweak the scores to promote better behavior, with better payouts for players that play the 'intended' way. Raise the cap to 40,000 BP or something. Other than that, there's no need to ruin the balance or reward players for making the game less fun for others.

  • MaekShiftBeats
    MaekShiftBeats Member Posts: 51

    Remove BP cap, with the exception of the in-game cap. Keep the in-game BP cap to prevent infinite farming(maybe increase it pretty please), but there really is no reason to cap our BP at a million.

  • MaekShiftBeats
    MaekShiftBeats Member Posts: 51

    I think OP is referring to the 1 million BP cap, not the in game BP cap

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    The bloodpoint cap doesn't prevent cheaters from taking games hostage and getting as much bloodpoints as they want to...

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I don't see why there's a blood point cap in the first place.

    Preventing from levelling up a new character is no excuse either, because isn't the whole point of getting a new character is to play them with perks you want/need to bring?

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274


    In that case - it has no reason, but I guess you don't want people with 5,959,184,084,847,-12,420,069 bloodpoints hanging around.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    The poll needs the option ‚Don’t Care Either Way‘

    …and the option ‚which cap lol?‘ is also missing:

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Yes... it... does ?

    Even if people side with the killer - they can only gain SO MANY points. And those same points can easily be acquired in the game.

    You're not going to have people grinding 100,000 BP in a match over the course of a very toxic half hour or something... You're only going to have some people that may throw pallets or something along those lines, but they will only yield the same robust points that normal gameplay would provide.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    It doesn't prevent them from doing anything. If it did, then streamers wouldn't have to sit for 2-3 hours in the same match after the endgame timer ended. And cheaters still can have perma-million with no sweat whatsoever as long as they want to. Cheater doesn't need to grind anything to get a lot of in-game currency, it's a matter of one click, as with any existing cheating software. And 99% of regular non-cheating players wouldn't bother "holding game hostage" for a long period of time for some bloodpoints, no one does that right now and uncapping bloodpoints won't uncap emblems - on a regular day without perks/offerings they won't be able to gain more than 32k either way.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    They mean the one you can have out of game (it’s currently one million)

    plus on your point, Michael CANT stalk forever and trapper getting a high number of blood points from traps is very unlikely.

    even at that it doesn’t change the balance of the game and if a killer were to repeatedly do their power to get points the survivor would just do gens and escape

  • GarlicRice
    GarlicRice Member Posts: 118

    Yes, they have said themselves on the live stream that the cap is probably not needed anymore, so I don't know why they don't just remove it already.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    When a new killer and/or survivor gets released 1mil often won't even get you to level 40 so you save up to get all this progress on them and you still don't have their unique perks unlocked to everyone and if the chapter has at least 2 characters you have to start from scratch and hoard a ton again. I think 2 or 3 million would be fine as a cap.