Devs, you missed something!

Dear Devs,
I see you did not address the Michael Myers add on where he is able to Mori a survivor with only a single down.
There is no counterplay when a killer can one shot, then insta-kill every single survivor without even hooking them.
For the record. I'm a killer main that plays 2 hours of killer for every 1 hour of survivor.
You're referring to Judith's Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft of Hair?
Most of the time, Myers can't pop that because he needs so much stalk. If you let him get it, it's kinda on your team.
Likewise, jump in a locker. He can't mori you there.
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A locker a day keeps Tombstone away.
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Tombstone Piece is the other, not Fragrant Tuft of Hair.
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I don't know if this is a hot take, but as a survivor main I LOVE TOMBSTONE. Its just a nice switch up, you have to plan accordingly (be near a locker or know where they are) idk I love it
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So much fun getting 0 altrusim and chase points.
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Iri addons SHOULD be powerful and game-changing. Would that EVERY Killer's power be changed and powered-up with their Iris.
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Guess you’re ok with bringing back old BNPs and AHS then? Since they should be game changing, not just do 25% of a gen or bring back one health state after several seconds.
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I think the Tombstone is fine. The purple one might be a little questionable (I personally think that it'd be more interesting if it did something else, having two addons that do effectively the same thing is a little boring) but the iri one is pretty darn balanced.
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Nice whataboutisms. Not even worth arguing because it's clear you're going to use whatboutisms and slippery slope fallacies instead of real discussion points.
Iris SHOULD BE GAME CHANGING. Not 'freaking broken'. BNPs could end the match in 5 seconds. Iri Myers cannot; he has to stalk so much from the Survivors before he hits that point.
But keep flailing angrily, I guess?
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You can't nerf it until you buff Myers. Or well, a good developer wouldn't.
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It's okay since it's an IRI add-on. Plus it takes quite a while to get to a reach TIER-III. Yeah it's not that good from a balance point of view, but it changes the gameplay, and that is what IRI add-ons should be meant to do.
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Then your whole team let him stalk that long to get 0 chase points