Solving Every Problem In This Game?

I really love this game. There isn't really any game like it to be honest. Since I love this game, I find it sad to see many people stop playing for certain reasons. Sure, there are imbalances on both sides of the game. Sure, BHVR could be more considerate of feedback from the player base. Yes, there are probably better cosmetics we could get other than emblems. (lol) But I've personally experienced a way to come to love this game, even in its rage-inducing moments;

Playing both as Survivor, and playing as Killer. Yup. As simple as that.

As Killer, you hate to play against SWF, BT, DH, DS, COH, etc. As survivor, you hate to play against No ED, Ruin, Franklin's, Bubba....., etc. But when it's you as the player using all these perks, playing with friends, playing as's good, right? It can be enjoyable, to watch a killer revel in there inability to catch you and your SWF team. To watch a team of SWF suffer at your hands as you crush their hopes and dreams again and again until they're practically asking to be hooked. So if we understand this for ourselves, why don't we understand this from the perspective of others?

When I play against a killer who hooks each survivor one by one, avoids camping, avoids tunnelling, etc. It makes me feel good as survivor. It makes me want to be a nicer survivor. Damn, it makes me want to be a better killer. And so I do. When I realise that I'm crushing a team of survivors, I take a step back, assess the situation, and play in a way that's more bearable for the survivors. When I'm playing as survivor, and the killer can't even get close to me, let alone hit me, I tell me friends to slow down on the gens, or if playing solo, I try to relax on the mind-gaming repeatedly.

I understand that DBD is a competitive game at its core, and it's natural for everyone to want to win, but DBD is a game where everyone can actually win. If you think about it, everyone's primary objective is to get better grades, especially with the recent update to the rewards. So what's wrong with both sides getting a pip each, or at least not losing a pip. I get that that's a lot to ask for, so there's something easier everyone can do. Stop being toxic to each other.

Getting blinded, body-blocked, using strong survivor perks isn't toxic. Tunnelling, proxy camping, and using strong killer perks isn't toxic. People need to get out of their head that playing a certain way isn't necessarily toxic. If you're getting tunnelled, play better. If you're get looped time after time, play better. Don't complain and use excuses as a reason for your inadequacies, blaming it on the opposing players and berating them until your last breath.

Most of the time, I will play mean as survivor/killer if I had a bad, toxic game in the trial before. Know that the kindness/rudeness you show the opposing team will be reflected in their next game a lot of the time, against an innocent killer/survivor(s)., and understand that this is most likely the case if you fall victim to it.

In most situations, altruism in decided by the killer, but toxicity is decided by survivors. If you're winning as killer, maybe try to be more altruistic. If you're winning as survivor, don't expect favours from the killer. We can make this a better game together.

Disclaimer: I get mad at the game sometimes too, so I can improve on this too, but I consciously avoid being toxic under any circumstances. This is also something we could apply to life as well, so maybe give it a go sometime😄