My Take on how MMR should work.

(Im reposting this since my first post had disappeared without a trace only to reappear, but so far down in the discussion list I doubt anyone would see it)

I know at this point everyone and there aunts left pinky has already said there piece about how they feel about MMR, but I have an idea I would like to share.

Currently MMR is calculated based on a win/lose metric and you are ignoring "nuances" as was stated in the recent Q&A. In the past it was based on your rank which you raised by getting pips. But have you considered using the point system to calculate MMR at all? It could solve many issues people are having with their matches!

Lets take a look at it really quick starting with survivor:


At the end of the game you are awarded points for your different actions in game. Up too 8000 for each category (Light Bringer, Unbroken, Benevolent, and Evader) . At the end of a match you are awarded a PIP solely based on your overall score. Depending on the killer you get, some or all of these categories can be very easy to get high score in. Finish 2-3 gens and you will likely max out your Light Bringer. Don't get hurt by hiding or running effectively and your will max out your Unbroken. So on and so forth.

Now what happens when the game give you a killer that is far above your skill? You get what, one gen done as a team? MAYBE one of your players can run for 1 or 2 gens and then the killer snow balls the rest of the survivors because they were not up to the task? Well at the end of the game your points in each category will show you exactly how well you did in each category.

However not all categories are equal. Getting max lightbrigner is easy peasy. Someone else gets the killer attention and you just sit their on a gen and do your skill checks. This requires only the bare functionality to do but it does still have to be done. Getting max benevolent is a bit harder and can depend on the killer you are against. Its very hard against face campers but we will get to that issue later. For now just making sure you get safe saves and do you best to help your fellow survivors in a chase is enough to get that up. Unbroken and evader are the hardest to get higher in my opinion because these require that you can escape from a chase or evade a killer all together. An argument can be made that unbroken is easy in some games where you never see the killer but in a game where you are actively in chase its a very hard category to max out.

With all of this in mind I think creating an MMR system that granted you rankings using these metrics we can help ensure we get more fair and balanced matches. Grant 1 point of MMR based on how well they do in an objective. This can be tweaked as need but here is an example:

All are rounded down after.

I recommend to divide Lightbriger this in half because its not a challenging emblem to get

Lightbriger = (Points/1000)/2 = 4 MMR (8000/1000)/2 = 4 MMR)

Benevolent = Points/1000 = MMR (7566/1000 = 7 MMR Rounded Down )

Evader = Points/1000 = MMR (1500/1000 = 1 MMR Rounded Down)

Unbroken is the tricky one. This one really depends on your evader score as well because never getting hurt means nothing if you never were anywhere near the killer.

Unbroken = Unbroken Points - (8000 - Evader Points)/1000 = MMR (8000 - ( 8000 - 1500)/1000 = 1 MMR Rounded Down)

In the above match I would have gained 13 MMR total. I could have gotten a lot more if I encountered the killer and maintained my unbroken status. In the event that the above game loses MMR (See below) I would lose the MMR that I didn't get. The max your can get in the above example is 28 so 28-13= 15. This player would lose 15 MMR.

I would also grant a bonus amount of MMR for every survivor that escapes that match which makes up for the halved MMR amount from lightbriger.

Know lets talk about Killers.


I will keep this one short as many of the things I talk about already still apply here.

For Killers its much of the same however the killer role in general is harder to play. Way more stressful but very rewarding when you get a good game. Currently killer's are encouraged to lengthen the game to maximize there points in Gatekeeper while still preventing the gens from being done. That is both a good thing and bad as is makes the killers job way harder by giving the survivors more time to regroup but it allows for a more entertaining game. The maximize Devout the killer must hook ever survivor at least 2 times and one of them must be hooked a 3rd time. This encourages the killer to let the survivors get the save and discourages camping. To get max Malicious you have to keep applying pressure by getting as many hits as you can. Good killers can do this but when good survivors are in play this can become very difficult. Lastly chaser. This one highly encourages killer to keep moving, finding, and downing survivors quickly. It discourages face camping and is a good indication of a killers skill when he can down survivors quickly.

By using these metrics to set MMR you can encourage fun gameplay while punishing killers who camp all game by placing them lower in the MMR ranking.

Let use the same points from the survivor example:

Gatekeeper= Points/1000 = 8 MMR 8000/1000 = 8 MMR)

Devout = Points/1000 = MMR (7566/1000 = 7 MMR Rounded Down )

Malicious = Points/1000 = MMR (1500/1000 = 1 MMR Rounded Down)

Chaser = (Points/1000)/Points lost for camping = MMR (8000 /1000) = 8 MMR )

Finally to really discourage camping as this is the most un fun part of the game.

total MMR - number of seconds spent camping the hook.

number of seconds spent camping the hook would be counted only after 10 seconds of a player being hooked and it would not count time camping after last gen in done as there are many time where that is all a killer can do at that point in the game. Besides, when the gates are open and there is one person on the hook it creates this intense moment for the team to work together to get the man out! (at least that is my opinion but that can be tweaked/change if necessary)


Now lets talk about the actual MMR placements.

Players you are matched with would be as follows

Low MMR < Mid Low MMR < Mid MMR < High Mid MMR < High MMR

0-499 < 500-999 < 1000-1499 < 1500-1999 < 2000-2500 MAX


0-99 < 100-199 < 200-299 < 300-399 < 400-500 MAX

You can play with any player that is within 1000 MMR of your current MMR rating. and new players would start in Mid Low MMR as many brand new players would benefit from slightly easier games.

But how do we determine an increase or a decrease in MMR? Well this game in current balanced around imbalance so simply saying "You died so you lost" is not the right way to go. Sure you lost the match but was it REALLY your fault? I mean, you got a really high score in some of your games but end up as the only one dead at the end, does that not deserve to play with teammates and killer who are more up to your skill set? Or perhaps you hooked everyone, got fast chases, staled the gens well, and got 3 emblems max out but 3 still got out in the end?

There are 2 ways I can see this working but one of them requires the devs to clearly label what is and what is not a loss in a way that is fair to both teams.

The way I would define a win as a killer is getting 3 or 4 kills and I would consider a 2k to be a draw.

For survivor it is the same in reverse. 3 get out? That's a win! Even for the person who died. After all they are a TEAM of survivors right? 2 died? 1 escapes? That's a loss for the team! 2 get out? That's a draw for both party's.

Once we know the winners and the loser, we can assign the MMR the would gain or lose. In the event of a draw no MMR is changed.

In the event that the devs can't or will not define what is a WIN in a team setting, and not just a selfish I got out so I win and the other 3 survivors lose, I have another idea. However, it is much more complicated. Lets look at your average overall score at the end of your matches. We can save your last 100 match scores and use that to calculate your average. If your score at the end of a match is above your average, than you gain MMR. If not, than you lose MMR. This can encourage a survivor to get better in all categories. However the logistics of saving that kind of data for ever single player can get very costly over time.

Please let me know what you think, if you have improvements, or any criticism.