Just had two survivors DC for being a "mapping" Pinhead. That's a new one.

ExcelSword Member Posts: 512
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Load into a match this morning as Pinhead. I've learned how to find the box at the start of the match after watching some content creators, so I guess where the survivors spawned and yup I manage to find the box and start the chain hunt early.

Immediately, one survivor DCs, and then a second one DC's while I'm chasing them. I quickly end the game and give a survivor who kobe'd the hatch, and so sorry about the DC's. One of the twitch survivors that DC'd decided to wait around for the game ends however, and informs me I should expect that for being a "mapping" Pinhead.

Baffled, I ask what on earth that means, and I am enlightened that I am a Pinhead that plays dirty for learning the box spawns, and since its unfair they decided to DC.

I'm more stunned that these survivor's have already come up with a "slur" of sorts for Pinheads that learn the killer enough to be good at this, and since the survivor was a streamer, I am now wondering how many other people are out there that thinks Pinhead should just pretend the box doesn't exist.

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  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's just salty people being salty, don't mind them

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I do think the box spawn should probably be randomized versus set, but yeah those survivors sound like sore losers.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    That's absolutely hilarious. No, you're not allowed to figure out how your power works and take advantage of anything you learn over countless games. Picking up the box yourself is cheating.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 867

    Guess Chatterer's Tooth also shouldn't be a thing.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    QLmao haven't run into this yet but look forward to it. But I kinda saw this coming people been sleeping on pinhead since release since he's insanely hard to learn and nobody played him but with the voicelines being added his popularity about to go up and people about to learn how obnoxious a good pinhead actually is. Think basement Bubba is bad? Meet infinite chain hunt pinhead.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    I still remember a game I had where I was playing Hag (this was years ago, btw). I place my Hag/Trapper traps in chokepoints. Not near the hook.

    Anyone with half a brain would learn; crouch through the chokepoint/pallet points. The hooks are safe. IE: Unhooked Survivors did not have to hold crouch. These guys never learned; thet ran full-tilt through EVERY choke/pallet point.

    After I hooked 3 Survivors this way (they never learned to CROUCH THROUGH THE PALLET ZONES); I'm chasing the 4th, hit him as he vaults a wall, and before his feet touch the ground: He DCd. It was clear he had one hand on the router to do this. Less than a second after I hit him; gone.

    He was in the end-game chat, however: 'Proxy facecampers don't get a 4K'.

    According to him; Hag was not allowed to put their traps ANYWHERE NEAR any objects the hook was at. It was like an exclusion bubble of 40 meters; anyone putting traps within that was clearly being toxic, as per the Survivor Rulebook. Made me laugh so damn hard.