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I can't be the only Killer main who thinks CoH is overrated, right?

Like don't get me wrong, its a strong perk, but is it any stronger than the likes of We'll make it? Botany knowledge? Green/Purple medkits?

You have to always keep in mind the advantages you do have: You know it takes 16 seconds to light it, there is a map-wide auditory que alerting everyone, killer included, that there is a boon in play, CoH does not bypass the Mangled or Broken status. The boon eminates a chime that, combined with experience and knowledge of bone spawns, lets you find them fairly easily.

In fact in my experiance I've had a ton of games where survivors straight up threw the game to try and keep CoH up instead of finishing gens. Games where they re-lit a boon 3-4 times next to a gen that I just keep kicking with pop or overcharge or whatever I'm using that game.


  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2022

    Because of the killers I play not too much.

    Hillbilly has his instant down.

    Hag will not have a boon near her web

    Deathslinger still can end chases super quick

    Oni the way I gather orbs not too much

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I tunnel survivors relentlessly, so I never even notice. However, as a survivor, I have never felt more like a God. Anyways, yeah, overrated.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I'm not a killer main (I play both), but I've been saying this for a long time. It's not as broken as people say it is.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Thanks to how boons work as a whole yes COH is an issue if it was a one time healing area like a hex perk would do then I would say yeah it sucks that it's a healing area but it can be punished but right now it really can't infact at times it makes hex perks damn near useless for the most part at times especially when placement sucks too.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612

    I think there's a degree of truth to this in that knowing CoH is in the match by no means ensures you've automatically lost, but CoH is definitely stronger than anything equivalent- not because its numbers are higher, but because it stacks with those things to make them even stronger.

    If one guy has CoH and nothing else, nobody even brought any medkits, I'm not too worried, but it's really easy to snowball CoH into a really nasty juggernaut with just a few extra healing boosts/items.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Depends what rank you re in and how stupid the survivor is placing the boon.

    If they place the boon directly next to a gen within your 3 gen then yeah.. no issue as you will snuff it every time you walk past that gen. If they place it on the top floor of Ironworks while the gens are on the opposite side of the map then good luck building up any pressure.

    The thing people fail to comprehend is when a killer is walking to a well placed boon away from the gens, they are working at 0% efficiency. all survivors are working on gens and nobody is being chased or stalled.

    When a survivor is blessing a boon the team is working at 50-75% efficiency depending on what the killer is doing at the time. That one survivor taking their time to bless a totem does not stop the survivors objective from progressing while also giving a substantial boost to their team or a big time sink to the killer.

    It is busted and one of the most game changing perks to ever enter this game after deleting the hit and run playstyle completely.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    I don't do hit and run, and generally commit to my chases with chase perks so I've never been bothered as killer by Circle of Healing.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    I mean the fact that you area comparing it to arguably the strongest survivor item at the best tiers(green/purple medkits) shows how strong it is. Also yeah, if you are playing against bad survivors who eternally try to re-boon then yeah it's not a big deal. Play against a team of smart survivors who bring it and don't play dumb and your opinion might change.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I’m a survivor main and I think COH is Overrated. It’s just the new self-care, is all. You nailed it with the survivors throwing the game trying to keep it up. I’ve been in those games. Had one two days ago. Unfortunately we were three genned. Me and 1 other player were trying everything in our power to get one of the last 3 gens done, while the other two asshats both kept trying to keep their COH’s up. We were going against a Doctor with Scourge Hook and Pop Goes the Weasel. He wasn’t very good. At that point in the game, I think he only had like 3 hooks. So between all the static shocks, hits, and being chased of gens- me & good teammate were doing our best to grind one of the gens. While the other two would not take him away to the other side if chased, and immediately go and relight their boons after he snuffed them out for 5th time. In between all that, they would get downed and placed on a scourge hook- regressing the gens i was on. Then Dock would come over kick it with Pop, static blast, and cause me and good mate to have to run away and snap out of it. Then we would try a different gen but same thing. Rinse and repeat until good teammate had enough when he got downed and saw the other two not working on gens. They were probably on their totems again so he just DC’ed smh.

    I’ve had numerous other late game throws because of COH. Some of players who use it, were the same ones running to the corners to self heal against a Legion. 🙄

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You...may well be.

    Think of it this way.

    • CoH grants the entire team Self Care and turbocharged healing for the price of one slot.
    • You can put CoH in places where, even if the killer knows where it is, it's a net loss on time to snuff. And it can be relighted.
    • These positions also typically cover half the map. RPD library is a good example.

    The issue with CoH is the issue with all boons (the intended counterplay doesn't actually counter them, and can set you behind) combined with incredibly strong numbers.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,477

    Idk if I would say 'overrated'

    Its definitely a strong perk but I don't think people are losing games solely because of it