Boil Over (again)

Just tested it out on RPD.
Holy #########. You can actually take the game hostage for as long as you want. I have no idea how it got through the PTB.
I know that the Mods said they are continuing to monitor the situation, but it actually needs to be killswitched until they fix it.
It's not even like the perk is objectively good. It's only going to be used by bully squads and people wanting to take others hostage. Reminds me of the Sabo meta or the Dribble meta. I understand we all have varying views on how the game should be balanced, but I hope we can all agree that this perk is a huge issue in design and a glaring issue with the PTB process.
Please remove 25% wiggle progress and replaced with +1 or 2sec stun if escape the grasp. It still requires survivors to put effort but reward for success
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Well, not to me they can't, I would like to see those sniveling survivor mains try it with my too swole to control Bubba build. It would be a nice gg ez. They would probably type it too after getting disgraced... You know them!
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I am 100% for killswitching RPD or boil over.
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You can solve this with slugging. About time we put some pressure on slugging gameplay so BHVR can make it a lil better.
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We literally just won using No Mither, Exponential, Boil Over and Flip Flop.
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Fun fact: i reported the RCPD issue back in september. Maybe it gets solved now. But i´m not optimistic, as people have already told me that the kill switch only gets used on broken things and that this is working as intended.
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I've run into 4 squads doing this since the change went live. The only one I was able to clinch a win was where I literally dropped two slugs in the upper office of IWOM and blocked them in.
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Maps were never designed around falls potentially giving survivors wiggle progress and the developers didn't update them with that in mind.
This was going to blow up one way or another as the 25% wiggle progress from falls is something you're forced to work around while designing/updating on every map.
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Yep. I told this story in another thread, but when I was messing around with Boil Over I got the Ironworks Of Misery by chance and the killer literally could not hook me because the top floor basically became a safe zone.
The extra 25% wiggle progress is just too much. Combining that with extra wiggle speed from great skill checks makes the perk crazy on maps with two stories. Everyone I went against who has brought Boil Over kept bringing map offerings to Eyrie Of Crows and Dead Dawg Saloon, making it awful to deal with.
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Reminds me of old Balanced Landing. The existance of a perk that could exploit map design meant they had to give it back the fall stagger. New Boil Over does the same thing, although this is worse because it's more of a SWF bully perk now.
This is what the kill-switch is for. Let's use it devs. And while you have Notepad++ open, maybe killswitch CoH and Dead Hard too.
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Boil Over seems to be the thing to go to.... But keep playing around it and things will change back (unfortunately)
With all of the perks at play it also seems like we can't adjust fast enough... And I get that some perks are considered weak but if we make a use for it then things will change
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As an added note, the community hates it.
I'm currently being held hostage by two Feng's and a Ghostface because I had Boil Over lmao
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What's funny is you can't do anything to retaliate, So you straight up have to just DC. Because the devs gave them a legalized way to hostage hold the game. Meanwhile if you bodyblocked them in the corner of that library for basically hostage holding you, you'd get banned. Slugging works in some of the situations but in others it really doesn't.
100% it won't be kill switched or changed any time soon.
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Oh, you can slug them.
It just takes an unholy amount of time for them to bleed-out. Which is stupid, but you can totally slug them even if they have Boon: Exponential and No Mither. In my test on RPD, I think it took about 10 minutes for me to bleed-out.
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What should I do today? Oh, let's cry about boil over.
"The retired dbd player"
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I'm sure you don't use the perk
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I'm pretty sure I said multiple times in that post that I wasn't quitting. Honesty is important to me and I made sure I accurately reflected my future with the game in said post.
My friends still play and I got them into the game. If they ask, I'll play with them. I can't very well abandon them now, can I?
As for me, I tried a singular Killer match, just to see if anything had changed. Didn't like it and that was it. I'm still done playing DBD on my own. This does make my totem experiment rather difficult, which is why I've handed it off to @Shdw_Void to pull in the Solo Q games, if he wants.
Likewise, are you truly sure that arguing for infinites is a wise idea? I'm not calling you out (unlike what you did to me) but only people who lack skill crutch on infinites.
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Not even to test it.
I was right, the "uninstall" dbd players still playing the game and texting at the same time on forums. Check out again your integrity of your words.
"See you tomorrow"
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Here's the link:
Here's direct quotes:
"I have two friends who still play DBD (Survivor-only) and they'll probably get me to play with them. But I think I'm done playing on my own."
"I'm not leaving the Forums or anything, I like a lot of you too much"
"So, DBD, this is mostly goodbye (until my friends guilt me into playing SWF with them)."
This entire discussion is completely off-topic and verifiably false. Stop making things up.
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Oh, find and the most recent post of yours who pretty much said "I don't know if the CoH nerf is enough to make play the game again"
See you tomorrow.
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I sure did!
Here's what I said: "Yeah, this update really isn't enticing me to come back."
Now, here's where context matters. What was the original post titled? Oh yeah, "I EXPECT ANOTHER DROP IN THE KILLER POPULATION."
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I wouldn't be surprised if the new Boil Over is heavily contributing to the killer shortage right now. I know that my matchmaking has been complete kafka since yesterday, and for the first time in a long while it's everything I hated about ranks. A hardcore TTVer and his chums that finish all the gens in about 3 minutes - with me on Hag no less (my absolute strongest killer) using my best build and addons, and the next time I play Hag I kill everyone at 4 gens remaining.
Ugh. Honestly, Boil Over needs to be turned off until it can be adjusted. It's the worst sort of perk - not very powerful, but annoying and opens the door to all sorts of shenanigans.
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A hardcore TTVer and his chums that finish all the gens in about 3 minutes - with me on Hag no less (my absolute strongest killer) using my best build and addons, and the next time I play Hag I kill everyone at 4 gens remaining.
That was basically my experience with MMR after the first month, so I'm sure you understand why I didn't enjoy it very much.
But yeah, Boil Over basically only exists as a bully perk and serves one purpose, to make people's lives miserable. It's basically the Insidious of Survivor perks.
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My queues were a minute to two minutes longer than usual last night. But I attributed that to the event, and not boil over. A lot of people who play killer these days are incentivized by the higher BP gain of killers, but the event basically removes that and a dead survivor can gain more BP than a killer who puts up with boil over for an entire game. So there is no actual incentive to play the role unless you for some reason still enjoy it. I actually cannot think of any reason to play killer outside of finding it fun still, and I think people who still find killer fun are few and far between.
I am sure boil over is not helping at all, though.
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Perks fine, they just need to fix rpd.
Though I honestly thought they were gonna knock it down to 15% instead of 25.
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How is Insidious a bully perk? Does that make Ghostface the ultimate bully killer? I don't get it.
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In theory you could use Insidious for something like kicking a generator, walking behind a wall and waiting for Insidious to activate and then attack whoever came back to repair the generator. That's not what it's generally used for though. It sees use almost exclusively as a camping tool, often in the basement.
Just like Boil Over will likely not be used for anything other than abusing certain spots in certain maps.
They both have "legit" uses but they are generally used for unfun strategies.
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Except insidious can be countered with eyes.
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Yikes its that bad?
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I had to test this, so i started a match as killer with the envelope. Got 11 hooks after an agonizing long match (partly due to not reaching the hook) aaaaand less bloodpoints than a dead survivor.
This definetly impacts queues.
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Had mostly erie of crows,disturbed,and rpd yesterday (offering after offering) and each survivor would just go to a spot they know i can't make. It needs to go.
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This makes escaping impossible again.
Bully Squad = not every squad. There’s regular players, just like me. Who likes having a possible chance to escape a killers grasp when once they’ve messed up. This perk doesn’t work on every map well. And I think you are just going a bit too far. You can just let players bleed out if you are afraid of it or dodge such SWFs. Some names are obvious but not every. It’s probably a map issue design.
And again on my next day, the crying starts over again. This community is really disappointing.
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My queues are agonisingly slow, first games I had today I had 2 killers in a row DC. This really isn't helping matters at all either
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I don´t get who thought that killers struggling to reach a hook + earning less points than survivors which obviously have a blast using Boil Over, was a good idea. Lets hope this doesn´t turn into a Howling Grounds part 2.
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Iron Grasp would help a lot, if you wanna get them to hooks much easier. But I agree with you with the RPD it's like a nightmare and that's the reason why I hate playing as killer.
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Then how there are grasp escape happened multiple times before the buff?
Grasp save is an effort of the saver, who use sabo/breakout may be with MoM to save a single hook. Mind that a single hook save is very important, thats why flashlight & lightborn are strong on their own aspect.
You just can not put a single perk and have free grasp escape 2-3 times per match. The wiggle strength 75 to 100, aura remove from 10 to 16 is already a good buff (not great). Which I think adding extra stun time would be more than enough.
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I played quite a few matches with Boil Over and it did almost nothing every match. The problem is not Boil Over, is RPD. That map was designed for Resident Evil, not for DbD, and so it requires a massive overhaul to make sense in this game.
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NO! we need the totem experiment numbers. They are helpful😞
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I don't struggle against boil over in open areas, and let the resistance carry me whatever direction it's pulling until I can swing my momentum in the direction of the hook. It works well but only in open areas.
As for RPD boil over I haven't experienced that yet, and honestly won't. Mods don't delete this (again) when I say this but if I see RPD offerings in this state of the game, I'll assume it's for boil over hostage bully plays and I'll DC and move to a match where I can actually just Olay the game.
I'm not personally going to subject myself to that situation seeing how awful it is and knowing there's absolutely nothing that can be done to counter or give a fighting chance.
However, if hook rng plays a factor then I won't but so far it seems like there's no actual chance you can stop a wiggle off in the library.
I want to play the game, not be in a compilation video lol
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Says who? You? I guess you are not the game designer. Before this update, it was literally pointless to even attempt to wiggle cause in 99% of all cases and if your team mates don’t take 1k hits, you will not escape.
Now after this update, you’ve a fairer chance to escape if conditions are met. Conditions are: reaching 100% of wiggling bar; 25% is added if the killer is dropping from a height which just is realistically, doesn’t means automatically that you get free after every grasp. Ofc you could make it look like so op, that some ppl needs to run into the forum again and cry for it to get nerfed, but that’s not the point of this game. It’s just an underwhelming experience I’ve made so far from this community, not accepting that, if specific conditions are met, that a player can escape eventually or has any advantages. It’s not like killers already got a lot of advantages. You need to keep stomping more and more!
Guess that’s how it shouldn’t be!
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Yes but I highly doubt you're going to run into a bully squad swf with those type builds on RPD much.
Of course it's possible but extremely rare.
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Well, consider you won : D
That was furthest energy I can output.
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Been watching a streamer friend between games and he was running Boil Over but had to take it off as pretty much every killer hard tunnelled him out of the game once they realised he had it lol. Honestly seems pretty fair though, I guess the killers figure if survivors will do something that make the match unfun for them then they will play in an unfun way in return.
I think we will see this happen a lot more, run Boil Over I guess you can expect you will likely be hard tunnelled
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Arguing that it is a flaw in map design is absolutely pointless when players have complete control over deciding what map they want to go to.
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I’m sorry but running boil over is no reason to tunnel someone out. Not everyone is using it to be a bully or make the killers match unfun. And it’s not as if many people are gonna use it cause it’s only good on RPD anyway.
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Why not? I mean tunnelling is a valid play style as is using Boil Over and neither is fun for the other side. It most definitely is being abused already so I understand killers playing in an unfun way in response. Not that tunnelling etc didn't exist before but it seems this perk is a sure fire way to guarantee you get hard tunnelled
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Fair? The killer won the chase. Generally speaking, they're meant to get the hook. If you could wiggle out reliably, the game balance would be an absolute mess.
Wiggling enables team save plays and prevents the killer from hooking you wherever they want. It's not meant to be a get out of being downed free card.
I've been playing solo and I've still seen killers take 5+ tries to hook someone several times in one match - Crotus Prenn, Badham. Actually, in 2/3 of the cases, the killer never 'caught' that player, they just gave up focused on someone else. In all of those cases, the killer had to facecamp or mass slug because those players were just buying too much time for the team and chasing was pointless. Whether they were trying to bully the killer or just cheese a win - I guess it matters a little, but certainly not to the killer. It's the difference between a Basement Bubba doing it because he wants salt versus wanting a chill 4k; it's still absolute trash to play against and you're not really going to be any happier about loading into that game if it's case 2.
RPD is the absolute worst case scenario with Boil Over, but there are many maps where with a pinch of luck, you'll have a hook dead zone. I know Thompson House, Saloon, Asylum, and Eyrie can do it.
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Always want survivors to put in effort…never the killer
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They should killswitch RPD.